Wednesday, August 26, 2020
dinner at homesick restaurant essays
supper at achy to visit the family eatery expositions The epic Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant is one of Tylers progressively complex since it includes not just the development of the mother, Pearl Tull, however every one of her youngsters too. Pearl must with the exception of her shortcomings in bringing up her youngsters, and her kids should all face their own dejection, envy, or blemish. It is in doing this that they discover associations with their family. They discover development through anguish. Cody Tull, the most established kid and the one generally harmed by the disappointment of his folks marriage he turns into a forceful, combative productivity expert.(Voelker 126) He feels that it his issue that Beck, the dad, left. Particularly when they raise the bolt episode. Cody never truly feels like a family as he communicates: You believe were a family...when in particles, destroyed, torn everywhere throughout the place?(Tyler 294). He never recuperates from his dad leaving. The positive thinking of Ezra is never seen by the family. He never let his past influence his life and next to no disturbed him. The family doesn't see his positive thinking since Cody hated it, Jenny overlooked it and Pearl misconstrued it. His idealism is indicated when Cody is pondering their youth, about how terrible it was and how their mom was a screeching witch. Ezra reacts, She wasnt consistently irate. Truly she was furious very sometimes, just a couple of times broadly divided, that happened to stick in your mind(Tyler 295). Despite the fact that Ezra felt his youth was not so despondent, he never feel his family is an entire in view of Codys desire, Jennys separation and Pearls disarray. Ezra makes and deals with a café that revises the unnecessary closeness of his family with a climate that supports the client while making no demands.(Volker 126) This was his optimistic home. Jenny, the most youthful, turns into a pediatrician, an expert mother, who can abstain from smothering emoti... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Atmosphere Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Air - Essay Example What's more, the expansion on temperature is causing the ascent of the water level in oceans and seas. This is essentially because of development of water frameworks and the dissolving of icy masses and polar ice tops (Hegerl et al. 667; Wittoeck). In view of such impacts, various risky aftermaths can happen. In the ascent of ocean level, extensive measure of land zone will be lowered explicitly in the Pacific and the Maldives. Marshes and estuaries that are wealthy in biodiversity will be submerged for all time, hence, influencing the decent variety of the creatures because of the way that the endurance of the occupants of such zones will be tried. Additionally, agrarian terrains will fundamentally diminish, in this way, at last influencing the food supplies. Water flexibly will likewise be an issue later on since higher temperature can be compared to more vanishing, accordingly, less water in the fluid structure (Hegerl et al. 667; Wittoeck). At the point when such issues rise above to social issues identifying with the job of the individuals, bedlam can emerge explicitly because of deficiencies in water supplies and food. What's more, because of the way that such issues can influence the living beings of various structures, the main coherent activity to be embraced is to collaborate and join with different countries and individuals of various nationalities. Each individual from the network is expected to rehearse and advance manageability. The pioneers of countries are expected to start activities that can reduce the practices that can result to an unnatural weather change. One activity of significance is the foundation of strategies on air quality improvement. In the current time frame, the cognizance of the individuals in regards to feasible practices is higher and such activities to improve the familiarity with general society can make the monetary costs justified, despite all the trouble. Remembered for the approaches identified with diminishing the impacts of a worldwide temperature alteration is the Clean Air Act that can decrease the outflow of gases that can heighten such impacts (Hegerl et al. 667;
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Exercise Euphoria and Exercise Addiction
Exercise Euphoria and Exercise Addiction Addiction Addictive Behaviors Print The Science Behind Runners High and What to Do If Youre Addicted By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on March 20, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 16, 2020 Arnold Media/Getty Images More in Addiction Addictive Behaviors Caffeine Internet Shopping Sex Alcohol Use Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery We all know getting and staying healthy through exercise can feel good, but sometimes it can feel so good that people who exercise might wonder, can you get high from working out? And if you can actually get high on exercise, like you can from drugs, is it good for you or bad for you? The short answer is that yes, you can get high from exercise. And while the feeling of getting high itself is not harmful, like with drugs, you can be harmed while under the influence of this high feeling, as you may be less aware of the potential and real harms to your body. There is also a risk of getting addicted to the high you get from exercise, which can also be harmful. Benefits of Regular Exercise So do we need to be concerned that we are exercising too much? For most of us, the answer is no. Typically, people who dont exercise much find exercise hard work at the beginning, and it is only after your strength, stamina, and skill develop that you start feeling good during and after exercise. Even for those who have developed a regular exercise routine, look forward to working out, and feel great during and after exercise, the majority of people dont get to the point where exercising too much is a concern. There is wide variation on how much pleasure people derive from exercise, peoples predisposition to addiction and peoples individual neurological makeup, and it has been noted by neuroscientists that one of the main reasons that people with the intention of increasing exercise eventually quit is a lack of enjoyment. If anything, most of us would benefit from exercising more and increasing our enjoyment of exercise to reinforce a regular exercise routine. Most people do not need to worry about getting addicted to exercise and should try to exercise regularly. Exercise improves your bodys functioning in many different ways and offers many benefits such as:?? Exercise gives you energy and increases your resistance to fatigue, meaning that although your body is working harder when you exercise, over time, you feel less tired than you did before you started working out.Exercise makes your muscles stronger, improving your ability to do many different active tasks, and increasing your independence, as you are less likely to need help with physical tasks.Exercise makes you more flexible, increasing the variety of physical activities you can do, whether or not they are directly related to exercise.Exercise improves your endurance, meaning you can continue to be physically active for longer periods of time than you can when you dont exercise, without straining yourself or feeling uncomfortable.Exercise makes your body more efficient at physical tasks, meaning you can do them with less effort, and feel less tired afterward, than if you dont regularly exercise.Exercise reduces your risk of injuries, such as lower-back problems.Exercise helps you t o manage your weight and can help you to lose weight if you have put on too much weight.Exercise decreases your risk of cardiovascular disease.Exercise reduces your risk of type 2 (adult onset) diabetes mellitus.Exercise lowers your risk of depression and can help manage the symptoms of depression for those who have it.Exercise may decrease the effects of aging through improved functioning during regular tasks of everyday life.Exercise can help people overcome other addictions.??Exercise helps you to get a good nights sleep and can help with sleep disorders.?? Exercise Can Help With Avoiding an Addiction Relapse So, you may be wondering, with such a litany of benefits, what could be the problem with exercise? It sounds like the more the better, and you cant go wrong. For most of us, this is true, but for people with a personal or family history of