Thursday, October 31, 2019
LDAP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
LDAP - Coursework Example As its name shows, it is a lightweight client-server protocol which is used for directory services, particularly the directory services which are based on X.500. Additionally, LDAP is implemented on TCP/IP or other connection oriented data transfer services. LDAP supported user programs are able to inquire LDAP servers to search for entries using a variety of techniques. In this scenario, LDAP servers’ directory holds all the data in its entries, as well as cleans can be employed to choose immediately the group or person we desired, and provide immediately the data and information we desired. On the other hand, LDAP is not restricted to contact details, or yet data regarding diverse public. LDAP can also be used to search for pointers to printers, encryption credentials as well as additional services on a framework, in addition to particular sign-on where one password for a client is distributed among a lot of services. Moreover, LDAP is very useful for some types of directory related details, where quick searches as well as fewer repeated database based updates are the standard (Gracion, 2010; Briggs & Spence, 2000; The Linux Documentation Project, 2010). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the security features which LDAP supports, then it will assess that how can access control list be implemented on the LDAP servers. Afterward it will also analyze the security auditing features that LDAP supports in addition to the detection of brute forcing attacks (such as NAT) against a LDAP server. LDAP AN OVERVIEW Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) offers a network directory service that is used as a central database containing the vital data and information regarding the groups, public and additional units that form a business. Seeing that each organization's framework and its accurate description of necessary information can be diverse, thus in this scenario a directory service has to be extremely tailored and supple. However, it is an in trinsically difficult task. In this scenario, the X.500 network protocol intended for directory services is a main aspect under consideration. In view of the fact that it was intended to offer extensive directory services for huge and intricate businesses, therefore, X.500 is itself a huge and complicated network protocol, consequently in order that a trivial adaptation of it was developed which is acknowledged as LDAP. LDAP, explained in RFC 1777, is considered as a division of the X.500 network protocol, as well as it has been applied more extensively as compared to X.500 itself has been deployed in any framework (Bauer, 2003; Donnelly, 2000; Briggs & Spence, 2000). In this scenario, it can be said that LDAP and X.500 are unconfined network protocols, similar to TCP/IP; neither is an individual suite. Seeing that a network protocol has to be applied in a number of ways of software, like that a server domain, or kernel component, or else a user program. Additionally, as compared to TCP/IP, all the performances of LDAP are not similar or yet totally able to communicate (with no alterations). Fortunately LDAP is implemented and designed to be widespread. Moreover,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment 13 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
13 - Assignment Example are different in employment of labor where in some organizations, workers have the freedom to choose what they want to do while in others, duties are assigned to employees. However, many inequalities that arise from the nature of the employment, as identified by, Adam Smith need to be addressed to create harmony in the work place. These principal counter balances in some employment while in others, it is a gain. The first principal, the wages of labour vary with the hardship, the cleanliness, the honorableness of the employment. Those who carry out heavy duties earn more that those who undertake light duties. Additionally, dirtier work tends to fetch more wages than the clean ones and exposure to unsafe or dangerous environment (Smith and Dickey, 1993). The employees in dishonorable employment may take home more wages than those in the honorable employment because it takes patience and courage to carry out the duties; however, this is not always the case in all employment. This also applies in the profits of stock the bigger the stock the more the profit it earns. Secondly, the wages of labour vary with the easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and expense of learning the business. If an employment requires a skilled person who have taken enough time to learn about it and used expensive resources, the level of wages must be high. This is because time consumed in training is great and not just anyone who can perform the duties especially the specialized ones be it technical or technological. Skilled labour fetches more wages and as one upgrade the position is left vacant for another to join and learn as the latter continues with his/her training under the master just like it is in Europe (Smith and Dickey). Easiness and cheapness hardly affect the stock of profit because for any business to do well, a lot of effort must be employed. Thirdly, the wages of labour in different occupations vary with the constancy or inconstancy of employment. Employment varies
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Workers Participation Management Management Essay
What Is Workers Participation Management Management Essay The term participation is derived from Latin word Participare that mean taking part or sharing shaving is a bilateral process involving motivational functional manifestations, the term worker participation involves sharing in an appropriate manner. The decision- making power with the lower ranks of the organization. Workers participation in management is an essential ingredient of Industrial democracy and is based on Human Relations approach to Management which brought about a new set of values to labour and management. Traditionally the concept of Workers Participation in Management (WPM) refers to participation of non-managerial employees in the decision-making process of the organization. Workers participation is also known as labour participation or employee participation in management. Concept:- The technique of the workers participation in management has been regarded as a powerful behavioral tool for managing the industrial relation system. The concept of the WPM crystallizes the concept of industrial democracy and indicates an attempt on the employer to build his employee into a team, which works towards the realization of common objectives. It is a mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to constitute to goals and share responsibilities with them. Objectives of WPM: 1.       To establish Industrial Democracy. 2.       To build the most dynamic Human Resources. 3.       To satisfy the workers social and esteem needs. 4.       To strengthen labour-management co-operation and thus maintain Industrial peace and harmony. 5.       To promote increased productivity for the advantage of the organization, workers and the society at large. 6.       Its psychological objective is to secure full recognition of the workers. Strategies / Schemes of WPM: 1.       Suggestion Schemes: Participation of workers can take place through suggestion scheme. Under this method workers are invited and encouraged to offer suggestions for improving the working of the enterprise. A suggestion box is installed and any worker can write his suggestions and drop them in the box. Periodically all the suggestions are scrutinized by the suggestion committee or suggestion screening committee. The committee is constituted by equal representation from the management and the workers. The committee screens various suggestions received from the workers. Good suggestions are accepted for implementation and suitable awards are given to the concerned workers. Suggestion schemes encourage workers interest in the functioning of an enterprise. 2.       Works committee: Under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, every establishment employing 100 or more workers is required to constitute a works committee. Such a committee consists of equal number of representatives from the employer and the employees. The main purpose of this committee is to provide measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and the employees. Functions: Works committee deals with matters of day-to-day functioning at the shop floor level. Works committees are concerned with: Æ’Â °Ã‚  Conditions of work such as ventilation, lighting and sanitation. Æ’Â °Ã‚  Amenities such as drinking water, canteens, dining rooms, medical and health services. Æ’Â °Ã‚  Educational and recreational activities. Æ’Â °Ã‚  Safety measures, accident prevention mechanisms etc. Works committees function actively in some organizations like Tata Steel, HLL, etc but the progress of Works Committees in many organizations has not been very satisfactory due to the following reasons: Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Lack of competence and interest on the part of workers representatives. Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Employees consider it below their dignity and status to sit alongside blue-collar workers. Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Lack of feedback on performance of Works Committee. Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Undue delay and problems in implementation due to advisory nature of recommendations. 3.       Joint Management Councils: Under this system Joint Management Councils are constituted at the plant level. These councils were setup as early as 1958. These councils consist of equal number of representatives of the employers and employees, not exceeding 12 at the plant level. The plant should employ at least500 workers. The council discusses various matters relating to the working of the industry. This council is entrusted with the responsibility of administering welfare measures, supervision of safety and health schemes, scheduling of working hours, rewards for suggestions etc. Wages, bonus, personal problems of the workers are outside the scope of Joint management councils. The council is to take up issues related to accident prevention, management of canteens, water, meals, revision of work rules, absenteeism, indiscipline etc. the performance of Joint Management Councils have not been satisfactory due to the following reasons:  ·Ã‚         Workers representatives feel dissatisfied as the councils functions are concerned with only the welfare activities.  ·Ã‚         Trade unions fear that these councils will weaken their strength as workers come under the direct influence of these councils. 4.       Work Directors: Under this method, one or two representatives of workers are nominated or elected to the Board of Directors. This is the full-fledged and highest form of workers participation in management. The basic idea behind this method is that the representation of workers at the top-level would usher Industrial Democracy, congenial employee-employer relations and safeguard the workers interests. The Government of India introduced this scheme in several public sector enterprises such as Hindustan Antibiotics, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd etc. However the scheme of appointment of such a director from among the employees failed miserably and the scheme was subsequently dropped. 5.       Co-partnership: Co-partnership involves employees participation in the share capital of a company in which they are employed. By virtue of their being shareholders, they have the right to participate in the management of the company. Shares of the company can be acquired by workers making cash payment or by way of stock options scheme. The basic objective of stock options is not to pass on control in the hands of employees but providing better financial incentives for industrial productivity. But in developed countries, WPM through co-partnership is limited. 6.       Joint Councils: The joint councils are constituted for the whole unit, in every Industrial Unit employing 500 or more workers, there should be a Joint Council for the whole unit. Only such persons who are actually engaged in the unit shall be the members of Joint Council. A joint council shall meet at least once in a quarter. The chief executive of the unit shall be the chairperson of the joint council. The vice-chairman of the joint council will be nominated by the worker members of the council. The decisions of the Joint Council shall be based on the consensus and not on the basis of voting.  In 1977 the above scheme was extended to the PSUs like commercial and service sector organizations employing 100 or more persons. The organizations include hotels, hospitals, railway and road transport, post and telegraph offices, state electricity boards. Levels of Management Participation There can be 5 levels of Management Participation or WPM: a.       Information participation: It ensures that employees are able to receive information and express their views pertaining to the matter of general economic importance. b.      Consultative importance: Here workers are consulted on the matters of employee welfare such as work, safety and health. However, final decision always rests with the top-level management, as employees views are only advisory in nature. c.       Associative participation: It is an extension of consultative participation as management here is under the moral obligation to accept and implement the unanimous decisions of the employees. Under this method the managers and workers jointly take decisions. d.      Administrative participation: It ensures greater share of workers participation in discharge of managerial functions. Here, decisions already taken by the management come to employees, preferably with alternatives for administration and employees have to select the best from those for implementation. e.      Decisive participation: Highest level of participation where decisions are jointly taken on the matters relating to production, welfare etc. Reasons for failure of Workers participation Movement in India: 1.       Employers resist the participation of workers in decision-making. This is because they feel that workers are not competent enough to take decisions. 2.       Workers representatives who participate in management have to perform the dual roles of workers spokesman and a co-manager. Very few representatives are competent enough to assume the two incompatible roles. 3.       Generally Trade Unions leaders who represent workers are also active members of various political parties. While participating in management they tend to give priority to political interests rather than the workers cause. 4.       Schemes of workers participation have been initiated and sponsored by the Government. However, there has been a lack of interest and initiative on the part of both the trade unions and employers. Measures for making Participation effective: 1.       Employer should adopt a progressive outlook. They should consider the industry as a joint endeavour in which workers have an equal say. Workers should be provided and enlightened about the benefits of their participation in the management. 2.       Employers and workers should agree on the objectives of the industry. They should recognize and respect the rights of each other. 3.       Workers and their representatives should be provided education and training in the philosophy and process of participative management. Workers should be made aware of the benefits of participative management. 4.       There should be effective communication between workers and management and effective consultation of workers by the management in decisions that have an impact on them. Viper Report
