Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Research And Articles Addressing The Growing Generation Y
Introduction The steady research and articles addressing the growing Generation Y, also known as Millennials, ranges from leadership styles, effective communication, career expectations, multi-generational work environments, relationships with supervisors and retention. Many studies conclude similar findings such as Millennials prefer a more personal leadership style, want rapid career advancement, transparency in organizational behavior and ethics, and a work/life balance in order to remain in the organization. Several theories discussed how to address these issues ranging from theory integration, positive reinforcement, ABC analysis, etc. However, none of the theories discusses token economies for Millennials and the effectiveness its†¦show more content†¦For example, information technology is a trade/skilled occupation and those who advance in this field introduce new and innovative techniques, algorithms, or designs. Those who do not are still skilled employees even with little exper ience. However, an industry in public or social services is more experienced based. A democratic leadership style would not be effective in public services, especially with the rules, regulations, and laws dictating the boundaries to which the employees must remain. Integration of Behavioral Theories. Organizations continue to suggest more behavioral strategies in the workplace. Behavioral management has started making its way to the forefront of business administration studies and specifically in organizational leadership. More colleges and universities are creating and providing organizational behavior management (OBM). These strategies can be customized for their industry and depend upon consistency to be effective. Deal, J. (2010) provided a theoretical framework for the integration of behavioral methods for organizations with multigenerational employees. Behavioral methods can be applied equally across all employees without having to alter leadership styles to be effective. ABC Analysis. The first step for an organizational management team would be to observe and record organizational behavior. If behavioral strategies are going to be used to modify employee’s behavior every team leader must understand why
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nursing Education and the Media P.I.S.D. Pathetic...
There has been another scratchy eruption of media generated P.I.S.D., attempting to inflate rapid nursing education programs. The latest gem comes from Arizona. Reviewing this topic again necessitates a brief re-education and a wee summary. The nursing profession, led along by the American Nurses Association, the National League for Nursing, the regulatory state boards and legions of advocates of nursing insist on blasting away at their own domain from their isolated machine-gun nests. Since oh, say 1860, this collective academy refuses to mandate a bachelors degree as the base academic entry point for Americas nurses. The consequences continue to be pathetic, embarrassing and dangerous. Hideously unprepared new RNs are thus†¦show more content†¦One result: Decades of front-loaded financial waste incurred by hospitals without a trace of publicity. Patient safety notifications, warnings and profession-generated advisories alerting the public to these elite recruits are blissfully missing. Years late, a complete outright immediate moratorium is necessary for all U.S. nurse-related visa programs. A 29% NCLEX pass rate: RES IPSA LOQUITUR. As for the existential state of U.S. based nursing programs, a bachelors degree entry point to qualify for licensed RN status is non-existent, save for a few token states. The organic pathologies are many. Hospitals prefer a cheaper undereducated labor force, better to stifle Zira and Cornelius. Rural areas with two-year RN programs dont want locals bailing for distant university settings, they wont return to Farmville. In Gotham City where both ADN and BSN nurses live, a kinetic frenzy exists to hire new grads. Larger hospital drones often integrate these grads into a staffing mix to care for your grandma, brother and spouse. For vast numbers of RNs, a two-year education is the Ivy League degree. Cascades of dreamy mission statements and decades of wasteful grant-funded initiatives from the Nurse Universe have simply failed to germinate the academic mesoderm in which to gestate nursings future cortical activity. Imagine the ensuing chaos if any school teacher anywhere, possessing but a two-year degree was turned loose inside any American
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Coping with loss Free Essays
Loss we all go through this emotion in life. It’s a part of life and we learn and grow from it every day. It’s that strong hurt or painful feeling In your chest. We will write a custom essay sample on Coping with loss or any similar topic only for you Order Now That ping in your stomach that Just wont go away. Coping with a huge loss in your life Is one of most difficult things you can do. We have all experience this feeling In one way or another. I recently felt these tumbling emotions not too long ago In October. When I lost my dog my friend of fourteen years Blackly of old age. I remember the first day I got Blackly he was so small and cute. He had a long black coat that looked like you are staring into the darkest of nights. His coat was soft to the touch like cotton or silk. Blackly eyes were so warm and friendly inviting you to pet him. He came up to me and tried to Jump on me. But he fell off of me he was always a silly dog. He was the one I wanted out of that litter of puppies something about him made him stand out to me. It was a weird feeling but a good kind of weird. That moment in time when I got my first