addictions, those with unresolved emotional trauma, or those who are particularly sensitive to endogenous opioidsâ€"the drug-like substances produced by the bodyâ€"there may be a risk in exercising too much. What Is Runners High? The good feelings that people get from exercise, also known as euphoria, is a well-recognized phenomenon, often referred to as the runners high. The positive feelings people get from exercise can be a great natural way to motivate you to exercise more regularly, can fight depression, and can be helpful for people who are trying to recover from alcohol and drug addictions. The problem comes from the psychological process of addiction, which can occur in people who experience runners high and can potentially lead to exercise addiction. The runners high happens naturally when people participate in vigorous exercises, such as running, swimming, or aerobic exercise. It is caused by changes in the body and brain that occur during exercise, which may be similar to the processes that happen when people take opioid drugs, such as heroin. Although this may seem far-fetched, researchers have found that endogenous opioid production occurs during intense aerobic exercise.?? So the physical processes of opioid use disorder and exercise addiction may be closer than you might think, as the bodys own endorphins are important in initiating both types of addiction. The euphoria you feel during and after exercise is not harmful. While its often referred to as runners high, these feelings can also occur with other forms of aerobic exercise. Like with the high that people get from taking opioid drugs, the runners high feels exhilarating, easeful, and comfortable. If you experience a runners high, you may cease to notice pain, or become comfortably numb. You may experience an overwhelming sense of well-being, even if this does not reflect reality. You might continue exercising even though you know the physical activity is causing problems.?? For example, you may not be bothered by feeling too hot or too cold, and may even have a sense that these things dont matter, feeling a kind of invincibility, that you have superhuman strength and resilience, and can do anything and come out on top. Of course, these physical things all do matterâ€"people who get high on heroin and people who get high on exercise are just as vulnerable as anyone else to becoming ill from being over- or under-heated, or from the injuries that pain usually prompts us to take care of. People experiencing a runners high have been known to continue to engage in exercise or sports, even with serious injuries, such as broken bones. At the time, they either didnt notice they were hurt, or it didnt seem to matter. The Key Features of the Model of Addiction The Science Behind Runners High Scientists have studied the runners high, in order to understand the opioidergic mechanisms of the runners high in the human brain, and to identify the relationship of these drug-like chemicals, which occur naturally in the body, to the euphoria or high that people experience when they engage in intense exercise. Researchers have found a relationship between the number of opioids in the brain and the athletes mood.?? The level of euphoria was significantly increased after exercise. The findings of this research support the opioid theory of the runners high and suggest region-specific effects in frontolimbic brain areas that are involved in the processing of emotional states and mood. Research indicates that the brains of people who exercise excessively get exposed to high amounts of drug-like opioids, creating an intense high. The desire to experience the feeling again drives them to continue to exercise in excess. How to Know If Youre Developing an Exercise Addiction It is fine to take pleasure in exercise. In fact, it is encouraged. Most of the time, this will not be harmful, and it will do you a lot of good. It is also fine for you to think about how you can improve your technique, or excel in whatever form of exercise or sport you are engaging in. Where it becomes problematic to gain pleasure from exercise is when it becomes your main focus in life. If you enjoy exercise, you should enjoy other aspects of life as well. If exercise is the only activity you enjoyâ€"with the exception of other addictive activities, such as sex, eating, work, TV, and of course, alcohol and other drugsâ€"you may be focusing too much on the high you get from exercise to the detriment of other areas of life. Are you enjoying a full social and/or family life? If all of the people you enjoy spending time with are exercise buddies, you may be taking it too far. This is particularly the case if you know that you have problems in your primary relationships, for example, with your parents, your partner, or your children, but you arent addressing these problems because you are focusing too much on escaping into exercise. If youre concerned about the possibility of having an exericse addiction, ask yourself the following questions:Do you feel you cant cope without the high you experience from working out?If you need to stop exercising, either because you are busy with other priorities, or because of a physical illness or injury, do you feel depressed or anxious? Perhaps it might be important to note that there are other conditions that can lead to too much exercise. Excessive exercise can also be frequently seen in those with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia and can co-occur with food addiction.?? What to Do If You Are Addicted to Exercise If you think you might have an exercise addiction, keep a record of how much exercise you do, and when, as well as your mood before and after exercising, and when you are unable to exercise. If, after a week or so, you are noticing a pattern of using exercise for a runners high that you dont think you can cope without, talk to your doctor and relay your concerns outlined in the mood and exercise diary. Your doctor can refer you to a mental health professional, who can help you to get your exercise under control, and help you to find joy in other aspects of life. What Is Exercise Addiction and Are You at Risk?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Research And Articles Addressing The Growing Generation Y
Introduction The steady research and articles addressing the growing Generation Y, also known as Millennials, ranges from leadership styles, effective communication, career expectations, multi-generational work environments, relationships with supervisors and retention. Many studies conclude similar findings such as Millennials prefer a more personal leadership style, want rapid career advancement, transparency in organizational behavior and ethics, and a work/life balance in order to remain in the organization. Several theories discussed how to address these issues ranging from theory integration, positive reinforcement, ABC analysis, etc. However, none of the theories discusses token economies for Millennials and the effectiveness its†¦show more content†¦For example, information technology is a trade/skilled occupation and those who advance in this field introduce new and innovative techniques, algorithms, or designs. Those who do not are still skilled employees even with little exper ience. However, an industry in public or social services is more experienced based. A democratic leadership style would not be effective in public services, especially with the rules, regulations, and laws dictating the boundaries to which the employees must remain. Integration of Behavioral Theories. Organizations continue to suggest more behavioral strategies in the workplace. Behavioral management has started making its way to the forefront of business administration studies and specifically in organizational leadership. More colleges and universities are creating and providing organizational behavior management (OBM). These strategies can be customized for their industry and depend upon consistency to be effective. Deal, J. (2010) provided a theoretical framework for the integration of behavioral methods for organizations with multigenerational employees. Behavioral methods can be applied equally across all employees without having to alter leadership styles to be effective. ABC Analysis. The first step for an organizational management team would be to observe and record organizational behavior. If behavioral strategies are going to be used to modify employee’s behavior every team leader must understand why
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nursing Education and the Media P.I.S.D. Pathetic...