Friday, October 25, 2019
Blacks and Whites in Movies Essay -- essays research papers
The object of this paper is to portray the role of African Americans and Whites in modern contemporary films. It is evident that there has been a great deal of effort in the integration of black people into American society. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has strived to undo the ties of segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans. The NAACP has used several strategies to overturn segregation rules and obtain suffrage for black citizens. With the introduction of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s, the motto â€Å"We shall overcome’ served as inspiration for the fight against segregation. Although much effort has been made to integrate black people into society over the years, there still exists significant segregation with respect to roles in motion pictures and modern film. However, great advancements have been made in recent years to overcome this struggle to equally include African Americans in the wealth and success of the media culture. With the recent surge of technological advancement and media industry, the black role has simultaneously advanced. The African American history of struggle, misrepresentation, and segregation has been the theme of many modern movies, music, and television shows. African Americans are taking advantage of this opportunity to represent the African American culture, even though it serves to explain their historical oppression and misfortune and not of their success and well-being. They are turning a negative history into a positive career and future. Approximately eighty years ago, it was only a thought that African Americans should indeed make movies and appear in the big screen alongside white actors and actresses. Today this dream is now reality. The road to making motion pictures with the inclusion of African Americans has been evolutionary on all levels with lots of observable changes. The movie industry has become more willing to produce new themes an d films featuring African Americans as stars.      The advancement of African Americans in the movie industry has become evident with their recent accolades in film roles and production. The Oscars present a golden statuette to a person in recognition of their achievements in the filmmaking industry. History was made in 2001 when African Americans won in both the Best Actor and Best Actress categ... ...bsp;Train- white lady stares at them- sara and Derek purposely make a scene for a reaction †¢Ã‚     Sara ends it with Derek †¢Ã‚     Sara makes Julliard †¢Ã‚     Happy ending with Sara and Derek Guess Who- Kevin Rodney Sulliven- 2005 Ashton Kutcher- Simon Bernie Mac- Percy Zoe Saldana- Theresa Judith Scott- Marilyn †¢Ã‚     Simon –white, Theresa- black, engaged †¢Ã‚     Cranford- NJ- meet the parents †¢Ã‚     Don’t know that Simon is white †¢Ã‚     Confuse black taxi driver and simon †¢Ã‚     Shocked- Percy doesn’t like him †¢Ã‚     Theresa tries to talk to the mom about it †¢Ã‚     Percy shares bed with Simon †¢Ã‚     Racial statements †¢Ã‚     Percy and Simon drive women away †¢Ã‚     Help each other-begin a relationship †¢Ã‚     Happy ending.                     Blacks and Whites in Movies Essay -- essays research papers The object of this paper is to portray the role of African Americans and Whites in modern contemporary films. It is evident that there has been a great deal of effort in the integration of black people into American society. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has strived to undo the ties of segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans. The NAACP has used several strategies to overturn segregation rules and obtain suffrage for black citizens. With the introduction of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s, the motto â€Å"We shall overcome’ served as inspiration for the fight against segregation. Although much effort has been made to integrate black people into society over the years, there still exists significant segregation with respect to roles in motion pictures and modern film. However, great advancements have been made in recent years to overcome this struggle to equally include African Americans in the wealth and success of the media culture. With the recent surge of technological advancement and media industry, the black role has simultaneously advanced. The African American history of struggle, misrepresentation, and segregation has been the theme of many modern movies, music, and television shows. African Americans are taking advantage of this opportunity to represent the African American culture, even though it serves to explain their historical oppression and misfortune and not of their success and well-being. They are turning a negative history into a positive career and future. Approximately eighty years ago, it was only a thought that African Americans should indeed make movies and appear in the big screen alongside white actors and actresses. Today this dream is now reality. The road to making motion pictures with the inclusion of African Americans has been evolutionary on all levels with lots of observable changes. The movie industry has become more willing to produce new themes an d films featuring African Americans as stars.      The advancement of African Americans in the movie industry has become evident with their recent accolades in film roles and production. The Oscars present a golden statuette to a person in recognition of their achievements in the filmmaking industry. History was made in 2001 when African Americans won in both the Best Actor and Best Actress categ... ...bsp;Train- white lady stares at them- sara and Derek purposely make a scene for a reaction †¢Ã‚     Sara ends it with Derek †¢Ã‚     Sara makes Julliard †¢Ã‚     Happy ending with Sara and Derek Guess Who- Kevin Rodney Sulliven- 2005 Ashton Kutcher- Simon Bernie Mac- Percy Zoe Saldana- Theresa Judith Scott- Marilyn †¢Ã‚     Simon –white, Theresa- black, engaged †¢Ã‚     Cranford- NJ- meet the parents †¢Ã‚     Don’t know that Simon is white †¢Ã‚     Confuse black taxi driver and simon †¢Ã‚     Shocked- Percy doesn’t like him †¢Ã‚     Theresa tries to talk to the mom about it †¢Ã‚     Percy shares bed with Simon †¢Ã‚     Racial statements †¢Ã‚     Percy and Simon drive women away †¢Ã‚     Help each other-begin a relationship †¢Ã‚     Happy ending.                    Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Darkness at Noon Revision Notes Essay
Why does Nikolai Rubashov confess to crimes against the revolution that he has not committed? What are the political options open to Rubashov following his arrest? Which option does he choose? Are the implications of the political argument in Arthur Koester’s Darkness at Noon anti-revolutionary or merely anti-Stalinist? Is Darkness at Noon an attempt to explain why the Russian Revolution in particular failed or is it an attempt to explain why all revolutions that rely on violent means to achieve their ends must fail? What is the central political argument of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon? What are the political implications of his argument? Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? What political options are open to Rubashov after he is arrested? Following Rubashov’s arrest Ivanov gave the option of going through a public trial by confessing to certain acts, or having a private administrative trial. Public trial: * This could lead to the discrediting and weakening of the ideology * Rubashov held a high position within the party, and for him to be seen as a dissident would have stirred other revolutionaries * Would have made it more difficult for the party to discredit his views if Rubashov did not publically denounce himself * Doesn’t serve the revolution * Preserves his own honour in some ways but is of no use to the greater good Confess: * Rubashov capitulates in order to serve the revolution and the party * Although he was not guilty of anything, he cannot find any reason in his own mind not to capitulate. Rubashov has been a creature of the party for his whole life, and now the party demands that he should confess * Justice and objective truth have ceased to have any meaning for him * He feels superior to his Czarist officer who inhabits the next cell, showing the differences in thought processes from a person ingrained with the party ideology versus the ‘bourgeois’ angle who would uphold his honour * The officer believes that honour is about doing what you think is right, an individualist perspective, where as Rubashov contends that to uphold the honour of the regime/revolution is more honourable. Ideology dictates the actions of all players in the regime – citizen and state To serve the revolution, Rubashov finds it necessary to capitulate – serves the greater good – it is better to confess to crimes not committed than to risk the reputation of the revolution for his own honour – grammatical fiction: there is no I. This is a demonstration of the corruption of revolutions enacted through violent means. The means don’t justify the ends when the citizens are being overlooked – the revolution is supposed to act for the good of the people, but the ideology has become corrupted to serve the good of itself and its leader. Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? Ivanov * He lived before the revolution, and was an intellectual who helped bring about and serve the revolution * He is not a man of violence – would prefer to persuade Rubashov rather than beat him. Coercion is a last resort for him, but if it is necessary, he believes that the ends do justify the means. Gletkin * Gletkin is of the second generation of the revolution. He comes from a peasant background, is not an intellectual. Rubashov thinks of him as little more than a violent thug. * His political views are therefore those of the party, he accepts what is force fed to him without thinking critically about it. * He is a man of violence. He wants to beat and torture Rubashov to obtain his confession. Therefore he doesn’t believe in the idea of persuasion. However this does show that he believes the end justifies the means. * Gletkin is the culmination of what Koestler argues went wrong with the revolution – he represents totalitarian thought, and he is the kind of individual that it produces. * ‘born without an umbilical cord’
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reporting Practices and Ethics Essay
Financial practices and ethics can play an important part of any organization including the health care environment. In order for the health care organization to be successful one must adopt an efficient financial practice and possess ethical standards. The management of finances for a health care organization may be a challenge for managers. This is why the health care manager will follow four basic elements for financial management. The basic elements include planning, controlling, organizing and directing, and decision making (Baker & Baker, 2011). Health Care Organizations have accounting principles generally acceptable and will comply with the financial practice and the practice of ethics to avoid fraud or abuse of the reporting practices. Elements of Financial Management Financial management has four basic elements, which assist the manager in making effective decisions for the health care organization. The first element of financial management is planning. The financial manager needs to identify the steps that he or she needs to take to accomplish the goals of the organization. However, first the manager must determine what the goal is for the organization and at that time determine what steps to follow to achieve the goal. The next element is controlling; a plan is in place that each area of the organization must follow. The financial manager must ensure that the areas are following such plans. The staff can view the current reports and make a comparison with reports from the past. In comparing previous and current reports the financial manager can see if an area in the organization needs more attention because the area may not be meeting its goals. The third element is organizing and directing. In organizing the financial manager must decide on what resources are best to use to be more effective. The manager must also determine how to use those resources effectively to reach the goal of the organization. In directing, the manager must provide supervision daily to run the organizing element efficiently. The final element is decision making. The manager must make decisions with the alternatives available such as information in the reports. Decision making should be side-by-side with planning, controlling, and organizing. When making a decision the manager must analyze and evaluate the information to make effective decisions (Baker & Baker, 2011). Acceptable Accounting Principles Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) provides guidelines to the company’s financial manager. The guidelines will cover the principles of accounting and practices. The generally accepted accounting principles guideline, guides the financial manager in the reporting and recording the financial information. For example, the financial manager will use the guidelines when preparing the financial statements such as the balance sheet. One health care organizations practice for releasing financial information will perform a practice of reconciliation in accounting. One organization reviews the balance sheets and makes them compatible as one. The next step is to determine the classification of each balance sheet such as high risk or low risk. The final step is the organization must decide a reporting schedule such as monthly or yearly. In knowing and understanding the documents and how to analyze the information this prevents an auditor from finding misstatements (Cox, Draa, 2008). Standard Financial Ethics Making an ethical decision is a requirement of health care managers. One must ensure the meeting of needs of individuals within the organization. Principles of ethics include fairness, justice, and professionalism. The organization possesses a code of ethics when interpreting the organizations transactions such as losses or assets. The Health Care Portability and Accountability Act help reduce abuse and fraud concerning finances whether it is deliberate or unintentional. Fraud and abuse is increasing because of the increase in the delivery of health care. Organizations take better actions in working toward the reduction of fraud and abuse. One way to do this is to develop a compliance program, which a financial manager will play a key role. Compliance programs allow a proper practice on reporting the financials, and comply with the ethical conduct standard by avoiding fraud and abuse (Hern, n.d. ). Conclusion For an organization to be successful it needs to ensure the following of the financial reporting practices and maintain a standard of conduct ethically. The organization should follow the basic elements of financial management. When an organization follows the steps in the correct order there is less of a chance the organization will receive an audit. As long as the organization follows the generally accepted accounting principles there is less chance of an audit, and less of a chance of fraud or abuse when reporting the finances. References. Baker, J. & Baker, R. (2011). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (3rd ed. ). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Cox, B. , & Draa, M. (2008). Back to basics with account reconciliations. Business Finance, 14(6), 38-38. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/211076250? accountid=35812 Hern, W. (n. d. ). Corporate compliance is a necessity, not an option – healthcare financial managers’ role in helping their organizations prevent financial fraud. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3257/is_n1_v51/ai_19146070.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Business Prospect essays
Business Prospect essays JAZ Pen Company is a new and very promising competitor in the ball point pen producing field. JAZ pens are like none other the have a new technology in them called Flow-through Venturi ShaftsÃ’, that make the flow of ink from the pen to the paper as smooth as cutting through butter with a hot knife. The new technology is just one of the more obvious characteristics that make JAZ pens one of the best on the market. Although JAZ only focuses on pen we put the utmost effort into making them the best that we possibly can. JAZ Pen Company uses all of the resources it has available to produce the best pens on the market. We carry many different lines of pens in many colors and styles. The first in our line is that of the Classical Wood Line, these pens are made from only the finest redwood and are engraved, if requested free of charge. Our second line is the Chrome Line, this line is chrome plated aircraft aluminum that provides for both durability with a stylish shine that adds to anyones personal collection of writing utensils. Our third and final line is that of the Marble Ventrui Line, this last line uses the best marble available to make a elegant shell for the patented Flow-through Venturi ShaftsÃ’, this provides both quality and beauty at the same time. JAZ Pen Company sits on 47 acres of riverside property and operates out of a large factory that is equipped with a assembly line and the space the hold 120 employees. We are provided with utilities by local agencys such and the hydroelectric plant downstream for electric, and water is obtained by the water works. Materials run JAZ $5,000 a month for marble, aluminum, redwood, and all other pre-made parts. Our utilities cost JAZ Pen Company, approximately $3,250 per month. Our workers are payed at a rate of $13.50/hour and work 5 day and week at 10 hours per day 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. This costs JAZ $388,000 per mon ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
La phase dintégration †Une phase clé dacquisition
La phase dintà ©gration – Une phase clà © dacquisition Free Online Research Papers La phase d’intà ©gration – Une phase clà © d’acquisition Avec la globalisation continue des marchà ©s, l’introduction de l’Euro et l’à ©mergence de nouveaux marchà ©s, il n’est pas à ©tonnant que les acquisitions connaissent un succà ¨s pareil. Ils sont un moyen de croissance externe qui permet de rapidement mettre en place des stratà ©gies de spà ©cialisation, d’intà ©gration et de diversification. Mà ªme si le mot  « succà ¨s  » ne peut guà ¨re à ªtre prononcà © dans le mà ªme souffle que le mot  « acquisition  », gardant en tà ªte un taux d’à ©checs de plus de 50%. La problà ©matique des acquisitions se trouve dans le fait que les entreprises s’engagent dans des investissements, mà ªme de fois risquà ©, difficilement rà ©vocable et qui ne vont souvent gà ©rer des bà ©nà ©fices que long terme. La question qu’il faut alors se poser, est la suivante :  « Pourquoi, malgrà © ce taux d’à ©checs impressionnant, les entreprises continuent choisir ce moyen de croissance externe et pourquoi, semble-t-il qu’il n’y a que peu de personnes qui ont appris quelque chose des fautes du passà © ?  » On va certainement vous rà ©pondre que l’acquisition reste le moyen le plus rapide pour la mise en place d’une stratà ©gie, par exemple pour s’installer dans un nouveau marchà ©. Mais ce n’est pas le seul  « atout  », il y a un autre point surtout intà ©ressant pour les  « shareholders  », la possibilità © d’afficher rapidement des bons rà ©sultats lors de la crà ©ation de la valeur. Malgrà © ces avantages justifià ©s et à ©vidents, il reste le problà ¨me du taux d’à ©checs à ©levà ©. La problà ©matique des à ©checs se trouve dans le fait que la valorisation de l’acquisition est en fonction de la rà ©ussite de l’  « Intà ©gration  », mais aussi de la rà ©ussite des deux phases prà ©cà ©dents. Afin de pouvoir dà ©montrer quelques unes de ces sources d’à ©checs, il faut diviser l’acquisition en diffà ©rentes phases – la Prà ©paration, la Nà ©gociation et l’Intà ©gration. La phase de prà ©paration Lors de la phase de la  « Prà ©paration  » la premià ¨re action entreprendre par l’entreprise est l’analyse de sa situation actuelle l’aide du model  « SWOT  » : Ses opportunità ©s, ses menaces, ses forces et ses faiblesses. Cette analyse va à ªtre suivit par la nomination d’un responsable pour l’acquisition en question et l’  « Equipe de projet  ». L’  « Equipe de projet va entre autre analyser les voies de dà ©veloppement les plus approprià ©es aux objectifs et à ©valuer puis sà ©lectionner l’entreprise ciblà ©e. Finalement, la phase de la  « Prà ©paration  » se clà ´ture par l’à ©tablissement d’un agenda qui va identifier les processus et ressources clà ©s de l’acquisition. Les à ©tapes critiques durant cette phase sont surtout : le choix d’une cible qui correspond aux objectifs fixà ©s et l’à ©valuation de la  « vraie  » valeur du marchà © de l’entreprise ciblà ©e. La phase de la  « Nà ©gociation  » Cette phase se clà ´ture avec la signature du contrat d’achat. Mais pour en arriver l, beaucoup de travail est faire. L’entreprise va devoir dà ©finir, lors des nà ©gociations, son positionnement initial (soit hostile soit amical), les modalità ©s de la prise de contrà ´le et la fixation d’un prix d’achat correspondant au potentiel de crà ©ation de valeur estimà ©e. C’est loin d’à ªtre tous, parallà ¨lement l’entreprise va devoir à ©valuer et gà ©rer les risques de l’acquisition, và ©rifier la faisabilità © de l’opà ©ration et valider les scà ©narios d’intà ©gration. Ce sont donc toutes les dà ©cisions qui vont fortement influencer les relations long terme entre les deux entreprises et la crà ©ation de la valeur lors de la phase de l’  « Intà ©gration  ». La phase de l’  « Intà ©gration  » Finalement, on atteint la phase de l’ « Intà ©gration  », c’estdire la phase de la mise en pratique de l’acquisition. Lors de cette phase, l’entreprise doit surtout faire attention deux aspects. La gestion des caractà ©ristiques culturelles et des aspects humains, comme par exemple l’incertitude, les rivalità ©s et le doublage des postes. De mà ªme, l’acquà ©reur doit s’assurer que la structure de la nouvelle entità © est approprià ©e aux objectifs fixà ©s et tient aussi compte des caractà ©ristiques de l’entreprise acquit. 1.2. L’Objectif  « N’importe qui peut acheter une entreprise!  » C’est la phrase qu’un responsable des quelques acquisitions antà ©rieur m’avait dit lors de mon stage. Aprà ¨s avoir nà ©gligà © pendant trop longtemps la phase de l’  « Intà ©gration  », les responsables, de mà ªme que les ouvrages traitant d’acquisitions, se sont finalement rendus compte de l’importance de cette phase. Avant cette prise de conscience, une fois le contrat d’achat signà ©, les entreprises croyaient avoir franchi l’à ©tape la plus difficile de l’acquisition et que l’  « Intà ©gration  » se dà ©roulerait d’une manià ¨re plutà ´t automatique. Seulement, au cours des annà ©es 80 les entreprises et les auteurs des ouvrages traitant les acquisitions se sont rendues compte de l’importance que la phase de l’  « Intà ©gration  » reprà ©sente pour la crà ©ation de valeurs lors d’une acquisition. Ce  « dà ©veloppement  » a à ©tà © soutenu par des recherches qui dà ©montraient l’existence d’un lien entre la phase l’  « Intà ©gration  » et la crà ©ation de la valeur. Aujourd’hui on sait que la phase de l’ « Intà ©gration  » est une phase clà © du processus de l’acquisition. La particularità © de cette phase est, que c’est maintenant que l’entreprise doit finalement valoriser tout processus de l’acquisition. Mais le fait de savoir que cette phase est trà ¨s dà ©licate pour la crà ©ation de valeur ne facilite pas la tà ¢che, bien au contraire. Les responsables qui vont  « devoir  » s’occuper de la phase de l’  « Intà ©gration  », ayant dà ©j une certaine expà ©rience ou pas, ressentiront de toute manià ¨re une certaine pression, car c’est eux d’à ©tablir un plan qui permet de concrà ©tiser les concepts à ©tablit lors de la phase de la  « Prà ©paration  ». Comme l’  « Intà ©gration  » est une phase trà ¨s dà ©licate pour la crà ©ation de la valeur, je me suis dà ©cidà © d’y consacrer mon travail. Je vais  « attaquer  » ce thà ¨me sous deux diffà ©rents angles. D’abord je vais aborder les trois diffà ©rentes politiques de l’intà ©gration : La prà ©servation, la rationalisation et symbiose et ensuite parler des points gà ©nà ©raux, comme entre autre la vision stratà ©gique, le leadership, la communication, auxquels il faut porter une attention particulià ¨re. 1.3. La Mà ©thodologie La premià ¨re partie de mon travail va reprendre les concepts thà ©oriques les plus importants concernant la phase de l’  « Intà ©gration  » qui permettront de valoriser celle-ci. Cette partie va à ªtre composà ©e de deux thà ¨mes principaux : Les conseils gà ©nà ©raux qu’il faut appliquer lors de la phase de l’intà ©gration et les particularità ©s de la politique d’intà ©gration choisies et comment ils vont influencer la gestion du risque interculturelle et le besoin de communication. Pour la partie thà ©orique je vais me baser sur deux ouvrages :  « Fusions/Acquisitions – Stratà ©gie, Financement, Management  » et  « Aprà ¨s la Fusion – 7 clà ©s pour rà ©ussir l’intà ©gration  » et l’enrichir par deux autres ouvrages et articles trouvà ©s sur l’Internet ou dans la  « Business Source Premier  ». Comme la thà ©orie et la pratique sont souvent deux choses totalement diffà ©rentes, j’ai dà ©cidà © d’inclure un cas pratique dans ce travail. Il y a bel et bien de nombreux ouvrages disposition des responsables qui expliquent comment on peut rà ©ussir une  « Intà ©gration  ». Malheureusement, la rà ©alità © est souvent  « diffà ©rents  » et  « instable  ». Il peut y avoir des  « à ©và ©nements  » qui vont forcer les responsables rà ©agir vite et de devoir changer les plans auparavant minutieusement planifià ©s. En examinant le cas :  « The merger of Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation – Intà ©gration planning  » on peut comparer les actions entreprises en pratique avec ce que prà ©voit la thà ©orique identifier les à ©là ©ments de la thà ©orie utilisà ©s, souligner les problà ¨mes particuliers rencontrà ©s lors de cette  « Intà ©gration  », identifier les fautes graves commises et finalement faire ressortir ce qui devrait à ªtre amà ©liorà © pour assurer une meilleur  « Intà ©gration  ». Research Papers on La phase d’intà ©gration – Une phase clà © d’acquisitionOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of IndiaDefinition of Export QuotasMind TravelInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on Children19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Project Managment Office System
Sunday, October 20, 2019
20 Top Minority Scholarships