puppy changed my childhood forever and has taught me so much. Blackly has taught me so many things in life It Is hard to believe a dog could have such a huge Impact on one person’s life. On a warm summers afternoon I was in the back yard with Blackly. A nice warm summer’s afternoon a cool breeze drafting through the air. Smelling flowers, barbeques In the still summers air, early In the afternoon. The cicada’s In the tree’s making noise me carefree having a good time a boy and his dog. I lay on the pavement Blackly right by my side. He would always lay himself out spreading out all his legs. He was my little black carpet I used to call him. It seems kind of silly to be such close friends with an animal. Animals are so similar to people and have so such personality like us it’s unbelievable. I would always tell Blackly little secrets here and there about myself. How I used to say I don’t know what life is all about and what’s to come of my life. I was and scared what the future may hold for me and I go on being a silly ten year old boy. Talking to a dog but you know something as weird as It may sound. Blackly understood where I was coming from and how I was feeling In this world. That dog had such understanding I thought he was human for the looks he used to give me. He always did have this Brian your crazy look. Then as life seems to go on forever In this world death Is here to take It away from us. Blackly and me had so many fun adventures. From a simple walk around the block to me washing him and even watching movies together. Blackly was getting really old I’m nineteen and already in college having him for so long was such a great gift. I could tell he was going to leave me soon and I made sure I was by his side as much as I could be. But work and school kept me more busy and away. Then that day came in October which is so ironic because Blackly birthday was October fourteen and it was October thirteen. He died before he turned fifteen years old. The day I came home and saw that look on my mom’s face and that look in her eye’s I knew what she was going to say without her saying it. I’ll never forget what my mom said â€Å"Brian Blackly Is gone now but he walked around a little bit in the backyard and then laid back down fell asleep and never woke up. †I never cried so much before Like that In my life. My mom’s words shattered me Into so many pieces. It was Like glass that is broken and you trying to find and fix all the pieces together. I went over memories we shared together in my mind whirling around and around. I think that happened to him to before he left this world. He remembered all the fun times we had together. Blackly getting up and walking around the yard was such a shock to me. Pets don’t care if you’re perfect, rich, or different. They accept and love you for who you are as a person which is one thing Blackly left behind to me. It doesn’t matter who oh are people should love you for the way you are no matter what. That is the biggest lesson I learned while I had Blackly in my life up until this point. I think all pet owners feel this strong deep connection with their pets. The one thing people should do more of is not to feel sad and lonely once their pet is gone. Your pet would never want you to feel that way I know Blackly wouldn’t like it if I was sad. Losing an important part of my life my childhood has affected me greatly. I Just learn to control those strong deep emotions and hope in time they will heal over my saddened heart. How to cite Coping with loss, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Freedom of Religion or Belief in Russia Essay Example For Students
Freedom of Religion or Belief in Russia Essay This paper will present freedom of religion or belief in the Russian federation context. It will focus on how religion is practiced in Russia, the relationship between people with different religious practices, tensions cause by differences in religion, and government interventions towards religion and belief. The Russian Federation like any other state constructed laws that regulate freedom of religion and belief. Different state construct different law based on; customary law, statutes, court presidents, administrative regulations and many more, while Russia chose the constitution. According to The Constitution of Russian Federation (1993), â€Å"Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to freedom of conscience, to freedom of religious worship, including the right to profess, individually or jointly with others, any religion, or to profess no religion, to freely choose, possess and disseminate religious or other beliefs, and to act in conformity with them.†It is not every country that accept and respect all religious practices, some countries practice no more than two religions, however the Russian federation have more than two religions. According to the RussiaPedia, (2013: internet), there are four official religions in Russia. Russian federation practices Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other religions that contributed to the historical background of its religion and culture. â€Å"Decades of Soviet rule left their mark: up to half of Russians declare themselves atheists, although figures vary. â€Å"(RussiaPedia 2013: Internet). The former Russian laws shaped the modern religious laws. The former communist party abolished religion; however the collapse of the former Soviet Union experienced the re-emergence of religions. The shifts in Russian religious practices are more transparent in the Russian calendar. After the Soviet Union had collapsed the general public started celebrating religious holidays once again for example; Russia celebrates Christmas and Easter holidays, although celebrating it differently from other countries. The Russian people celebrate Christmas day on 7th January, while other