There has been another scratchy eruption of media generated P.I.S.D., attempting to inflate rapid nursing education programs. The latest gem comes from Arizona. Reviewing this topic again necessitates a brief re-education and a wee summary. The nursing profession, led along by the American Nurses Association, the National League for Nursing, the regulatory state boards and legions of advocates of nursing insist on blasting away at their own domain from their isolated machine-gun nests. Since oh, say 1860, this collective academy refuses to mandate a bachelors degree as the base academic entry point for Americas nurses. The consequences continue to be pathetic, embarrassing and dangerous. Hideously unprepared new RNs are thus†¦show more content†¦One result: Decades of front-loaded financial waste incurred by hospitals without a trace of publicity. Patient safety notifications, warnings and profession-generated advisories alerting the public to these elite recruits are blissfully missing. Years late, a complete outright immediate moratorium is necessary for all U.S. nurse-related visa programs. A 29% NCLEX pass rate: RES IPSA LOQUITUR. As for the existential state of U.S. based nursing programs, a bachelors degree entry point to qualify for licensed RN status is non-existent, save for a few token states. The organic pathologies are many. Hospitals prefer a cheaper undereducated labor force, better to stifle Zira and Cornelius. Rural areas with two-year RN programs dont want locals bailing for distant university settings, they wont return to Farmville. In Gotham City where both ADN and BSN nurses live, a kinetic frenzy exists to hire new grads. Larger hospital drones often integrate these grads into a staffing mix to care for your grandma, brother and spouse. For vast numbers of RNs, a two-year education is the Ivy League degree. Cascades of dreamy mission statements and decades of wasteful grant-funded initiatives from the Nurse Universe have simply failed to germinate the academic mesoderm in which to gestate nursings future cortical activity. Imagine the ensuing chaos if any school teacher anywhere, possessing but a two-year degree was turned loose inside any American
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Coping with loss Free Essays
Loss we all go through this emotion in life. It’s a part of life and we learn and grow from it every day. It’s that strong hurt or painful feeling In your chest. We will write a custom essay sample on Coping with loss or any similar topic only for you Order Now That ping in your stomach that Just wont go away. Coping with a huge loss in your life Is one of most difficult things you can do. We have all experience this feeling In one way or another. I recently felt these tumbling emotions not too long ago In October. When I lost my dog my friend of fourteen years Blackly of old age. I remember the first day I got Blackly he was so small and cute. He had a long black coat that looked like you are staring into the darkest of nights. His coat was soft to the touch like cotton or silk. Blackly eyes were so warm and friendly inviting you to pet him. He came up to me and tried to Jump on me. But he fell off of me he was always a silly dog. He was the one I wanted out of that litter of puppies something about him made him stand out to me. It was a weird feeling but a good kind of weird. That moment in time when I got my first puppy changed my childhood forever and has taught me so much. Blackly has taught me so many things in life It Is hard to believe a dog could have such a huge Impact on one person’s life. On a warm summers afternoon I was in the back yard with Blackly. A nice warm summer’s afternoon a cool breeze drafting through the air. Smelling flowers, barbeques In the still summers air, early In the afternoon. The cicada’s In the tree’s making noise me carefree having a good time a boy and his dog. I lay on the pavement Blackly right by my side. He would always lay himself out spreading out all his legs. He was my little black carpet I used to call him. It seems kind of silly to be such close friends with an animal. Animals are so similar to people and have so such personality like us it’s unbelievable. I would always tell Blackly little secrets here and there about myself. How I used to say I don’t know what life is all about and what’s to come of my life. I was and scared what the future may hold for me and I go on being a silly ten year old boy. Talking to a dog but you know something as weird as It may sound. Blackly understood where I was coming from and how I was feeling In this world. That dog had such understanding I thought he was human for the looks he used to give me. He always did have this Brian your crazy look. Then as life seems to go on forever In this world death Is here to take It away from us. Blackly and me had so many fun adventures. From a simple walk around the block to me washing him and even watching movies together. Blackly was getting really old I’m nineteen and already in college having him for so long was such a great gift. I could tell he was going to leave me soon and I made sure I was by his side as much as I could be. But work and school kept me more busy and away. Then that day came in October which is so ironic because Blackly birthday was October fourteen and it was October thirteen. He died before he turned fifteen years old. The day I came home and saw that look on my mom’s face and that look in her eye’s I knew what she was going to say without her saying it. I’ll never forget what my mom said â€Å"Brian Blackly Is gone now but he walked around a little bit in the backyard and then laid back down fell asleep and never woke up. †I never cried so much before Like that In my life. My mom’s words shattered me Into so many pieces. It was Like glass that is broken and you trying to find and fix all the pieces together. I went over memories we shared together in my mind whirling around and around. I think that happened to him to before he left this world. He remembered all the fun times we had together. Blackly getting up and walking around the yard was such a shock to me. Pets don’t care if you’re perfect, rich, or different. They accept and love you for who you are as a person which is one thing Blackly left behind to me. It doesn’t matter who oh are people should love you for the way you are no matter what. That is the biggest lesson I learned while I had Blackly in my life up until this point. I think all pet owners feel this strong deep connection with their pets. The one thing people should do more of is not to feel sad and lonely once their pet is gone. Your pet would never want you to feel that way I know Blackly wouldn’t like it if I was sad. Losing an important part of my life my childhood has affected me greatly. I Just learn to control those strong deep emotions and hope in time they will heal over my saddened heart. How to cite Coping with loss, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Freedom of Religion or Belief in Russia Essay Example For Students
Freedom of Religion or Belief in Russia Essay This paper will present freedom of religion or belief in the Russian federation context. It will focus on how religion is practiced in Russia, the relationship between people with different religious practices, tensions cause by differences in religion, and government interventions towards religion and belief. The Russian Federation like any other state constructed laws that regulate freedom of religion and belief. Different state construct different law based on; customary law, statutes, court presidents, administrative regulations and many more, while Russia chose the constitution. According to The Constitution of Russian Federation (1993), â€Å"Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to freedom of conscience, to freedom of religious worship, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion, or to profess no religion, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious or other beliefs, and to act in conformity with them.†It is not every country that accept and respect all religious practices, some countries practice no more than two religions, however the Russian federation have more than two religions. According to the RussiaPedia, (2013: internet), there are four official religions in Russia. Russian federation practices Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religions that contributed to the historical background of its religion and culture. â€Å"Decades of Soviet rule left their mark: up to half of Russians declare themselves atheists, although figures vary. â€Å"(RussiaPedia 2013: Internet). The former Russian laws shaped the modern religious laws. The former communist party abolished religion; however the collapse of the former Soviet Union experienced the re-emergence of religions. The shifts in Russian religious practices are more transparent in the Russian calendar. After the Soviet Union had collapsed the general public started celebrating religious holidays once again for example; Russia celebrates Christmas and Easter holidays, although celebrating it differently from other countries. The Russian people celebrate Christmas day on 7th January, while other countries celebrate it on the 25th of December. Russians celebrate Christmas day on 7th of January is because the Russian Orthodox Church religious practices are still follow the Julian Calendar, which is said to be 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar. In the Russian religious history, the Gregorian calendar is assumed to be embraced by different states universally and by non-Orthodox Church members. The Orthodox Church did not fall into the trap of the Gregorian calendar just because it is embraced by different states universally. The reason Orthodox chose a different a calendar is because their Easter celebration was going to change. The difference in the two calendars is the reason why some Eastern and Western countries celebrate Easter in different dates. â€Å"Easter comes on the first Sunday after the fool moon which follows the vernal equinox (March 21). However, March 21 according to the Julian calendar is April 3 by the Gregorian calendar, and in addition, Orthodox regulation stipulate that Easter must follow the Jewish celebration of Passover.