20 Top Minority Scholarships SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Scholarships can be a significant source of college funding for students of all different backgrounds - if you know where to look, that is. Many top scholarships have eligibility requirements regarding financial need or academic merit, but there are also excellent scholarship programs that are specifically for minority students. Most of these programs were created in order to facilitate access to education for minority students,and many aim to help students pursue careers in which people of certain ethnicities or backgrounds are underrepresented. One of the best ways to optimize scholarship funding is to apply to scholarships with more specific eligibility requirements (requirements that you meet, of course). To help you find scholarships like this, I’ve compiled a list of awards meant for students of specific ethnic and racial backgrounds. I started with scholarships meant for students of all minority backgrounds before moving into awards meant for specific minorities. Finally, I’ve ended with some tips and strategies for getting the most scholarship money possible. A note before we get started: the terms used to describe minority groups for each scholarship program were taken directly from programs’ eligibility requirements. I understand that not all of these programs may use preferred terms or descriptors, but I wanted to make sure I represented eligibility criteria as accurately as possible. General College Scholarships for Minorities The following scholarships are open to students from many different ethnic minority backgrounds. Actuarial Diversity Scholarship Program If you're interested in a career as an actuary, this scholarship program is meant for you.The potential award amounts depend on your year in school, but they can range between $1,000 - $4,000. This scholarship is open to students with at least one parent of Black/African American, Hispanic, Native North American, or Pacific Islander heritage. The program typically opens in January; the deadline is typically in early May. Get more information on the Actuarial Diversity Scholarship Program. American Meteorological Society Minority Scholarships To qualify for this unique scholarship, you must plan on pursuing a career in meteorological or related oceanic or hydrologic sciences. If you do win the award, you'll receive $3,000 a year for twoyears. This scholarship is open to minority students, particularly those of Hispanic, Native American, and Black/African American descent, who are entering their freshman year of college. The submission deadline is typically inFebruary. Read more about the program and check out theapplication form. Gates Millennium Scholarship Program This very generous (and therefore very competitive) scholarship program covers all unmet financial need and self-help aid; this means that you wouldn't have to take out any loans or worry about finding a student job in order to pay for your education. It's renewable, so you could potentially receive funding through all fouryears of college. We have a whole post on the Gates Millennium Scholarship Program, which you should definitely check out if you're interested in learning more about this award. This scholarship is open to African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and Hispanic American students who will be entering their freshman year of college. The submission deadline is typically inJanuary. Read more about how to win the Gates Millennium Scholarship. Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship If you win a Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, you could receive up to $28,000 per year for up to 4 years of college. That could cover your full Cost of Attendance at some schools! Keep in mind; however, that you must demonstrate financial need in order to qualify for the award. This scholarship program is open to minority high school students who demonstrate financial need. The submission deadline is typically in February. Read more about eligibility requirements and the application process. National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering Scholarship If you participate in a high school program that focuses primarily on math, science, and engineering, this scholarship program may be a good fit for you. Winners receive an award of $2,500 to put towards their college education. This scholarship is open to high school seniors who identify as African American, American Indian, or Latino. Read more about the program, and keep an eye on the application. It's typically made available in the Spring. African American Black Student Scholarships National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) Scholarships The NABJ offers several scholarship options for students who are registered as members. As you may have guessed, these scholarships are meant for students who hope to pursue a career in journalism. The award options all have different eligibility requirements, award amounts, and deadlines, so you may want to spend some time researching the program to see if any of the scholarships are better fits than others. These scholarships are open to students who are registered members of the NABJ. The submission deadline is typically inFebruary. Get more information about the scholarship options. The perfect awards for students who want their work on the front page. The Ron Brown Scholar Program This need-based scholarship awards winners up to $40,000 to fund their college educations - they receive $10,000 per year to cover expenses. The scholarship is open toBlack or African American students who demonstrate financial need. There are typically two submission deadlines: one in early November and the final in early January. If you apply by the November deadline, your application will be considered for both the Ron Brown Scholar Program and forwarded to additional scholarship providers for consideration. If you submit after the November deadline, you'll only be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program. Read more about the program and submit an application. Ronald McDonald House Charities African-American Future Achievers Scholarship What a mouthful! You should know that the availability of Ronald McDonald scholarships depends on your local chapter's participation - for more information on whether you'll have access to this award, read our post on how to win a McDonald's scholarship. The award amounts can also vary based on where you're located, but you should be able to get more information from your local RMHC chapter. This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of African American or Black Caribbean heritage. The submission deadline is typically inJanuary. Get more information on qualifying and applying for a McDonald's scholarship. The Tom Joyner "Full Ride" Scholarship The availability of this scholarship is limited - it's only offered to one student per year - but winners have alltheir expenses covered if they plan on attending a historically black college or university. This award is open to high school seniors who apply to (and eventually choose to attend) a historically black college or university. The application deadline is typically inmid-January. Read more about the scholarship. Hispanic Latino Student Scholarships Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarships By submitting one application through the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, you essentially apply to thousands of potential scholarships - over 5,100 new awards are given out every year. The HSF isan excellent source for scholarship funding; if you're Hispanic/Latino and only have time to submit one application, you should submit this one. While you're at it, read our blog post on how to win one of the HSF awards. These scholarships are open to students who are at least 1/4 Hispanic or Latino. The application typically opens in January and closes in March or April. Read more about the HSF scholarships. League of United Latin American Citizens National Scholarship Fund Award amounts through this scholarship fund vary from $250 - $2,000. Although these awards may not be huge, they'll definitely add up, especially if you apply to several other scholarship programs. These scholarships are open to students who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The submission deadline is typically inMarch. Read more about the scholarship program. Ronald McDonald HACER Like the other Ronald McDonald House Charities scholarships, the availability and amount of this award will depend on your local RMHC chapter. There are also four national awards that come with some big payouts: $100,000 each, to be exact. The scholarships are open to students who have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage. The application typically opens in October and closes in January. Read more about how to win a HACER scholarship. Who would have guessed that fast food could be related to an awesome college scholarship? Native American and American Indian Student Scholarships American Indian College Fund Scholarships The AICF is similar to the Hispanic Scholarship Fund: it's a scholarship hub or database with one application that will get you considered for many awards. Award amounts and eligibility criteria vary, butyou don't have to worry about that too much since you only have to submit one application. In order to be considered eligible for any of these awards, you must be enrolled in a state- or federally-recognized tribeorbe able to prove descendency to an enrolled member. These scholarships are open to American Indian students with connections to an officially recognized tribe. The application is open January 1 - May 31. Read more about the fund and its scholarship application. Asian American and Pacific Islander Student Scholarships Asian and Pacific Islander Scholarship Fund Program Award amounts through this program range from $1,500 all the way up to $15,000. These scholarships are open to students who are Asian/Pacific Islander as defined by the US Census. The application typically opens in September and closes in early January. Get more information on the program. Asian Pacific Fund Scholarships The Asian Pacific Fund offers 12 different scholarships, all with different eligibility requirements and award amounts. You may want to look through theavailablescholarships to see if any are good fits for you - most of the awards are for graduating high school seniors. The good news is that if you find more than one scholarship that you're interested in, you're welcome to submit as many scholarship applications as you'd like. Most of these scholarships are open to graduating seniors of Asian ancestry. The submission deadline for many of the scholarships is typically inFebruary. Get more information on the APF scholarships. Asian Women in Business Scholarship Fund This $2,500 award is given to female students who demonstrate leadership or an entrepreneurial spirit. The scholarship is open to women of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestry. The deadline isOctober 1st, 2016. Get more information about this scholarship program. A perfect scholarship program for women who want to enter the business world. Korean Ancestry Grant Award amounts for this scholarship vary but can be as high as $10,000. As you may have guessed, there's a strong preference for applicants of Korean ancestry, but the program will also accept submissions from other students. This grant is open to students of Asian ancestry, with at least one Asian grandparent. Tthe deadline is typically in March. Get more information about the grant. Ronald McDonald House Charities ASIA Scholarship Award amounts and availability will depend on your local Ronald McDonald House Charity chapter, but it isn't too hard to get your hands on that information. For more explicit directions, check out our post on winning a McDonald's scholarship. These scholarships are open to students with at least one parent of Asian-Pacific heritage. Theapplication typically opens in October and closes in January. Read more about applying for a McDonald's scholarship. Upakar Indian-American Scholarship Fund This award provides $8,000 over four years to each scholarship recipient. There are some other benefits to the program in addition to funding - scholarship winners also have access to a mentoring program. This scholarship is open to students who were born in India, or to students with at least one parent who was born in India. The application deadline is typically inApril. Check out the eligibility requirements and application. Vietnamese American Scholarship Foundation This scholarship foundation offers access to several scholarships with just one application. The scholarships all have different selection criteria and award amounts, and you'll have to submit some supplemental materials based on the awards you want to apply for. The application is pretty streamlined so that you can submit all materials at once. These scholarships are open to students of Vietnamese descent. The submission deadlines vary by scholarship, but most are due in late May or early June. Get more information on the scholarship options and check out the application. Tips for Your Own Scholarship Search Hopefully, you now have a good start when it comes to looking for scholarships for minority students. This list of awards is just the beginning, though - follow these strategies to optimize your chances of winning the most scholarship money possible. Do Your Own Research The awards listed above are some of the biggest andbest-known scholarships for minorities, but that doesn't mean they're the only ones out there. If you do your own research, you'll probably find information on smaller or more targeted scholarships. Why bother going after these awards? The more specific the eligibility requirements (if you meet them), the less competition you'll probably have. The same goes forscholarships with smaller payouts. Try googling"scholarships in [your local area]" or "scholarships for [your specific ethnicity group]". You might be surprised at what you find! Just one caveat - beware of any scholarship applications that ask you to submit payment information or info that seems irrelevant or too private. They may be scams, so make sure an application is for a legitimate award before you submit. A good excuse to spend some quality time at your favorite cafe. Apply Broadly This piece of advice goes hand-in-hand with the last one: the more scholarships you apply to, the better your odds of winning some money. Try to submit as many applications as possible, and make sure to look into non-minority scholarships as well. You might start with 2-3 applications to "big" competitive scholarships and 5-7 applications to smaller or more targeted awards. If you can do more than that; however, more power to you! Just don't let it get in the way of your schoolwork or extracurricular activities - those are more important. Be Mindful of Deadlines As you may have noticed by reading the descriptions above, there's no standard scholarship deadline. The earlier you do your scholarship research, the more likely it is that you'll meet the deadlines for all scholarship programs you may be interested in. Try keeping a spreadsheet with all this information so you can submit applications on time. Make sure to cushion your timeline (add an extra 6-8 weeks) if you have to ask for letters of recommendation. What's Next? To continue with your scholarship search, you'llwant to look for award options other than minority scholarships so that you can apply broadly (like I just mentioned above). You can start with our guides to the top scholarships for high school juniors and high school seniors. If you want more general information on financing your education, check out our guides to what college really costs and how to pay for it. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Francesca Fulciniti About the Author Francesca graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and scored in the 99th percentile on the SATs. She's worked with many students on SAT prep and college counseling, and loves helping students capitalize on their strengths. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019
