Wednesday, March 25, 2020
What is a thyroid gland How much do people unders Essays
What is a thyroid gland? How much do people understand about it? The organ is located at the base of the neck, surrounding the trachea. This seemingly insignificant body part plays a vital role in maintaining optimal development and ensuring the balance of an organism's central nervous system. In cases where it malfunctions, endocrine diseases may arise. This is reflected in Erica* who is a sufferer of grave's disease. This essay will first examine the effects of Erica's medical condition on her physical and psychological health and on her lifestyle. Secondly, Erica's personal perception of the disease and reaction to the diagnosis will be discussed. Next, environmental triggers and any other predictors that may have an impact on aspects of the disease will be addressed. Finally, emphasis will be given to Erica's expectations for the future. The author's own predictions will also be included strategically throughout the essay. Born and raised in Australia, Erica's parents were originally Vietnamese refugees who fled to Australia during the Vietnam War. At age 28, Erica is a female who holds the position of a sales and marketing manager. Erica is currently married and lives with her husband. Ando, Latif and Davies (2004) define Grave's disease as a prevalent autoimmune disorder resulting from the excess production of thyroid hormones. Hanna and Lafranchi (2002) suggest that this can be the effect of complicated interactions between external and internal factors. An example of this was that while Erica inherited the gene that caused Grave's disease from her mother, environmental stimulations such as a bacteria infection, stress or simply geographic variables such as her Asian background might have activated the onset of the disease. According to Erica, Asians are more prone to iodine-related diseases due to their low iodine diet. Erica was first diagnosed with a thyroid condition at the tender age of 21. Hanna and Lafranchi (2002) contends that females are five times more likely to experience hyperthyroidism as compared to males and that in the initial stage of the disease, symptoms are covert despite it having fatal consequences later on. Statistically approximately 0.4% of adults suffer from Grave's disease. The severity of Erica's illness and persistent sanctioning from her parents prompted her to seek medical help immediately. After having had her blood test taken, antithyroid drugs were administered by the doctor based on the laboratory results. This was indicative of the amount of radioactive iodine that is absorbed by the thyroid gland. A high iodine uptake translates to Grave's disease (Isaacs and Ruggieri, 2004). There are three types of treatment for hyperthyroidism. They are antithyroid drugs (ATD), radioactive therapy (RAI) and surgery with the first type of treatment being the most common and the last being rare (Isaacs and Ruggieri, 2004). Cooper (2005) explains that the use of such immunosuppressive drugs have an advantage over other more dangerous measures such as radiation therapy and surgery. This is largely because oral medication is more affordable and perceived as less life threatening. However, it is unknown to many that RAI can also be administered in medication form- as a radioactive pill ingested orally (Hanna and Lafranchi, 2002). Besides, surveys comparing the effectiveness of the three main treatments of hyperthyroidism have demonstrated up to 90% success rate for each. However, this form of treatment is more time consuming and requires long-term commitment in that frequent tests on the thyroid needs to be done at least once every month until the amount of thyroid hormones secreted appear to be of an acceptable level. If this data remains consistent for the next three months, the amount of drug administered could be lowered and eventually ceased within the span of 18 months (Cooper, 2005). According to Er ica, her doctor had to monitor the development of her thyroid. This means that she was required to undergo blood tests on a monthly basis. Understandably, it was tricky to know the exact amount of medication to prescribe since her condition varied periodically, without adhering to a specific trend. Cooper (2005) asserts that an overdose may lead to hypothyroidism while insufficient administration will result in uncontrolled levels of hyperthyroidism. Personally, Erica felt that visits to the practitioner posed as an inconvenience because of her busy schedule at university. The
Friday, March 6, 2020
The top three U.S. cities to start a business
The top three U.S. cities to start a business Attention entrepreneurs: We know that you’re eager to kickstart your business idea and build it into the next wildly successful corporate empire. After all, fortune favors the bold, and a commonly shared trait amongst successful entrepreneurs is an unwavering self-confidence at all costs and a capacity to handle risk. However, that doesn’t mean you should blindly leap forward before carefully weighing all of the variables that typically make or break new startups- this includes where you decide to get started, which can be just as important as the how and why parts of the new business equation. It’s true- when it comes to starting, owning, and operating a business in America, all cities are not created equal. In addition to the obvious things like climate, location, and existing infrastructure in your specific industry, there are a host of key variables to consider when choosing which city is the ideal home for your burgeoning business.Inc. recently ran an article on America’s top surge cities- cities whose high ratings in the following key metrics make them ideal places for starting a new business: job creation, population growth, net business creation, rate of entrepreneurship, wage growth, high-growth company density, and early-stage fundraising. Whether your goal is a modest one-person operation, the next international mega-corporation, or somewhere in-between, as you build your business plan and look to get your idea off the ground floor and up and running, you may discover that one of these cities is the perfect place to make your move.Austin, TXReferring to Austin as â€Å"the next Silicon Valley†is practically yesterday’s news, as notable tech superstars ranging from Google to Amazon and many others have already established a serious presence in this thriving and talent-rich city. As a result, Austin is experiencing an amazing explosion of business and population development and expansion- with no end in sight.And it isn’t just tech-centric companies planting their flags in Austin. Companies across all industries are eager to set up shop in Austin and get in on the action. The city is abuzz with start-up money and public and private investment opportunities, which only adds to its current draw as the edgy alternative to San Francisco and New York City.And if you’re thinking that Austin is all business, then think again- the city’s fun factor is practically off the charts, with a thriving music scene and nightlife, and bars and restaurant s abounding to serve the needs of all the employees flocking to its borders. If you’re looking for a home for your business, Austin should definitely make your short list.Salt Lake City, UTIf you’re wondering where the â€Å"next, next Silicon Valley†might be, then look no further than Salt Lake City. As San Francisco and Austin continue to evolve and everything from real estate to restaurants get more expensive, companies are giving Salt Lake City a closer look as an affordable alternative. Don’t take our word for it- companies like Electronic Arts, Adobe, and Oracle already have offices here, along with a wide range of other high-valued entrepreneurial startups. If you’re interested in getting in early on the next big thing, then setting up here just might be one of your first prophetic business moves.Raleigh, NCIf you’re looking for a thriving and vibrant home for your new company that’s just a little further off the typical beaten path, consider this edgy corner of the southern Research Triangle.More and more companies are looking at Raleigh and everything it has to offer- a young, well-educated, and talent-rich population of college graduates and seasoned workers, as well as a thriving cultural scene. Most importantly, investment money is following suit. The bottom line: Raleigh is a solid choice as a home for new businesses looking to get going and benefit from its favorable location.If you’re an entrepreneur on the rise and are looking to find the home where to build your business, then consider the choices presented here when you’re making your decision. Good luck!
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