†(Fairbairn 2002: 189). Therefore Easter in the East and West will never be celebrated on the same day. Christianity is the most practiced religion in Russian parts. Majority of the Russian people who practice Christianity are members of the Russian Orthodox Church. The other Christian groups are Baptists, Roman Catholics and Protestants. Non-Christian religions are the Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. Although Russian’s freedom of religion and belief is protected by law; discrimination and inequality still exists. Some religious beliefs and practices are undermined. Individuals are not treated equally because of what they believe in. The state representatives and other members of the general public prevent individuals from enjoying their freedom of religion. State representatives attempt to defend freedom of religion on paper, while creating contradictory statements, and implementing policies that prevent religious freedom. This is marked by a report in New York Times in, 16/09/2000. According to the report; state representatives gathered to discuss whether two neighboring Pentecostal churches should be legally registered. The two churches were judged on their religious practices, which is something prohibited by the Russian law of religion. The report also revealed that, the two churches were not allowed to be legally registers because it is assumed they use ‘psychol ogical manipulation’. Essay Freedom Of Religion By Annie Laurie GaylorThroughout history the U.S. government is known for its remarked work in trying to protect religious freedom. The U.S. implemented programs and policies that support religious freedom. These policies are beneficial to the foreign countries. With the aid of the U.S. policies, Russian is taking actions against the violation of religious freedom and beliefs. According to the International Religious Freedom Report for 2012, in Russia â€Å"embassy officials expressed concern about alleged abuses of the anti-extremism law. â€Å" Any state that is an active member of the United Nation is protected by the UN laws. Russian Federation joined in October 24, 1945. According to the United Nations cyberschoolbus; â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.†Laws passed by the UN on freedom of religion and belief are the same laws that are available in the Russian constitutions. This implies that all laws passed by the member of the UN should comply with the laws passed by the UN itself. The difference will be the actions taken against a country that violate these laws. The reason why actions should be different is because different countries restrict freedom of religious and beliefs in different ways; others do intentionally, while others do it unintentiona l. Another reason the actions might differ is because all these countries have different official religions, religious practices, and beliefs. Russia should take full contribution in the programs and policies introduced by the U.S. government in U.S. Department and State. For instance; The International Religious Freedom Report for 2012 reflects that Russia has been showing concern about the abuse of the anti-extremism. Full contribution, will prove Russia’s willingness to fight against religious freedom, and practices violation. Other way in which Russia can reduce the level of religious freedom violation is through addressing the people of Russia about the policies and programs by the implemented U.S. government. It will be more useful to address the Russian people in a language in which they will understand than the language used in the U.S. This paper focused on how religion is practiced in Russia, the relationship between people with different religious practices, tensions cause by differences in religion, and government interventions towards religion and belief. Reference list Basic fact about Russia: Religion RussianPedia published 1 September 2013 Available on:!news/nws2/312F4868-4199-412B-95AF-4B25EFD528F1/basic-facts-about-russia%3A-religion CBC News. 2014. Crimea crisis: Canada to join U.S., EU with new Russian sanctions Accessed: 2014.03.19 Fairbairn, D. (2002). Eastern Orthodoxy through Western Eyes 1st edn. Westminster John knox Press, Louisville Kentucky. Faulkner, W. (2014). Goodreads. Available from: RT News 8 February 2012. Putin Promises to protect Christianity worldwide. Accessed: 2014.03.19 U.S. Department of State. 2012. International Freedom of Religion Report for 2012. Accessed: 2014.03.19 United Nations cybershoolbus. (1996-2014). Accessed: 2014.03.19 The Constitution of the Russian Federation. (1993). Chapter two of Section one. Available from: The New York Times, 16 September 2000. Religious Freedom in Russia. Accessed: 2014.03.19
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
What is a thyroid gland How much do people unders Essays
What is a thyroid gland? How much do people understand about it? The organ is located at the base of the neck, surrounding the trachea. This seemingly insignificant body part plays a vital role in maintaining optimal development and ensuring the balance of an organism's central nervous system. In cases where it malfunctions, endocrine diseases may arise. This is reflected in Erica* who is a sufferer of grave's disease. This essay will first examine the effects of Erica's medical condition on her physical and psychological health and on her lifestyle. Secondly, Erica's personal perception of the disease and reaction to the diagnosis will be discussed. Next, environmental triggers and any other predictors that may have an impact on aspects of the disease will be addressed. Finally, emphasis will be given to Erica's expectations for the future. The author's own predictions will also be included strategically throughout the essay. Born and raised in Australia, Erica's parents were originally Vietnamese refugees who fled to Australia during the Vietnam War. At age 28, Erica is a female who holds the position of a sales and marketing manager. Erica is currently married and lives with her husband. Ando, Latif and Davies (2004) define Grave's disease as a prevalent autoimmune disorder resulting from the excess production of thyroid hormones. Hanna and Lafranchi (2002) suggest that this can be the effect of complicated interactions between external and internal factors. An example of this was that while Erica inherited the gene that caused Grave's disease from her mother, environmental stimulations such as a bacteria infection, stress or simply geographic variables such as her Asian background might have activated the onset of the disease. According to Erica, Asians are more prone to iodine-related diseases due to their low iodine diet. Erica was first diagnosed with a thyroid condition at the tender age of 21. Hanna and Lafranchi (2002) contends that females are five times more likely to experience hyperthyroidism as compared to males and that in the initial stage of the disease, symptoms are covert despite it having fatal consequences later on. Statistically approximately 0.4% of adults suffer from Grave's disease. The severity of Erica's illness and persistent sanctioning from her parents prompted her to seek medical help immediately. After having had her blood test taken, antithyroid drugs were administered by the doctor based on the laboratory results. This was indicative of the amount of radioactive iodine that is absorbed by the thyroid gland. A high iodine uptake translates to Grave's disease (Isaacs and Ruggieri, 2004). There are three types of treatment for hyperthyroidism. They are antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive therapy (RAI) and surgery with the first type of treatment being the most common and the last being rare (Isaacs and Ruggieri, 2004). Cooper (2005) explains that the use of such immunosuppressive drugs have an advantage over other more dangerous measures such as radiation therapy and surgery. This is largely because oral medication is more affordable and perceived as less life threatening. However, it is unknown to many that RAI can also be administered in medication form- as a radioactive pill ingested orally (Hanna and Lafranchi, 2002). Besides, surveys comparing the effectiveness of the three main treatments of hyperthyroidism have demonstrated up to 90% success rate for each. However, this form of treatment is more time consuming and requires long-term commitment in that frequent tests on the thyroid needs to be done at least once every month until the amount of thyroid hormones secreted appear to be of an acceptable level. If this data remains consistent for the next three months, the amount of drug administered could be lowered and eventually ceased within the span of 18 months (Cooper, 2005). According to Er ica, her doctor had to monitor the development of her thyroid. This means that she was required to undergo blood tests on a monthly basis. Understandably, it was tricky to know the exact amount of medication to prescribe since her condition varied periodically, without adhering to a specific trend. Cooper (2005) asserts that an overdose may lead to hypothyroidism while insufficient administration will result in uncontrolled levels of hyperthyroidism. Personally, Erica felt that visits to the practitioner posed as an inconvenience because of her busy schedule at university. The