Hamas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Hamas - Essay Example However, when the United Nations was founded in 24 October 1945, the territory has been being administered by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island under a mandate from the League of Nations in 1922 (United Nations 1). The League of Nations was the predecessor of the United Nations. The area of Palestine under the British was 27,000 square kilometers (â€Å"The geography of Palestine†). In the early 20th century, Israel did not exist. Mass immigrations initiated by the Basle Conference in 1897 and Zionist invasions led to the creation of Israel. The United Nations immediately after World War 2, on Jewish lobby, was concerned for the creation of a Jewish home in Palestine (United Nations 1). However, the position of the Arab nations at that time was for the separation of the issue of an Israel state and the issue of refugees from Israel. With the creation of a Jewish state immediately after World War II, however, Arabs lobbied for the establishment of an independent Palestine west of the Jordan River (United Nations 5). Unfortunately, there was no consensus on this in the United Nations although a United Nations committee recommended that Palestine be subdivided in three units: an Arab and Jewish states as well as a special status for Jerusalem---all three units under the United Nations (5). In 1947, United Nation Resolution 188(II) divided Palestine into 8 parts: t hree of the eight parts were allotted to Arab countries, three parts were allotted to a future Jewish state, one part (Town of Jaffa) was to form an Arab enclave within the Jewish territory, and the eighth part or Jerusalem was to be administered by the United Nations (United Nations 3). Zionists (through the Jewish Agency that lobbied for the creation of a Jewish state) accepted the resolution but the plan was rejected by Palestinian Arabs and the Arab states on the ground that the resolution violated the provisions of the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Prosperity Without Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Prosperity Without Growth - Essay Example This paper illustrates that economists like Tim Jackson have deviated from the notions of economic growth, to incorporate more ideas that lead to sustainable economies. Indeed, the well-being of the individuals and households has taken center stage and the politics have been geared to address these forgotten notions. Indeed, most of the growth that had been the focus of most economies in the past has led to massive boosts in the global economy, but at the cost of the environment and the society. On this grounding, the productions and consumption activities have contributed to more than 60% of the degradation of the eco-systems, raising serious questions on whether this path will lead to sustainable development in the near future. Indeed, only a very small portion of the benefits of the global income is redistributed to the poor, worsening the gap between the rich and the poor. Getting an equitable distribution of resources, therefore, is one of the reasons that the author points to z ero economic growth in prosperity in the world economy. The notion of endless growth has engulfed modern economists, who overlook the social progress related to such kind of growth. Indeed, social stability and development are one of the key pillars of sustainability, which leads to prosperity even in the global economy. In addition, the convening of countless global economic summits to address economic growth and challenges have not prevented the world from going into countless recessions. On this platform, the capitalist movements seem to postulate an endless path of growth, spurred by economic activities of production, looking for new markets and consumption as the main drivers of growth. From this perspective, the postulation of prosperity without growth comes alive, because this continuous cycle may go on indefinitely without improvements in the standards of living of the masses. Indeed, it is imperative to note that any human activity is geared towards the improvement of welfa re, and when such a system fails, it would be preferable to have prosperity even without growth in the world.
A Precis on Interpreting History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A Precis on Interpreting History - Essay Example This feature denotes that the gods provide for the human race. In the same respect, the forefathers of the American people laid a strong foundation that sees their survival to date. The use of this feature is critically linked to American history, especially in regard to the foundation of America as a nation. Anne Bradstreet: â€Å"The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung Up in America†is the interpreting history feature included in the second chapter of the book. This feature highlights Anne Bradstreet’s collection of poems. In this text, Anne Bradstreet talks about the social, economic, and political environment in America in the 1600’s. American was changing across these aspects, thus capturing Anne Bradstreet’s attention alongside that of the world in general. The third chapter of the book emphasizes on the social groupings in America, and the rise of intensive political organization in and out of North America. To mimic the scenario at the time, the Marry or do not marry feature is employed at the interpreting history section of the third chapter. Massive political activities across America, Spain, England, and France were going on in the period between 1660 and 1715. The interpreting history feature in this chapter evaluates unity and rebellion activities that characterized the aforementioned nations and among others. The situation is best explained through a social context that denotes marry or do not marry. Practices of slavery are part and parcel of the American history. At the height of colonialism, slavery became a form of trade between many countries across the globe. In the light of African enslavement, the fourth chapter makes reference to Releese Us out of This Cruell Bondegg. This feature of interpreting history in chapter four was a plea for liberation that was made be a slave in the year 1723. This feature highlights the ups and downs
Real Options -The Madoff Affair Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Real Options -The Madoff Affair - Essay Example Despite that Madoff had no record of bribery with the authority; his case shows that the financial security top officials were failing in their job How the fraudster managed to pull through during the financial hard times remains a question worth noting. Additionally, most financial managers today, are still perplexed as to how Madoff managed to trick the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Ponzi scheme raised suspicion a number of times. However, when SEC investigated the firm’s financial records and activities Madoff’s pyramid scheme was undetected. The second important aspect worth noting is that Madoff kept his business low profile and this is why it took long before the scheme was uncovered. This was through secrecy and hiring family members as his top officials in the firm. This was until December, 2008 when Madoff admitted that the firm was â€Å"one big lie†. He specifically confessed this to his son who was a top official in the same firm. The confession came just when the economy was in its worst and banks that had loaned some of the investors’ money counted billion in losses. Mad off firm was stated as a Ponzi scheme which was pyramidal in nature because the past investments returns from earlier investors came from the latest investor’s deposits. Therefore, the returns were not true product of the investments. The firm was stripped naked and the true business conduct was revealed when some of the investors withdrew their funds from the firm. Madoff had funds to pay the investors their interest money and this led to his arrest for crimes of fraud, false financial statements and money laundering among others. The crimes made the perpetrator convicted the maximum of 150 years (Manzakee). The Ponzi scheme not only shocked the financial advisors, SEC but also president Barack Obama. In an interview after Madoff’s conviction, President Obama exclaimed
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Career in Financial Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Career in Financial Planning - Essay Example To be able to deliver that effectively, the scope that requires thorough understanding is listed below. A good financial planner understands investments, taxes, estate planning issues and strategies. In order to acquire adequate expertise, financial planners must be familiar with legal restrictions and laws concerning retirement plans, tax shelters, insurance, and trusts. There are several journals and other reliable sources that provide details which planners need to be aware of; few of the sources have been listed in forth coming sections. In order to succeed in financial planning one not only needs to know the details of various investments, tax law, estate planning strategies, but also needs to be an active listener, good at marketing oneself, above average interpersonal skills with an analytical mind that can work with numbers and budges, understand complicated financial and legal documents. In addition, they should be articulate, persuasive, and have fairly decent selling ability. While associating myself in knowing the significant elements of financial world, I have also kept myself engaged in developing the required skills. 4. Target Clients - High Net worth Individuals are a Key Target A growth area in financial planning and money management is targeting the high net worth individual. PSI, a financial services consultant, estimates that over 4 million US households have a net worth in excess of $1 million, which is encouraging enough to dwell more on this crowd to explore more opportunities for business and sales. 5. Sources There is benefit of attending local chapter meetings of financial planner organizations. The best way to find out the identity of a local chapter is through any of the three national financial planner organizations: (1) Institute for Certified Financial Planners (2) International Association for Financial Planning or (3) National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. I also plan to be updated from top trade magazines including Today's Realtor and Mortgage Banking Magazine and online at Inman News, the leading electronic broadcast service in real estate Informally I will also keep track of all the blogs veteran certified financial planners maintain, to develop some kind of competitive intelligence and be better facilitated with facts about the sector as a whole. Websites of leading firms that hire Financial Planners like AIG, Ameriprise Financial, Edward Jones, John Hancock. Primerica also will provide enough insights about the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Entamoeba histolytica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Entamoeba histolytica - Essay Example This disease spreads rapidly in highly populated places that lack the basic facilities of sanitation and hygiene and is thus more common in the still developing or under developed countries. Classification of any organism depends on its external and internal characteristics and taxonomy is a branch that deals with this classification. Cellular organisms can be classified into two groups- the eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The eukaryotes again can be divided into four basic types or kingdoms. As Sleigh (1991) frames it â€Å"Animalia or multicellular animals (Parazoa, Mesozoa and Metazoa), Plantae or green land plants (Bryophyta and Tracheophyta), Fungi ..and Protista, comprising eukaryote groups formerly classed as algae, protozoa and flagellate fungi†( Sleigh, 1991). The sub kingdom protozoa are not much in use nowadays. Protozoan refers to heterotrophic, unicellular and microscopic protists that can perform functions similar to that of multicellular animals and E. histolytica falls under this protozoan sub kingdom. Like any other Protista its cellular membranes are made of lipoprotein. Its order is amoebida as like any other amoeba it possesses pseudopodia and a f ree flowing cytoplasm that can move into any form of cellular projections often carrying the contractile and food vacuole into the projections. This parasitic protozoan forms a part of the genus entamoeba. The species name of histolytica refers to its highly pathogenic nature, histo-lytic or that which causes destruction of cells and tissues. Thus its taxonomic classification can be outlined as: E.histolytica is a single celled anaerobic eukaryote. However under the electron microscope it is seen that it lacks many of the cellular organelles that are present in other eukaryotic organisms. They lack the golgi bodies, the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria and the microtubules. It was
Career in Financial Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Career in Financial Planning - Essay Example To be able to deliver that effectively, the scope that requires thorough understanding is listed below. A good financial planner understands investments, taxes, estate planning issues and strategies. In order to acquire adequate expertise, financial planners must be familiar with legal restrictions and laws concerning retirement plans, tax shelters, insurance, and trusts. There are several journals and other reliable sources that provide details which planners need to be aware of; few of the sources have been listed in forth coming sections. In order to succeed in financial planning one not only needs to know the details of various investments, tax law, estate planning strategies, but also needs to be an active listener, good at marketing oneself, above average interpersonal skills with an analytical mind that can work with numbers and budges, understand complicated financial and legal documents. In addition, they should be articulate, persuasive, and have fairly decent selling ability. While associating myself in knowing the significant elements of financial world, I have also kept myself engaged in developing the required skills. 4. Target Clients - High Net worth Individuals are a Key Target A growth area in financial planning and money management is targeting the high net worth individual. PSI, a financial services consultant, estimates that over 4 million US households have a net worth in excess of $1 million, which is encouraging enough to dwell more on this crowd to explore more opportunities for business and sales. 5. Sources There is benefit of attending local chapter meetings of financial planner organizations. The best way to find out the identity of a local chapter is through any of the three national financial planner organizations: (1) Institute for Certified Financial Planners (2) International Association for Financial Planning or (3) National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. I also plan to be updated from top trade magazines including Today's Realtor and Mortgage Banking Magazine and online at Inman News, the leading electronic broadcast service in real estate Informally I will also keep track of all the blogs veteran certified financial planners maintain, to develop some kind of competitive intelligence and be better facilitated with facts about the sector as a whole. Websites of leading firms that hire Financial Planners like AIG, Ameriprise Financial, Edward Jones, John Hancock. Primerica also will provide enough insights about the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A group II metal hydroxide Essay Example for Free