countries celebrate it on the 25th of December. Russians celebrate Christmas day on 7th of January is because the Russian Orthodox Church religious practices are still follow the Julian Calendar, which is said to be 13 days behind the Gregorian Calendar. In the Russian religious history, the Gregorian calendar is assumed to be embraced by different states universally and by non-Orthodox Church members. The Orthodox Church did not fall into the trap of the Gregorian calendar just because it is embraced by different states universally. The reason Orthodox chose a different a calendar is because their Easter celebration was going to change. The difference in the two calendars is the reason why some Eastern and Western countries celebrate Easter in different dates. â€Å"Easter comes on the first Sunday after the fool moon which follows the vernal equinox (March 21). However, March 21 according to the Julian calendar is April 3 by the Gregorian calendar, and in addition, Orthodox regulation stipulate that Easter must follow the Jewish celebration of Passover.†(Fairbairn 2002: 189). Therefore Easter in the East and West will never be celebrated on the same day. Christianity is the most practiced religion in Russian parts. Majority of the Russian people who practice Christianity are members of the Russian Orthodox Church. The other Christian groups are Baptists, Roman Catholics and Protestants. Non-Christian religions are the Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. Although Russian’s freedom of religion and belief is protected by law; discrimination and inequality still exists. Some religious beliefs and practices are undermined. Individuals are not treated equally because of what they believe in. The state representatives and other members of the general public prevent individuals from enjoying their freedom of religion. State representatives attempt to defend freedom of religion on paper, while creating contradictory statements, and implementing policies that prevent religious freedom. This is marked by a report in New York Times in, 16/09/2000. According to the report; state representatives gathered to discuss whether two neighboring Pentecostal churches should be legally registered. The two churches were judged on their religious practices, which is something prohibited by the Russian law of religion. The report also revealed that, the two churches were not allowed to be legally registers because it is assumed they use ‘psychol ogical manipulation’. Essay Freedom Of Religion By Annie Laurie GaylorThroughout history the U.S. government is known for its remarked work in trying to protect religious freedom. The U.S. implemented programs and policies that support religious freedom. These policies are beneficial to the foreign countries. With the aid of the U.S. policies, Russian is taking actions against the violation of religious freedom and beliefs. According to the International Religious Freedom Report for 2012, in Russia â€Å"embassy officials expressed concern about alleged abuses of the anti-extremism law. â€Å" Any state that is an active member of the United Nation is protected by the UN laws. Russian Federation joined in October 24, 1945. According to the United Nations cyberschoolbus; â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.†Laws passed by the UN on freedom of religion and belief are the same laws that are available in the Russian constitutions. This implies that all laws passed by the member of the UN should comply with the laws passed by the UN itself. The difference will be the actions taken against a country that violate these laws. The reason why actions should be different is because different countries restrict freedom of religious and beliefs in different ways; others do intentionally, while others do it unintentiona l. Another reason the actions might differ is because all these countries have different official religions, religious practices, and beliefs. Russia should take full contribution in the programs and policies introduced by the U.S. government in U.S. Department and State. For instance; The International Religious Freedom Report for 2012 reflects that Russia has been showing concern about the abuse of the anti-extremism. Full contribution, will prove Russia’s willingness to fight against religious freedom, and practices violation. Other way in which Russia can reduce the level of religious freedom violation is through addressing the people of Russia about the policies and programs by the implemented U.S. government. It will be more useful to address the Russian people in a language in which they will understand than the language used in the U.S. This paper focused on how religion is practiced in Russia, the relationship between people with different religious practices, tensions cause by differences in religion, and government interventions towards religion and belief. Reference list Basic fact about Russia: Religion RussianPedia published 1 September 2013 Available on:!news/nws2/312F4868-4199-412B-95AF-4B25EFD528F1/basic-facts-about-russia%3A-religion CBC News. 2014. Crimea crisis: Canada to join U.S., EU with new Russian sanctions Accessed: 2014.03.19 Fairbairn, D. (2002). Eastern Orthodoxy through Western Eyes 1st edn. Westminster John knox Press, Louisville Kentucky. Faulkner, W. (2014). Goodreads. Available from: RT News 8 February 2012. Putin Promises to protect Christianity worldwide. Accessed: 2014.03.19 U.S. Department of State. 2012. International Freedom of Religion Report for 2012. Accessed: 2014.03.19 United Nations cybershoolbus. (1996-2014). Accessed: 2014.03.19 The Constitution of the Russian Federation. (1993). Chapter two of Section one. Available from: The New York Times, 16 September 2000. Religious Freedom in Russia. Accessed: 2014.03.19
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