Friday, March 6, 2020
The top three U.S. cities to start a business
The top three U.S. cities to start a business Attention entrepreneurs: We know that you’re eager to kickstart your business idea and build it into the next wildly successful corporate empire. After all, fortune favors the bold, and a commonly shared trait amongst successful entrepreneurs is an unwavering self-confidence at all costs and a capacity to handle risk. However, that doesn’t mean you should blindly leap forward before carefully weighing all of the variables that typically make or break new startups- this includes where you decide to get started, which can be just as important as the how and why parts of the new business equation. It’s true- when it comes to starting, owning, and operating a business in America, all cities are not created equal. In addition to the obvious things like climate, location, and existing infrastructure in your specific industry, there are a host of key variables to consider when choosing which city is the ideal home for your burgeoning business.Inc. recently ran an article on America’s top surge cities- cities whose high ratings in the following key metrics make them ideal places for starting a new business: job creation, population growth, net business creation, rate of entrepreneurship, wage growth, high-growth company density, and early-stage fundraising. Whether your goal is a modest one-person operation, the next international mega-corporation, or somewhere in-between, as you build your business plan and look to get your idea off the ground floor and up and running, you may discover that one of these cities is the perfect place to make your move.Austin, TXReferring to Austin as â€Å"the next Silicon Valley†is practically yesterday’s news, as notable tech superstars ranging from Google to Amazon and many others have already established a serious presence in this thriving and talent-rich city. As a result, Austin is experiencing an amazing explosion of business and population development and expansion- with no end in sight.And it isn’t just tech-centric companies planting their flags in Austin. Companies across all industries are eager to set up shop in Austin and get in on the action. The city is abuzz with start-up money and public and private investment opportunities, which only adds to its current draw as the edgy alternative to San Francisco and New York City.And if you’re thinking that Austin is all business, then think again- the city’s fun factor is practically off the charts, with a thriving music scene and nightlife, and bars and restaurant s abounding to serve the needs of all the employees flocking to its borders. If you’re looking for a home for your business, Austin should definitely make your short list.Salt Lake City, UTIf you’re wondering where the â€Å"next, next Silicon Valley†might be, then look no further than Salt Lake City. As San Francisco and Austin continue to evolve and everything from real estate to restaurants get more expensive, companies are giving Salt Lake City a closer look as an affordable alternative. Don’t take our word for it- companies like Electronic Arts, Adobe, and Oracle already have offices here, along with a wide range of other high-valued entrepreneurial startups. If you’re interested in getting in early on the next big thing, then setting up here just might be one of your first prophetic business moves.Raleigh, NCIf you’re looking for a thriving and vibrant home for your new company that’s just a little further off the typical beaten path, consider this edgy corner of the southern Research Triangle.More and more companies are looking at Raleigh and everything it has to offer- a young, well-educated, and talent-rich population of college graduates and seasoned workers, as well as a thriving cultural scene. Most importantly, investment money is following suit. The bottom line: Raleigh is a solid choice as a home for new businesses looking to get going and benefit from its favorable location.If you’re an entrepreneur on the rise and are looking to find the home where to build your business, then consider the choices presented here when you’re making your decision. Good luck!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Human Trafficking in Thailand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Human Trafficking in Thailand - Research Paper Example This essay explores several cases in which human trafficking takes place. Some of the cases are whereby people are convinced into going to other countries with the promise of getting better jobs and comfortable lives. Mostly, it always turns out to be untrue. This context discusses hundreds of workers from Thailand being promised high wages by the California based company named Global Horizons Inc and instead of paying them little to nothing while treating them like scum, taking their passports on arrival and threatening deportation. Human trafficking is one of the most dangerous forms of discrimination. Thailand experiences major challenges as a source, passage and destination country on human trafficking mainly women and children. The tendency of trafficking for enforced labor is rising in level in the agricultural, construction and fishing organizations. Human trafficking is a modern correspondent of slavery. Opposing their will, thousands of people around the globe are enforced t o work for the benefit of other people. For instance, by becoming beggars, prostitutes, working in sweatshops, unintentional servitude or even turning into child soldiers. People that are trafficked are usually enslaved or in circumstances of debt oppression that are deceitful and oppressive. Traffickers will carry away or mistreat the fundamental human rights of their victims, who most possibly have been tricked and enticed by fake promises or physically enforced into their circumstances. Trafficking is a regular practice to convince people to leave their homes and move to neighboring countries that are wealthier where they can work in services like domestic services, adult care or waiter and waitresses in restaurants. Upon advent, their passports, visa, and return permits are taken away from them, efficiently; these people are imprisoned, either bodily or financially or psychologically. The trafficked people are made to labor as household slaves or as agricultural or industrial un it workers, in slave-like circumstances.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Applications of Linear Algebra to Electrical Engineering Research Paper
Applications of Linear Algebra to Electrical Engineering - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that matrices are used to find the simplest method of solving complex electrical circuits. A mesh is a loop that has a single current flow path. In the circuits where there are different current paths and different voltages, the simplest method is to utilize the matrices to solve for the currents and voltages. Every electrical network must have three basic quantities current, voltage or potential difference and resistance. There could be impedance or reactance at the place of resistance but the two quantities voltages and current are the constant in every electrical network. Many scientists proposed theories shoe the relation between the voltage or potential difference, current and resistance but ohms law presented the best relation in between the three quantities. The writers ‘Shamieh Cathleen and Gordon McComb’ in the book ‘Electronic for Dummies’ write â€Å"Ohm’s law is a master key, unlocking the secrets to the electronic circuits†. The problem then arose in solving the complex electrical networks, which have more than one resistance, current, and voltages. At every loop, the current is different and at every node, the difference in voltage and current could be seen. To solve the matter the engineers and scientists relied upon utilizing the different mathematical methods and formulas but linear algebra has the right method to solve the complex electrical circuits and electrical networks. Kirchhoff’s laws presented by Gustav Kirchhoff in 1845 relate to the power conservation in the electrical circuits and have vast applications in electrical engineering. As we know the Ohm’s law states that V = IR, it is the simplest estimation to calculate the voltage or current into the circuit if the third variable is known. Kirchhoff’s voltage law states, â€Å"The algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed path in a circuit is identically zero for all time†. In this way, if we consider a mesh in which, there only a single loop, the method that represents the mesh current is used to the determine the current in each of the mesh. If we have a single loop consider the situation, it will be easier to evaluate the unknown quantity but it the circuit consists of several mesh circuits, the will be complex to evaluate an unknown current in different mesh circuits. For this reason, Kirchhoff’s voltage law provided an easier method to apply it to every mesh of the circuit. It should be kept in mind the circuit contains resistances, and if a mesh has a resistor that the other mesh also has, the voltage must be the product of the resistance and the subtraction of analyzed current and other currents.Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Present Environmental Ecological Crisis Theology Religion Essay