A group II metal hydroxide Essay To find the identity of X(OH)2 (a group II metal hydroxide) by determining its solubility from a titration with 0.05 mol dm-3 HCL Theory:1. Titrations are the reaction between an acid solution with an alkali. In this reaction (called neutralization), the acid donates a proton (H+) to the alkali (base). When the two solutions are combined, the products made are salt and water. For example: 2HCl(aq) + X(OH)2 (aq) XCl2 (aq) + 2H2O (l) This shows the one of the products i. e. salt being XCl2 and water. So titration therefore helps to find the concentration for a solution of unknown concentration. This involves the controlled addition of a standard solution of known. Indicators are used to determine, at what stage has the solution reached the equivalence point'(inflextion point). This means at which, does the number of moles base added equals the number of moles of acid present. i.e. pH 7 Titration of a strong Acid with a Strong Base: As shown in the graph, the pH goes up slowly from the start of the tiration to near the equivalence point. i.e (the beginning of the graph). At the equivalence point moles of acid equal mole of base, and the solution contains only water and salt from the cation of the base and the anion of the acid. i.e. the vertical part of the curve in the graph. At that point, a tiny amount of alkali casuses a sudden, big change in pH. i.e. neutralised. Also shown in the graph are methyl orange and phenolpthalein. These two are both indicators that are often used for acid-base titrations. They each change colour at different pH ranges. For a strong acid to strong alkali titration, either one of those indicators can be used. However for a strong acid/weak alkali only methyl orange will be used due to pH changing rapidly across the range for methyl orange. That is from low to high pH i.e. red to yellow respectively pH (3.3 to 4.4), but not for phenolpthalein. Weak acid/strong alkali, phenolpthalein is used, the pH changes rapidly in an alkali range. From high to low pH, that is from pink to colourless pH(10-8.3) respectively but not for methyl orange. However for a weak acid/ weak alkali titrations theres no sharp pH change, so neither can work. Therefore in this investigation, the titration will be between a 0.05 mol dm-3 of HCl with X(OH)2, using phenolphthalein. Dependant Variable: Is the volume of HCl to achieve a colour change that is from pink to colourless. The Controlled variables : 1. the same source of HCl 2. same concentration of HCl 3. Same source of X(OH)2 4. Same volume of X(OH)2 5. Same equipment, method, room temperature Controlled Variables How to control How to monitor 1. Same source of HCl Using the same batch of HCl or from the same brand will control this. If the concentration was not to be same throughout, then this will cause different ratios of the components of the solution, that might cause different volume of HCl to be obtained for the neutralization to occur. 2. Same concentration of HCl This will be controlled by using the same batch of HCl and from the same source i.e. the same brand. By using the same batch ensures that the reactant concentration is the same. If another batch were to be used causes the concentration to differ. This causes the HCl obtained to be different. 3.Same source of X(OH)2 Using the same batch of X(OH)2 or from the same brand will control this. If the concentration was not to be same throughout, then this will cause different ratios of the components of the solution that might cause different volume of HCl to be obtained for the neutralization to occur. 4. Same volume of X(OH)2 This will be controlled by using the same batch of X(OH)2 and from the same source i.e. the same brand. By using the same batch ensures that the reactant concentration is the same. If another batch were to be used causes the concentration to differ. This causes the HCl obtained to be different. 5. Same equipment, method, room temperature The method would be kept the same and the same set of equipment and brand will need to be used throughout. The room temperature will be kept throughout at 180C by using a water bath. If different equipment or brands were used then there would be a lot of anomalies in the experiment causing a huge amount of inaccuracy of measurement particularly. Results: Raw data results were collected by using 25.00 cm3 of X(OH)2 with phenolphthalein and the volume of HCl was obtained by the solution going from pink to colourless. The volume of HCl found in 50.0cm3 burette à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.05 cm3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average 19.600 19.800 19.600 19.700 19.675 Qualitative results that occurred during the experiment: * Conical flask swirling not even between the trials * Difficult to judge colourless solution change subjective end point * Ability to measure 25cm3 * Filling of burette accurately with HCl 0 point in right spot * Residual distilled water or solutions remain in conical flask i.e. diluted/interfered with subsequent solutions of X(OH)2 Average = trials (1+2+3+4)/4 Therefore: (19.6 + 19.8 + 19.6 + 19.7)/4 = 98.5/4 = 19.675 Due to the equation being 2HCl(aq) + X(OH)2 (aq) XCl2 (aq) + 2H2O (l) Therefore the ratio is 2:1 of 2 HCl : 1 X(OH)2 So using the equations mentioned above: Moles of acid is the number of moles= concentration X volume i.e. the volume will be used from the average Therefore: =0.05mol/dm3 x 19.675 cm3 =19.6 cm3 / 1000 = 0.0196 dm3 =0.05mol/dm3x0.0196 dm3 = 0.00098 moles So Moles of alkali in 25.000 cm3 Moles of HCl / 25.000 cm3 due to the ratio being 2:1, therefore 0.00098/2= 0.00049 moles of HCl So now the ratio is 1:1 so 0.00049 moles of X(OH)2 Moles of alkali in 100 cm3 It is assumed that there are four lots of 25 cm3 = 4 x 0.00049 = 0.00196 moles The next series of results will be used to calculate solubility of each compound by their mass in 100 cm3 The total Mr has been calculated in the table below for each compound. This was done by : Mr of X + ((O + H) X 2). Each element Mr for the following elements (OH)2 Total Mr Be 9.010 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 43.030 Mg 24.310 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 58.330 Ca 40.080 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 74.100 Sr 87.620 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 121.640 Ba 137.340 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 171.360 To obtain the solubilitys of metal II hydroxides is moles X Mr of the compound Therefore this table shows the calculation for the solubilitys for each of the different compounds Each element Total Mr Moles of X(OH)2 Solubiltity given as g/100 cm3 Literature values of the compounds given as g/100 cm3 Be(OH)2 43.03 0.00196 0.0843 0.000 Mg(OH)2 58.33 0.00196 0.114 0.001 Ca(OH)2 74.10 0.00196 0.0145 0.170 Sr(OH)2 121.64 0.00196 0.0238 0.770 Ba(OH)2 171.36 0.00196 0.335 3.700 Uncertainties: The uncertainty in measurement: Uncertainty due to pipette of 25.000 cm3 : Volume of X(OH)2 = à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.100 cm3 Percentage uncertainty = (0.1/25) X 100 = 0.400% Uncertainty due to Burrette of 50.000 cm3: Assumed due to measured volume of 19.675 cm3 and the uncertainty due to the smallest unit of measurement being 0.1 cm3 Therefore 0.1/2= à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.050 cm3 Percentage uncertainty = (0.05 /19.675) X 100 = 0.254% Therefore total uncertainty = 0.400% + 0.254% = 0.654% Conclusion and Evaluation: X(OH)2 is most likely to be Ca(OH)2 as the calculated solubility is closest to the literature value given of Ca(OH)2. The solubility for Ca(OH)2 0.145 g/100 cm3 and the literature value is 0.170 g/100 cm3. This shows that the difference is only 0.025 cm3. However the comparison between Be(OH)2 of the calculated solubility is 0.0843 g/100 cm3 and of its literature value 0.000 g/100 cm3 . Shows that there is a greater difference. Showing that it cannot be X(OH)2 solution. This is also shown for Mg(OH)2 as the difference between the calculated solubility and the literature value is 0.113 g/100 cm3, showing that it still has a greater difference than Calcium hydroxide does. The difference between Sr(OH)2 and its literature value is 0.532g/100 cm3. However the difference between the calculated solubility of Barium hydroxide and the literature value is 3.365 g/100 cm3 showing there is a great difference so it cannot be Barium hydroxide. The percentage error of Ca(OH)2 = [(0.170 0.145)/0.170] X 100 = (0.025/0.170) X 100 = 14.705% Throughout the experiment there were systematic errors and random errors that were met. Uncertainties/limitations Error Type of error Quantity of error Explanation for error Improvements Measurement in burette Systematic error +/- 0.05cm3 Equipment limitation, this is because the line where each of the reading might not be precise. Different manufacturer should be used with multiple trials in order to increase the accuracy of the calculated value to the literature value. Measurement in pipette Systematic error +/-0.1cm3 Equipment limitation, this is because due to the pipette only holding 25 cm3 of volume. The line could have been where the actual reading might not be Causing the result to not be precise. Different manufacturer should be used with multiple trials in order to increase the accuracy of the calculated value to the literature value. Point of colour change Random error Not quantifiable Human observation subjective measurement. This is because even though a white tile is used, it is unclear as to what point has the solution gone colourless. Use alternative indicator for several different trials, use pH meter to assess neutralization point. Therefore there will be a more precise point as to when the solution becomes green. Temperature fluctuations Random error Not quantifiable There can be a change of measurements of equipment due to variation in expansion and contraction of materials. Due to the temperatures not being constant from the fan, windows or from the air conditioner. Controlled lab environment of the temperature by using a water bath at 180C with no air conditioner, fans working. To ensure no fluctuations occur. Fluctuations in humidity of room Random error Not quantifiable Change solution concentrations due to differences in evaporation rate in the surrounding air. Controlled lab environment Calibration error in burette Systematic error Not quantifiable 0 line incorrectly marked Divisions on burette inaccurate Use different manufacturers equipment for other trials Calibration error in pipette Systematic error Not quantifiable 25cm3 line incorrectly marked. Because it is unclear as to where the true meniscus lies. Causing the values measured out to be not precise. Also due to there being only one line causes a further decrease in the precision of the results. Use different manufacturers equipment for other trials to ensure that the accuracy increases. Another improvement that will be done, if the experiment were to be repeated is that due to the inaccuracy of the conical flask being swirled. If the conical flask is being swirled unevenly there is a chance of inaccurate results of when the colourless solution occurs. Therefore a stirring rod should be used to increase the accuracy of the swirls of the reaction in the conical flask. Another limitation that arouse in this experiment that would be improved if the experiment were to be done again is that after the neutralization reaction had occurred, there would still be some residue of the distilled water used to rinse out the equipment. This can be improved by increase the number of repeats of rinse. This would ensure that more of the diluted solution would have been removed. Also the trials can also increase, to 10 repeats so that there is more variance so that the accuracy increases. Another improvement might be, to use different indicator, for example methyl orange. Due to the colour change would be from red to yellow would make it easier for the pH 7 to be more easily recognized against a white tile then it was with phenolphthalein. Cited Sources: 1.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Psychometric study of academic self efficacy scale
