Monday, September 23, 2019

Social Marketing Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Marketing 2 - Assignment Example There is need to sensitise the population about the need to seek professional medical services and also avail the services to the people (Lee & Kotler 2011). The campaign will be targeting various stakeholders who can be involved in delivering the communication and the services within the programme. The campaign will be seeking to sensitise the aboriginals on the need for seeking professional medical assistance when faced with health complications (Neiger et al. 2003). This campaign’s objective will be achieved through ensuring the active participation of the various groups of people being targeted by the campaign. The targets will include the following The fundamental focus of the campaign will be on the change of behaviour among the aboriginals to begin using healthcare facilities rather than relying on their traditional medicine in the treatment of various ailments. A change in the behaviour will be initiated by the campaigns which will be sensitising the people on the importance of visiting healthcare facilities (Lefebvre 2011). The campaign will be aimed at educating the people on the importance of depending on the professional healthcare services offered at institutions. The target groups will be informed through the media and direct communication delivered through social organisations providing other services to the community. The application of these methods will ensure that the target populations are reached by the campaign message in order to achieve the objectives of the campaign. Freedom from diseases will be the name of the campaign which will be undertaken in seeking to achieve the objectives that have been defined within the plan. This name of the campaign will be communicating the target for the whole campaign as well as the benefits which people will be getting from the product. Active involvement will be leading people

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