The Present Environmental Ecological Crisis Theology Religion Essay There is the worldwide recognition of the present environmental/ecological crisis and there is a central belief amongst the religions that nature was created by God and should be protected. As environmental degradation has occurred, we begin to ask ourselves about the relationship between human beings and nature. The focus on religion and the environment has grown in recent years. Researchers have looked specifically at the role of religion and ecology. Taylor defines the field of religion and ecology as one that focuses on: Identifying the obstacles that the worlds mainstream religions may pose to environmental sustainability, and secondly the resources such religions may have available for promoting environmentally beneficent behaviors, (992). There is the recognition that the Earth is in danger from human activity and use and changes need to be made in order to sustain life on the Earth (Taylor 998). Why is it important to use religion as a means for environmental action? Berry states that it is human carelessness and greed that caused the environmental problems that we are faced with today (30). With this in mind, we look to religion as this is what some individuals believe holds a large degree of responsibility for the start of our environmental problems. Lynn Whites 1967 essay, The Historical Roots of our Ecologic Crisis suggested a link between religion and the environment. White singled out Christian attitudes as a reason for the environmental crisis. He proposed that the attitudes of individuals who do not regard nature as a central importance need to be changed. The earth needs to be respected and used in a manner that will help to preserve it for future generations, rather than exploit it for the present. White suggested that it was when the Industrial Revolution began that the human concern for the environment was lost to a greater degree than had been seen in the past. White interpreted the Bible as presenting human dominance over nature, leading individuals to care about themselves and industrial progress rather than about environmental matters and the ultimate effects of their actions on the earth. Besides Whites interpretation, there are many other suggested explanations for how humans viewed the world, and their resulting actions. From the philosophy of Rene Descartes, the universe was seen as a machine. It was from this time that economic progress was a priority and the long-term effects from the development and use of nature was not regarded as an issue (Sevier, 41). This is a view similar to that held by White, in that human progress and development has led to the environmental effects. However, this view does not specifically mention the role of religion. Carters interpretation of this issue suggests that the ecological crisis is not a result of Judeo-Christian traditions, but rather stems from the interpretation of the Bible and giving human beings dominance over other life forms (animals, plants) (358). This led to the exploitation of natural resources and ultimately to where we are today with the issue. Regardless of how it initially happened, we have to face reality and realize that as a society we have caused considerable damage to our planet. The role of religion Anthropologists suggest that religion persists because it has value to us, and such value can be either intrinsic, instrumental, or a combination thereof, (Strada 59). Sevier writes that, Traditionally, religion used to play an integral role in linking people to the natural world, imbuing people with the knowledge and values that make caring for it a priority, (38). Six major religions Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism Indigenous Religious Buddhism There is a universality of suffering. Being aware of suffering and produces compassion. Though traditional Buddhism regarded human life over that of animals, there is presently the recognition that all life forms should be respected equally. As humans we got ourselves into this ecological/environmental crisis and we are the ones that need to get ourselves out. Source: Swearer Christianity There is often seen to be a failure on the part of Christians in how they had interpreted the Bible and used the resources that God made available to them. Lynn Whites 1967 essay is an example of this. However, this is not the belief of all individuals. There recently has been an increased awareness of the environment in the United States as churches are initiating responsibility towards environmental protection. Hinduism Hindu images relate to the powerful natural world. Ecological sensitivity is based on the relationship between humans and how they respect the gods and goddesses related to the earth. In South Asia, the effects of pollution, both in the air and water, have been felt, particularly in recent years. With the values that Hinduism has towards the environment, reflection is starting to occur on how individuals can best approach the ecological challenges that are occurring. Islam An environmental ethic is in the Quran, but leaves an opening for Muslims to incorporate creative and innovative solutions in the contemporary context. A green jihad has recently begun. This is a common term for the green movement that promotes environmental protection. Source: Denny Judaism Ecological issues were never a central focus of Judaism, but rather were dealt with as they came about. An environmental perspective suggests that a belief of Judaism is that we are only tenants on this earth. The earth must then be cared for as there are other inhabitants, both presently as well as in the future, that will be living here. Source: Fink Indigenous Religions For individuals following indigenous religions, there is an understanding of their place in the local environment. Native Americans have believed that there are spirits in nature and the environment needs to be taken care of. Grim writes that in indigenous beliefs, to analyze religion as a separate system of beliefs and ritual practices apart from subsistence, kinship, language, governance, and landscape is to misunderstand indigenous religion. The respect for nature and the environment is still present amongst the Indigenous peoples. What is evident, however, is wherever indigenous peoples have endured, they have maintained a loving experience of place and an understanding that spiritual forces capable of leading humans into both utilitarian and self-understandings abide in all of these places, (Grim). Source: Grim How do we create a solution? An environmental crisis is here. It is recognized throughout the world, and its presence is agreed upon by the major religions. But what is the next step? How do we go about creating a solution? Can there be a common ground for science and religion in that both work together towards a solution? Bouma-Prediger quotes Edward O. Wilson in saying that religion and science are the two most powerful forces in the world todayif religion and science could be united on the common ground of biological conservation, the problem [of biological catastrophe] would soon be solved (1392). Can religion and science work together? Hossein Nasr writes, The environmental crisis now encompasses the entire Earth, (3). He suggests that there is a crisis of values and that as humans, we have participated in creating the destruction of the environment. A need exists to develop a path across religious frontiers without destroying the significance of religion itself and to carry out a comparative study of the Earths of various religions as has been carried out for their Heavens, if these terms are understood in their traditional metaphysical and cosmological sense, (Hossein Nasr 3). We need to regain the loss of a moral and social awareness as ecology becomes more individualistic and systems based. Many researchers recognize that a global stance needs to be taken by religions, with them working together to create a more comprehensive worldview and ethics to assist in reversing this trend, (Tucker and Grim). This is along similar lines with what Hossein Nasr writes, that dialogue on the environment must take place between religions on a global scale. Tucker and Grim continue by writing that, This is critical because the attitudes and values that shape peoples concepts of nature come primarily from religious worldviews and ethical practices. The moral imperative and value systems of religions are indispensable in mobilizing the sensibilities of people toward preserving the environment for future generations. Religious factors and environmental behaviors and attitudes Sherkat and Ellison analyzed data from a 1993 General Social Survey to look at religious factors and environmental behaviors and attitudes. Their study revealed that contradictory findings on the connection between religion and environmental concern and activism are the result of varied influences of religious schemata and resource interactions on different indicators of environmental concern and activism, (83). Sherkat and Ellison were not able to conclude specific religious influences on the environment, but suggested that Whites 1967 essay had the possibility of being a primary influence for religious leaders to take a pro-environment stance and actions (83). Religion and the environment are intertwined in that they have had a history and will continue to have a role together in the future. This may be one area where science and religion can find a common ground both have the environment in their best interest and can work together to find a solution to the current environmental crisis. As religious traditions and beliefs have shaped human values and behaviors towards the environment in the past, this is one possibility for working toward positive environmental attitudes for the future.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Hillcrest Medical Essay