Psychometric study of academic self efficacy scale The development of Malaysia industries, infrastructures and ensuring the general well being of the country by Malaysian engineers cannot be underestimated. A new of engineering education model have been introduced to develop the interpersonal skills deal with public effectively as well as the technically competent ( Johari, 2002). In order to develop the interpersonal skills among Malaysia future engineers, a research in psychology well being have to be done. A psychometric analysis is most important part to get a valid and reliable psychology research for predicting the interpersonal skills among students. Standardized testing procedures are essential to valid testing. An invalid and misleading of the test result may alter by using of nonstandard procedures (Gregory, 2007). The psychological test is an effective tool in measuring the attitude and mental ability. It assesses their efficiency in acquiring knowledge relevant to the job and putting what they learn to practice. The test measures emotional stability, and skills such as analytical and problem-solving skills, human communication and leadership skills. The standard procedure for measuring beliefs of personal efficacy includes number of safeguards to minimize any potential motivational effects of self-assessment. These safeguards are built into the instructions and the mode of administration. Self-efficacy judgments are recorded privately without personal identification to reduce social evaluative concerns. The assessments of perceived efficacy and behavior are conducted in different settings and by different assessors to remove any possible carryover of social influence from assessment to the performance setting (Bandura, 1984). For example, in this case, The College Academic Self efficacy scale (Owen Froman, 1988) indicates that students perceptions of their abilities to perform tasks, greatly influences their success. The importance of validity and reliable measure of the sources of self-efficacy is needed. First, self-efficacy beliefs play a critical role in the academic and career choices of students (Hackett, 1995). It is important for educators or a counselors to be well known of the factors that help create and nurture the self-efficacy beliefs of their students. This information is invaluable in helping educators tailor their instructional strategies and counseling practices in ways most supportive both of their students self-efficacy and also of their achievement. Educators and counselors can also make use of such assessments as they evaluate the manner in which academic programs and intervention strategies may influence the self-efficacy beliefs of the adolescents in their care. All professional educators would readily agree that identifying the ways in which students unrealistically low self-efficacy beliefs can be challenged and altered is an essential and critical enterprise. Another important reason why a psychometrically sound assessment of the sources of self-efficacy is required is that the tenets of Banduras (1986) social cognitive theory regarding the workings of self-efficacy cannot effectively be tested without such assessment. Researchers who wish to understand the formation of academic self-efficacy must obtain that understanding using valid and reliable measures that faithfully reflect the sources hypothesized and their role within the broader structure of social cognitive theory. This is especially important in the field of academic motivation where the sources of self-efficacy have often been operationalized and measured in a manner that bears little resemblance to how they were hypothesized by Bandura (1986, 1997). This study will be able to craft items to assess each source by matching them carefully to each source as it that has been described by Bandura (1997). The researcher next sought to establish a psychometrically fit model to measure the sources of self-efficacy and to test whether the model is invariant across demographic factors and the correlation with social support. This study will be also examined evidence for convergent and factor analysis by assessing the relationship between the sources, self-efficacy, and other constructs typically included in studies of academic motivation. College Students self-efficacy beliefs have been found to play an important role in motivating them to learn (Pajares Schunk, 2001). Self-efficacy refers to beliefs about ones capability to learn or perform effectively, such as to solve a particular type of math problem. Self-efficacy differs operationally from other self-related constructs in that self-efficacy items are phrased in terms of what students can do rather than what they will do or usually do in a particular domain (Bandura, 2006). An important type of self-efficacy focuses on students beliefs about their capability to self-regulate learning (SRL), which refers to such processes as goal setting, self-monitoring, strategy use, self-evaluation, and self-reactions (Zimmerman, 2007). Research has indicated that self efficacy correlates with achievement outcomes (Bandura, 1997; Pajares, 1996; Schunk, 1995). Students with high self efficacy often display greater performance comparatively to those with low efficacy. Self efficacy is also equated with self competence, hence significant authorities such as parents and teachers who exert great influences should play their role efficiently in enhancing this self competence and eventually self efficacy for it has great bearings in achievement, be it in the English language or any other subjects ( Mahyuddin.R, 2006). 1.2 Problem Statement This study concentrates on the psychometric properties and application of the Academic Self-Efficacy Scale and its relationship with social supports and students life satisfaction. Through the haze of available measurements in self efficacy, may of them offering weak or unknown psychometric properties, and unlikely that self-efficacy can penetrate clearly (Owen and Froman, 1988). Items in Self efficacy scale should accurately reflect the construct. Self efficacy is concerned with perceived capability. Self efficacy should also be distinguished from other constructs such as self esteem, locus of control, self regulation and outcome expectancies. Scientific advances are greatly accelerated by methodological development of assessment tools for key determinants of human functioning. Quality of assessment provides the basis for stringent empirical tests of theory. Self efficacy assessment tailored to domains of functioning and task demands identify patterns of strengths and limitations in perceived capability (Bandura, 1997). The academic self efficacy and self efficacy in learning have been widely investigate by western researchers and educators. For Malaysian researcher, the study of academic self efficacy is quite constrictive. There are several significance to investigate the psychometric properties of the academic self efficacy scale that will be discussed in part significance of the study. Researchers have previously investigated predictors affecting students decision to pursue higher education. Predictors include primary and secondary school preparations, family dynamics, self esteem, commitment to goals and social support systems. Yet, with all the services available to students and the research conducted to better understand factor associated with the above issues, there are some students who never successfully assimilate into and navigate through the university system (Shaw, N. E, 2008). Owen and Fromans (1988) College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale was selected for this study because it was different from most academic self-efficacy instruments. CASES was unique in that the instrument investigates feelings of academic self-efficacy as a whole as opposed to teasing out individual constructs or areas of academic self-efficacy such as English, mathematics, and reading. Owen and Froman (1988) also believed that CASES can give specific diagnostic findings that can influence holistic change to increase overall academic self-efficacy. This study is unique because one of its objectives was not to simply find a relationship between self efficacy, academic motivation and academic achievement, but to also explore how the psychometric properties is significance before the researcher conduct a test. The study attempted to focus on the mediating variable that would explain the relationship between self efficacy, academic motivation and academic achievement. 1.3 Research Question The research questions are listed as below; i) Do the ASES scores demonstrate adequate internal consistency reliability, convergent validity and factor analysis of the testing for the college students? ii) Are there significant differences in the level of academic self efficacy experienced by male and female students? iii) Are there significant differences in the level of academic self efficacy experienced by students with the level of parents education and income? iv) Is there a relationship between college academic self-efficacy and social support? v) is there a relationship between academic self efficacy and life satisfaction? 1.4 Research Objectives: i) To examine the psychometric properties of a Academic Self efficacy Scale to estimate the students self-efficacy. ii) To identify the levels of self efficacy among engineering students in tertiary education iii) To identify the relationship of self efficacy with demographic factors. iv) To identify the relationship of academic self efficacy with students social supports. v) To identify the relationship of academic self efficacy with life satisfaction. 1.5 Significance of the study Many studies in educational and psychological literature revealed that measurement of self-efficacy is important in the field of education because of its key role and relationships with many other variables, which have great influences on education. For this reason, self efficacy measurements and the development of an effective measurement tool with respect to psychometric properties have become an important issue and major concern. The educators can nurture student self-direction and personal efficacy by providing students with opportunities before, during and after instruction to exercise some control of their own learning. An emphasis on student self-direction and efficacy means that educators teach and engage students in specific strategies that offer them opportunities to make decisions and solve problems on their own without being told what to do at all times. It means, the educators can provide them with strategies designed to help them process information effectively and to be self-confident, believing that they have the abilities to succeed. And perhaps most important, we help students become more reflective about their thinking and learning processes. The perceived attractiveness of the field of engineering and the attrition of engineering students are important issues that are significantly influenced by self-efficacy beliefs. In order to address these problems, educators must gain a better understanding of how students assess their confidence in their abilities to complete the tasks that they find necessary to succeed in engineering fields with their engineering self-efficacy beliefs (Hutchison, 2007). Self-efficacy can influence peoples behavior either positively or negatively, based on their perception of their abilities concerning a particular task. It influences the choices people make, the effort they put forth, and how long they persist in the face of obstacles and failure. The efficacy beliefs of undergraduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs have been linked to their persistence, achievement and interest. 1.6 Limitation of the study The psychometric study will only focus on The College Academic Self Efficacy Scale(CASES) which was develop by Owen and Froman (1988). This instrument also will be used to study the level of academic self efficacy among students. The sample only will be focus on engineering undergraduates. This study only will be done in Higher Public universities in term of geographical, cultural and course offered by the universities. 1.7 Definition of the Terms Psychometric Psychometrics is the field of study concerned with the theory and technique of educational and psychological measurement, which includes the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits. The field is primarily concerned with the study of measurement instruments such as questionnaires and tests. It involves two major research tasks, namely: (i) the construction of instruments and procedures for measurement; and (ii) the development and refinement of theoretical approaches to measurement. In this study, the psychometric analysis will be involved the reliability and validity analysis. In this research, the psychometric analysis will be involved reliability, convergent validity and confirmatory factor analysis. Academic Self efficacy Academic self-efficacy refers to individuals convictions that they can successfully perform given academic tasks at designated levels (Schunk, 1991). In this study, academic self efficacy will be demonstrated by the College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES) developed by Owen Froman (1988). College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES) College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES) refers to an instruments which was developed by Owen Froman (1988) in order to assess students belief that they can master the material and skills thought in university. The CASES was used in order to measure students levels of perceived academic self-efficacy. The scale contained 33-item with five-point Likert-type instruction to be appended. Social supports Life satisfaction A global assessment of a persons quality of life, dependent on the values and criteria deemed important by the individual (Shin Johnson, 1978). Engineering students Engineering students refers for those whom learned and willing to do the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety to life and property. In this study, engineering students refers to first year students from four selected public universities which includes Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM), Universiti Putra malaysia and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. Chapter 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Introduction This chapter will review and summarize the model and social cognitive theory and also self efficacy by Bandura (1997). The researcher has also focused on psychometrics analysis such as validity and reliability. The primary goal of understanding how students from engineering self efficacy beliefs, Bandura (1997) self efficacy beliefs, Bandura (1997) self-efficacy theory was selected to guide the research. 2.2 Social cognitive theory The selection of a guiding theoretical construct is directed by the questions a study seeks to answer (Patton,2002). The social cognitive theory aimed to focus attention on the significant role played by observational learning and vicarious reinforcement in human functioning. Bandura (1977) developed his theory to further include the essential component of self beliefs holds as a factor in human behavior. Social cognitive theory holds that human behavior, adaptation and change are based on cognitive, vicarious, self-regularotary and self reflective processes, rather than reactive responses as claimed in behaviorist theories. BEHAVIOR PERSONAL FACTORS ENVIRONMENTAL (Cognitive, affective, and FACTORS biological events) Figure 1.. Model of the relations between the three classes of determinants in Banduras (1986) conception of triadic reciprocality Figure 1 shows the model of the relations between the three classes of determinants in Banduras (1986) conception of triadic reciprocality. People are viewed as self-organizing, proactive, self-reflecting and self-regulating rather than as reactive organisms shaped and shepherded by environmental forces or driven by concealed inner impulses. From this theoretical perspective, human functioning is viewed as the product of a dynamic interplay of personal, behavioral, and environmental influences. For example, how people interpret the results of their own behavior informs and alters their environments and the personal factors they possess which, in turn, inform and alter subsequent behavior. This is the foundation of Banduras (1986) conception of reciprocal determinism, the view that (a) personal factors in the form of cognition, affect, and biological events, (b) behavior, and (c) environmental influences create interactions that result in a triadic reciprocality. Bandura altered the l abel of his theory from social learning to social cognitive both to distance it from prevalent social learning theories of the day and to emphasize that cognition plays a critical role in peoples capability to construct reality, self-regulate, encode information, and perform behaviors. 