Chief Complaint: Tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, fast heart rate. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLINESS: Mr. Barua is a 42 year old gentleman from Bangladesh who presents with chest tightness, shortness of breath, and tachycardia. Dr. J.K McClean of cardiology is evaluating his heart condition. The patient has had the recent onset of hemoptysis. He was treated for tuberculosis in Bangladesh 15 years ago. This has prompted the concern of weather his treatment of tuberculosis was adequate or if weather there is another cause of his hemoptysis. The duration of his tuberculosis treatment was apparently adequate, according to his wife. But no records are available. In addition, the patient had thrombosis of the axially artery treated last year at Hillcrest. He had an embolectomy and has been on Coumadin since. INR is significantly elevated at 16. None the less, because of the cavitary lesions that are seen in the right and left upper lobes, the possibility of tuberculosis has been raised. Ancillary history was been given by the wife, Nupaul, with the patient translating for her from the Indie language. PAST HISTORY: Tuberculosis is the past. Embolectomy at Hillcrest last year. SOCIAL HISTORY: Married with two daughters. Patient has been in the USA for 10 years. The patient has no recent history of smoking he smoked in the past. But the amount is unclear. He is a restaurant manager for the Marriot hotel chain. FAMILY HISTORY: No known family history of diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. Mother died of a stroke and father was killed in a MVA in Bangladesh. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Negative other than as stated in HPI. PHYSCIAL EXAMINATION: Vital signs are WNL. Apparently he has had no fever, chills or night sweats. Generalized malaise and the lack of energy has been the main concern. HEART: Regular rate a rhythm with S1 and S2. No S3 or S4 is heard at this time. LUNGS: Bilateral bronchi. No significant euphoric sounds were noted. ABDOMEN: Soft non tender. No hepatosplenomegagaly detected. RESTAL: Prostate smooth and firm, no stool present of Hemoccult test. DIAGNOSIS: Hemoptysis with history of tuberculosis. PLAN: I have reviewed the chest x-rays available here and agree with the finding of bleb formation in the right and left upper lobes. Despite the patient has had a high INR, because of his history of hempotysis and tuberculosis I believe obtaining sputum for TB is very, very important. We should rule out any other endobronchial lesions are the cause of his bleeding. I have discussed this matter with the patient and his wife. I told them that there is a possibility of observing the condition via x-rays and repeated tested of sputum. They understand that this is an option However, they have decided because of the concern regarding of his repeating hemoptysis, they would consent to bronchoscopy. We will arrange for the patient to have a bronchoscopy done. The patient is off Coumadin. We will recheck the prothrombin time and INR tomorrow. Depending on those results we will proceed with bronchoscopy and further evaluation.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Leaders and subordinates in Spain Essay
Influenced by its collectivist past, family values, a sense of identity and belonging to a group, are constitutive parts of society in Spain. They care for each other in society like a family. For many Spanish people, the family is effectively a replacement for the state. Generally, Spaniards are very conservative and they will resist making decisions on hazardous matters, particularly if the consequences of their decision would affect other people. Thus, most Spaniards will look for support and approval of family, friends and co-workers before acting on their own. The Spanish believe if you are not a part of a group, neighbourhood, town or business organisation then you are not an integral part of society. This important aspect of the Spanish collectivist culture might restrict business activities and force the ‘outsider’ and visitors to the country to bear down their ‘outsider’ status by fitting into a group. However, regarding personal attributes, individualism is highly valued in Spain, along with an emphasis on character and social status. Therefore, personal qualities, appearance, image and personal relationships are extremely substantial elements in modern Spanish culture. Also, personal attributes and character are frequently valued as highly as technical ability, experience or professional competence. While being rather collectivists in their private lives the Spanish show distinct individualism in business context. When doing business in Spain, you will discover that individualism is especially predominant in management, where Spanish managers are less inclined to prefer group decision making and team orientation, as sharing the burden of decision-making is seen as a sign of weakness. Motivation is based on individual rather than collective relationships. The fact that only the individual in highest authority makes the final decision indicates that decision-making can become very slow and tedious, for many levels of management will have to be consulted in order to analyse the proposition. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a good relationship with these intermediaries in order to succeed. Spain being a feministic society points to a low level of differentiation and discrimination between genders in Spanish society. Machismo is the word for male dominance, and the culture of old men who created it has changed dramatically. Spain has become a very equalitarian society where women are present at universities and work. However, men yet hold the majority of positions within companies. The reason for that is that Spanish men still restrain to treat women as equals in society. Many women in Spain are career oriented and seek high positions in society. Their social and educational status often assigns the role they eventually play in business. Despite the advancement women have made up to date, the change of women trying to achieve higher positions is progressing very slowly, due to the major barrier of it being the mentality of the females themselves. An example for changed/changing attitudes is Soledad Becerril who became not only the first mayoress in the early 90’s but also a symbol for many women in Spain of how Spanish females have made progress in the last years. She was also the first woman to become minister in the government, in 1981. And that is very significant of how Spain has changed and how it continues to do so. Furthermore, masculinity and femininity can be referred to the goals that are aimed for in professional life. Spain being a feministic society indicates issues of security of the job, good employer-employee relationship, pleasant cooperation with the colleagues and friendly work environment. Also, Spanish managers tend to pay more attention to consensus and apart from that, they like to rely on their intuition. HAMPDEN-TURNER & TROMPENAARS Spaniards tend to particularism rather than universalism. Therefore, at work Spanish seek gratification through personal relationships, especially with their superiors. Charismatic leaders find it easy to put their personal stamp on every area in a business. Most of the time job descriptions in Spain have a different function compared to the job descriptions in other countries. In Spain they seldom serve for selecting an employee, but subsequently they will be tailor-made for the favoured candidate. Spanish culture tolerates – even advocates – the expression of emotions (affectivity), also in the business environment. The admiration and display of heated, vital and animated expressions are just as common as fluent and dramatic delivery of statements in Spain. People from diffuse cultures carry their status everywhere; your boss remains your boss and will expect the same respect even if you meet him/her at the gym. Spain indicates to be a specific culture, where official relationships are carefully isolated from relationships of other nature. Using the previous example it means that you may show respect to your boss at the office but his status will not follow him outside the office, and he/she may well ask you for advice. This explains the Spanish being paradoxical in their decision making and in their relation to the community. As a consequence of the fact that Spaniards separate work and personal matters, nobody would take work-related criticism personally. Another theory is that people from diffuse cultures prefer to â€Å"circle around†and establish a relationship before any deal is done; those from specific cultures would rather get straight to the point, focus on the deal first and the relationship will flow from that. This definition contradicts the Spanish being a specific society as they need long discussions prior getting down to business and want to know the person they do business with. Therefore, networks are quite important. For Spanish, status is a thing that is given to them because of what they are (ascribed). It does not matter what you do but what or who you are. Ultimately, status and respect are conferred with the aid of family ties and connections. Concepts like bien educado (good education) and enchufado (good connections) distinguish this phenomenon. Achievement-oriented concepts like ‘pay for performance’ cause for incomprehension in societies like Spain. FUKUYAMA Fukuyama suggests Spain to be a low-trust society where workers are isolated by a series of bureaucratic rules. He describes Spain as a society with strong families and family businesses, a strong state and large foreign owned companies, where hierarchies are necessary in order to force those by distinct rules and measures, who do not act out