2.3 Self Efficacy Beliefs The self-beliefs that individuals use to exercise a measure of control over their environments include self-efficacy beliefs. beliefs in ones capability to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations (Bandura, 1997, p. 2). Self-efficacy beliefs are concerned with individuals perceived capabilities to produce results and to attain designated types of performance, they differ from related conceptions of personal competence that form the core constructs of other theories. Self-efficacy judgments are both more task- and situation-specific, contextual if you will, and individuals make use of these judgments in reference to some type of goal. To better understand the nature of self-efficacy beliefs it may be useful to explain how they are acquired, how they influence motivational and self-regulatory process, and how they differ from similar or related conceptions of self-belief. According to Bandura, there are four major sources of self-efficacy. 1. Mastery Experiences The most effective way of developing a strong sense of efficacy is through mastery experiences, Bandura explained (1994). Performing a task successfully strengthens our sense of self-efficacy. However, failing to adequately deal with a task or challenge can undermine and weaken self-efficacy. 2. Social Modeling Witnessing other people successfully completing a task is another important source of self-efficacy. According to Bandura, Seeing people similar to oneself succeed by sustained effort raises observers beliefs that they too possess the capabilities master comparable activities to succeed (1994). 3. Social Persuasion Bandura also asserted that people could be persuaded to belief that they have the skills and capabilities to succeed. Consider a time when someone said something positive and encouraging that helped you achieve a goal. Getting verbal encouragement from others helps people overcome self-doubt and instead focus on giving their best effort to the task at hand. 4. Psychological Responses Our own responses and emotional reactions to situations also play an important role in self-efficacy. Moods, emotional states, physical reactions, and stress levels can all impact how a person feels about their personal abilities in a particular situation. A person who becomes extremely nervous before speaking in public may develop a weak sense of self-efficacy in these situations. However, Bandura also notes it is not the sheer intensity of emotional and physical reactions that is important but rather how they are perceived and interpreted (1994). By learning how to minimize stress and elevate mood when facing difficult or challenging tasks, people can improve their sense of self-efficacy. Bandura (1986) considered self-reflection the most uniquely human capability, for through this form of self-referent thought people evaluate and alter their own thinking and behavior. These self-evaluations include perceptions of self-efficacy, that is, beliefs in ones capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations. These beliefs of personal competence affect behavior in several ways. They influence the choices individuals make and the courses of action they pursue. People engage in tasks in which they feel competent and confident and avoid those in which they do not. Efficacy beliefs help determine how much effort people will expend on an activity, how long they will persevere when confronting obstacles, and how resilient they will prove in the face of adverse situations-the higher the sense of efficacy, the greater the effort, persistence, and resilience. Efficacy beliefs also influence individuals thought patterns and emotional reactions. People with low self-efficacy may believe that things are tougher than they really are, a belief that fosters stress, depression, and a narrow vision of how best to solve a problem. High self-efficacy, on the other hand, helps to create feelings of serenity in approaching difficult tasks and activities. As a result of these influences, self-efficacy beliefs are strong determinants and predictors of the level of accomplishment that individuals finally attain. For these reasons, Bandura (in press) argued that beliefs of personal efficacy constitute the key factor of human agency . 2.4 Engineering Self Efficacy Numerous studies examining the role of self efficacy in students pursuit of engineering careers have generally found a positive correlation between self-efficacy and academic achievement in engineering disciplines (AWE, 2005). For example, it has been found that ones self-efficacy beliefs influence on effort, persistence, and perseverance in goal attainment (Bandura Schunk, 1981; Bouffard-Bouchard, 1990; Schunk Hanson, 1985). Similar findings reveal that high self-efficacy beliefs influence the academic persistence necessary to maintain high academic achievement amongst college students enrolled in science and engineering courses (Lent, Brown, Larkin, 1984, 1986). Previous research also has clearly made the case that the construct of engineering self efficacy can be an important contributor to success in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) career education by influencing the choice to pursue STEM careers and the persistence with which it is pursued. Hutchison et al (2006) have done a survey incorporating qualitative measures of student self-efficacy beliefs to administer 1,387 first-year engineering students enrolled in ENGR 106, Engineering Problem-Solving and Computer Tools, at Purdue University. The survey was designed to identify factors related to students self-efficacy beliefs, their beliefs about their capabilities to perform the tasks necessary to achieve a desired outcome. Open-ended questions prompted students to list factors affecting their confidence in their ability to succeed in the course. Students were then asked to rank these factors based on the degree to which their self-efficacy beliefs were influenced. Gender trends emerged in student responses to factors that affect confident in success. These trends are discussed in light of the categories identified by efficacy theorists as sources of self-efficacy beliefs. The results presented here provide a useful look at the first-year engineering experiences that inf luence students efficacy beliefs, an important consideration in explaining student achievement, persistence, and interest. 2.5 Academic self efficacy Bandura (1997) believed that self-efficacy contributes to the academic achievement of students. Bandura proposed that individuals make a cognitive judgment about their mastery of present situations in view of their past experiences, and proceed to carry out the necessary behaviors to accomplish the task at hand. Students are affected by personal (e.g., goal setting, information processing) and situational influences (e.g., rewards, teacher feedback) that provide students with cues about how well they are learning. Self-efficacy is enhanced when students perceive they are performing well or becoming more skillful. Lack of success or slow progress will not necessarily lower self-efficacy if learners believe they can perform better by expending more effort or using more effective strategies (Schunk, 1995). Schunk (1991) in his study has also proposed that self-efficacy is critical to the academic achievement of adolescents. He hypothesized that self-efficacy influences a students choice of activities. Students with a high level of self-efficacy will select more challenging learning tasks, therefore expending more persistence and effort to obtain higher achievement outcomes, whereas students with low level of self-efficacy will avoid difficult and challenging tasks that require more effort and persistence, and thus, obtain lower achievement outcomes. Figure 1 The Development of Academic Self Efficacy ( Adapted from Schunk and Pajares, 2001) Familial Influence on Self-Efficacy Peer Influence Role of Schooling Transitional Influences Developmental Changes in Self-Appraisal Skill Gender Differences Ethnic Differences ACADEMIC SELF EFFICACY Students with higher self-efficacy expend greater effort, exhibit more persistence and demonstrate greater resilience in the face of adverse situations. As a result of these influences, self-efficacy beliefs are strong determinants of the level of accomplishment (Bandura, 1997; Pajares, 1996), and therefore contribute tremendously to intellectual development which leads to academic success (Bandura, 1995). In addition, the research literature includes several studies which emphasize the effect of self-efficacy on numerous positive outcomes as well as academic achievement. In this case, not only has self-efficacy been found to positively relate to higher levels of achievement, but also it has a strong association with a variety of adaptive academic 30 outcomes such as higher levels of effort and increased persistence on difficult tasks. This finding has been confirmed across a number of experimental and correlational studies involving students of different ages (Bandura, 1997; Pintrich Schunk, 2002). Also, in a correlational study conducted by Linnenbrink and Pintrich (2002), was found that self- efficacy is positively related to student cognitive engagement and their use of self- regulatory strategies as well as general achievement as indexed by grades (Pintrich, 2000b; Pintrich De Groot, 1990; Wolters, Yu, Pintrich, 1996). Lastly, further evidence exists in the research literature that confirms Schunks hypothesis that students who have positive self-efficacy beliefs are more likely to choose to continue to take more difficult courses over the course of schooling (Eccles et al., 1998). Although several studies confirm the positive effect of self-efficacy on academic achievement, there also seems to be a number of other mediating influences or related variables that provide further explanation of this relationship. In view of possible mediating influences, there exist contradictions in the literature regarding the exact nature of the relationship of self-efficacy with other related variables (e.g., goal orientation, motivation) in explaining positive academic outcomes, as well as its precise strength in predicting academic achievement, irrespective of these variables. Such discrepancies in the research literature should be considered in examining the effect of self-efficacy on academic achievement. The finding that self-efficacy beliefs tend to decline as students advance through school (Pintrich Schunk, 1996) has been attributed to various factors, including greater competition, more norm-referenced grading, less teacher attention to individual student progress, a nd stresses associated with school transitions. These and other school practices can weaken academic self efficacy, especially among students who are less academically prepared to cope with increasingly challenging academic tasks. Lock-step sequences of instruction frustrate some students who fail to grasp skills and increasingly fall behind their peers (Bandura, 1997). Ability groupings can lower self-efficacy among those relegated to lower groups. Classrooms that allow for much social comparison tend to lower the self-efficacy of students who find their performances inferior to those of their peers. Students involvement and participation in school depend in part on how much the school environment contributes to their perceptions of autonomy and relatedness, which in turn influence self-efficacy and academic achievement. Although parents and teachers contribute to feeling of autonomy and relatedness, peers become highly significant during adolescence. The peer group context enhances or diminishes students feelings of belonging and affiliation (Hymel, Comfort, Schonert-Reichl, McDougall, 1996). 2.6 Social support College students may seek social and emotional support from their family and friends. Social support, or receiving emotional, informational, and/or tangible support from other individuals (Lazarus Folkman, 1984), has been linked positively with the maintenance of physical health during stressful situations. In addition, the perceived availability of social support, rather than the actual use of social support, may actually be more important in protecting individuals from the harmful effects of stressful situations (Holahan Moos, 1987). Further, social support may be an important component of college students transitioning successfully to the college environment (Hays Oxley, 1986) and college students academic achievement (DeBerard et al., 2004), with low levels of social support being related to a lack of persistence in academic endeavors (Mallinckrodt, 1988). Given these findings, it is possible that support from family and friends is extremely important in the lives of college students during their college careers, particularly as they experience and make attempts to cope with academic-related stress. For example, one study using a sample of first- and second-year college students, most of whom were without daily parental contact, showed that parental support predicted significantly the grade point average (GPA) of these students. In contrast, support from friends and romantic partners did not predict GPA significantly (Cutrona et al., 1994). These results indicated that, although parents may be removed physically from college students daily life, they still may have a major impact on college students academic performance. As a result, the perceived level of emotional support from college students parents may be related greatly to many aspects of their college career, including their academic performance and their experience of academic- related stress. 2.6.1 Parental support Seminal attachment theories developed by Bowlby (1969) and Ainsworth and
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