ethical codes. Evidence of different leadership styles in Spain backs up this theory. A study on ‘Leadership from a Spanish perspectivei drafted by Instituto de Empresa and Deloitte stated that 56% of Spanish Directors prefer a participative leadership style. The report shows that future leaders have to act as coaches, and they must issue their subordinates with the skills and knowhow they need to work efficiently with their teams. However, participative leadership is not the norm among the Spanish directors. Therefore, there is a need for adapting the other styles and make them more participative which requires great commitment from the leaders. The styles least preferred by Spanish senior managers are those based on compulsion with little or no participation of employees and exception-based management where the director only steps in to sort out mistakes. Leaders of relatively new businesses are better at leadership styles, which are based on objectives and development. Where different sectors are concerned, the report unveils how directors in the financial sector tend to use leadership styles that are more direct, transactional and less oriented to learning. While companies in the technology sector give more importance to coaching and vision. MONOCHRONIC vs. POLYCHRONIC Spaniards can be classed as polychronic where nothing seems solid or firm, and there are always changes right up to the very last minute or even in plans for the future. Polychronic cultures are unconventional and flexible with time because it is not seen as a resource or as opportunity cost. Usually start times are flexible and schedules are unrushed. For example, it is not considered to be impolite to keep people waiting, as long as it does not exceed 30 minutes. Since time is also non-linear Spanish tend to manage several tasks at once, often in an unplanned sequence (e. g. salespeople in stores talk to several people at once rather than give only one customer their attention and taking people in turn; a meeting can be interrupted by a phone call; etc.). Another significant cultural difference is the smaller radius of personal space in Spain. Spaniards are most likely not to appologise when bumping into each other or pushing their way through crowds, which can be a shock to visitors from foreign countries. In the business environment, when it comes to forecasting, plans are often based on assumptions, intuition and experience because every day is regarded as unpredictable. Spaniards in the business environment usually make decisions based on judgement, experience and political realities. The supervisory style allows for the rules to be circumvented, whereas style and creativity are highly valued. Titles describe a person’s status, which people take pride in, causing great motivation for competition in organisations. Additionally, personal feelings affect the performance. Spanish managers feel that the employees must be watched, thus giving them the total control where also mistakes can be blamed on other people. However, the supervision is based on trust and some power is still delegated. LEADERSHIP STYLE Generally, the leadership style in Spain, in terms of concern for production and concern for people, demonstrates a high concern for people and little concern for production, whereby they try to avoid conflicts and concentrate on being liked, even at the expense of production. Managers in Spain are acquiring some qualities they look up to in other leaders. However, this contradicts with the theory stated above. Nevertheless, evidence suggest that Spanish leaders are still concerned about their leadership style. One of the conclusions of the first study on i Leadership from a Spanish perspectivei drafted by Instituto de Empresa and Deloitte indicated that 75% of Spain’s directors say that they regularly, or almost always use coaching, a personalised style that focuses on employee development. These leadership criteria are essential when it comes to competitiveness and organisations’ survival. 41% of directors stated that their preferred style of leadership is contingent reinforcement, which rewards subordinates for their achievements. 37% use the goal-oriented style, based on meeting challenges. Analysing the relations between leaders and subordinates in Spain showed that only 46% of Spanish leaders have a good concept of their subordinates. These leaders tend to use coaching as their preferred style of leadership. 26% of survey participants, however, point out having a quite negative concept of their subordinates. These leaders show a clear inclination to use directive and transactional management styles. Finally, the results of the study show clearly that Spanish development-oriented leaders are also very concerned about developing and educating their subordinates.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
A Farewell Of Arms By Earnest Hemingway - 1008 Words
Love is an unexplainable emotion that exceeds the boundaries of all. In Earnest Hemingway s A Farewell to Arms two character s share a climactic endeavor through pain and suffrage finding their way back to each other no matter what. Hemingway expresses love as a necessity in one s life, and even through gruesome terror and war it can never be broken. The story resonates with it s readers on a personal and realistic level, being that it is written with some truth behind it; Hemingway s style of writing portrays the definition of unexpected reality. To start with, love is a necessity amongst the characters in the novel. Henry and Catherine find one another amidst the First World War. Both of them longly desire to find something that will pull them away from the war and into something greater. Henry is in search of love, there is a deep void in his heart that Hemingway implanted in him, although it might not seem as if it is prevalent at the start of the novel, it protrudes itself perio dically. When Henry and his good friend Rinaldi frequently attend brothels, it is to attempt to fill the emptiness that war has drawn from them. When Henry and Catherine are apart they share a feeling of being aloof and gloomy. Why darling, I don t live at all when I m not with you. (Hemingway Pg 38). Henry and Catherine begin to have an affair out of wedlock due to the amount of frequent visits amongst each other, during this time having pre-marital sex was looked down uponShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis of a Farewell to Arms by Earnest Hemingway2281 Words  | 10 PagesFrederic Henry, in Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"A Farewell To Arms,†undergoes a self-awakening into the ideas of existentialism. In the beginning of the novel, Henry is a drifter unconsciously searching for a meaning in life. 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Despite all the similaritiesRead MoreThe Motif of Ernest Hemingway ´s A Farewell to Arms 1073 Words  | 5 Pagesevents that remind humans of morals or things that are important. In the novel â€Å"A Farewell to Arms†many events come again and again. Usually, these events that repeat or come again have a deeper message inscribed in t he text. This is not unlike whereas the novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby†has weather that unfailingly matches up with the tone and mood of the text. The author Ernest Hemingway has created â€Å"A Farewell to Arms†with a motif that is very precise. The motif of rain and nature in Hemingway’s novelRead MoreFarewell to Arms1472 Words  | 6 PagesYou are all a lost generation -Gertrude Stein This quotations importance on author Earnest Hemmingway is reflected in his modern Romeo and Juliet novel entitled A Farewell to Arms. The recurring tone of the novel suggests that the only reality is the harsh truth which is anything but romantic and proves that in the end, all is futile. This generation in which Stein spoke of to Hemingway is the generation of romantic war times. This idea is symbolized in the character Catherine Barkleys visionRead MoreA Farewell to Arms: a Love Story Essay899 Words  | 4 PagesBhaskar Lokanathan American Literature Ryan Martin 12/5/10 A Farewell to Arms: a love story A Farewell to Arms by Earnest Hemingway is a novel that tells the story of strong, yet strange relationship between Frederick Henry and Catherine Barkley. Both are medical workers in the Italian military during World War I who fall in love soon after their first meeting. In the beginning, the love between the two seems fake and almost a game. Throughout the novel, Henry begins to develop a more seriousRead MoreThe Life of Ernest Hemingway1411 Words  | 6 Pagesthe truest sentence you know†( Ernest Hemingway was an honest and noble man. His life was highlighted by his successful writing career that brought him fame, fortune, but ultimately loneliness. Ernest Hemingway fell into a hole of drinking and depression ( It was odd for Hemingway to become so emotionally unstable after having a happy childhood, quality experiences, and a successful writing career. Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park Illinois in 1899. Oak Park wasRead More Earnest Hemingway Essay3001 Words  | 13 Pages Earnest Hemingway nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As one of the 20th centurys most important and influential writers. His writings drew heavily on his own experiences for his writing. His writing reflected his trouble with relating to women and his tendency to treat them as objects, as he had four marriages and countless affairs, highlighting his theme of alienation and disconnection. Now here is why he is what he is by writing about what he was. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ernest Miller Hemingway
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