Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Java In Browsers Research Paper - 1061 Words
Raelene Gomes Assignment 6 CISS3315 Mr. Gray Use of Java in Browsers Sun developed plugins for Java back in the 1990’s as a way to bring app-like features to web browsers. At the time, this seemed like a nice feature to have and it changed the look of web browsers forever. However, there are vulnerabilities with the technology that have never been fixed, even once taken over by Oracle. These issues affect the security of the plugins and have contributed to its decline and lack of support. While Java is still favored by developers for use in stand-alone programs, and users need it for some things on their computer, its wide use for web browsers is a thing of the past. History of Java The Java language was the creation of a group of Sun†¦show more content†¦While many of the security holes have been fixed, even the fixes have issues. In 2013, a zero-day vulnerability was caused by a patch to fix an earlier vulnerability. So, at the same time that Java was growing and being used in more applications, it was also being used in a malicious manor against those who may not even realize they were using it. Security The biggest problem that web developers have with Java plugins is the lack of security. It is known to be the most highly exploited software. For the last seven years, the attacks mostly have occurred in the â€Å"sandbox†mechanism. This feature was created as part of the security architecture and was intended to protect the user from malware by restricting access to features like the local file system or the communication networks. However, security flaws have allowed malware to bypass the sandbox. This enables cyber criminals to write malicious code that downloads malware to the user’s computer when the visit a criminal’s site or one that has been hacked. When major security flaws were discovered in the 2012 release, Oracle went as far as to recommend that users removed Java from their web browsers. This drastic move did nothing to help Java’s reputation, or Oracles either. While patches that mitigate these vulnerabilities are available, Oracle has bee n criticized for being slow to release them. Additionally, critics contend that users are still atShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Language of Java1170 Words  | 5 PagesThe Language of Java What is Java? Java, in it’s simplest definition, is a dynamic computer application that can run a program to accomplish a task. Java runs in all sorts of things in the average person’s life; things such as car stereo systems, televisions, cell phone applications, websites, and more. But, where did it come from, and how does it work, and how has it impacted our lives today? Java was first created by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, and James Gosling in 1994. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Mexican President Felipe Calder - 989 Words
Name: Kevin Whitten Topic: Mexico s War on Drugs Purpose: Inform Organizational Plan: Topical Introduction Attention Getter: A bloody war has been raging on in North America for the last four years which has resulted in over 34,500 deaths as of December 2010, which was by far one of the most violent years so far with over 15,000 people killed. Speaker Purpose: Having been stationed in Fort Hood Texas for three years I often visited Mexico and being an addict in recovery, in some small way recovery I feel responsible for the violence that is now consuming Mexico. Audience Purpose: Some of you in the audience may also be recovering addicts or know someone who is struggling with drug addiction. America is a nation full of†¦show more content†¦The United States counter narcotics assistance has been intensified, but the United States is not ready to deploy troops to Mexico yet. vii. Quote: â€Å"Major components of International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement assistance include aviation support, operational support for Mexico s drug interdiction and eradication programs; and, professionalization and training of Mexican law enforcement personnel.†**I also read in the same article that investment were about 27.8 million for 2008.( Not part of the quote) viii. Source: CRS report for Congress, Mexico’s Drug Cartels, Colleen W. Cook, Analyst in Latin American Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, 2007 Transition Conclusion Summary: Now that you are aware of the war that has been raging on in Mexico and has claimed the lives of over 34,500 people since December of 2006 and has left the Mexican government frantically scrambling to maintain the peace and regain control in their country. I also briefly described some of the joint efforts our two countries are taking in response to one of the most violent and bloody years Mexico has witness since their countries war on drugs started over four years. Parting Thought: There is no doubt that war of any kind affects us
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marriage back Essay Example For Students
Marriage back Essay When we are first introduced to John Proctor, we discover that hed had an affair with his family servant, Abigail Williams, when his wife Elizabeth was ill. Elizabeth finds out about the affair and dismisses Abigail. The first scene in which John and Elizabeth Proctor are seen speaking is very tense and cold. The sentence length, punctuation and stage craft all add to the tension. For example when John asks Are you well today? and Elizabeth simply replies I am. Also when John has finished eating, the stage direction explicitly shows the coldness between the couple; she takes up his plate and glass and fork and goes with them to the basin. Her back is turned to him. He turns to her and watches her. A sense of their separation arises. We can clearly see that all the passion and love they originally had been lost. We learn of their past closeness that has been fractured by Johns betrayal of his wife. The intrigues the audience and creates a lot of tension as the audience can sense hostility between the couple. The audience first meet the Proctors in their house, a deliberately chosen domestic setting where John is returning from work and Elizabeth has prepared his meal. Even though they are both speaking in very short, sharp sentence it seems that they are both trying to put their marriage back together, and that there is still some love between the couple. For example the stage direction; He gets up, goes to her, kisses her. She receives it. This shows how their love is still apparent yet is still cold and hostile. This causes the audience to become envolved in their relationship as they begin to wonder, whether or not John and Elizabeth will be able to rekindle their love for one another, causing the audience to be captured by their relationship. As the play progresses the Proctors seem to go on an invisible journey. Their affection and loyalty towards one another grows continuously. The two kisses between the Proctors symbolises this growth in passion between the couple, and how their relationship changes through the play. It starts with a peck on the cheek, when Elizabeth receives the first kiss, and she moves away, but as the plot unfolds, they become closer and closer and their kiss at the end, initiated by John Proctor, is passionate. The couple have to go through many hard situations in the play that brings them closer together and helps to rekindle their love for one another. For example when in court, John confesses to having an affair with Abigail, he says that his wife sacked her due to the affair. John says that his wife has never lied in the life, and would therefore tell the truth. The court decides to ask Elizabeth about the affair. When she is brought into the court room the tension begins to build. John and Abigail are asked to turn around so they cannot communicate with Elizabeth, which further increases the tension. When Elizabeth is asked why she sacked Abigail, she searches for an answer, she tries to look at John for an answer however is quickly stopped by the Judge. She then says that the reason for her sacking Abigail was due to her not fulfilling her duties, and was therefore not due to an affair between John and Abigail. This shows how John and Elizabeths relationship had grown. She would rather lie, than tarnish her husbands name, as she knows how important his name is too him. .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a , .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .postImageUrl , .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a , .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:hover , .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:visited , .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:active { border:0!important; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:active , .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua7ed405c912998771e81d832c227c13a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Write a detailed critical analysis of act three scene one of the play Romeo and Juliet EssayThis can cause the audience to feel great empathy towards the couple as the audience realises how close the couple have become and how their love has been rekindled. The audience also begin to realise Elizabeths true personality. They feel great admiration for Elizabeth and can now see how she has great integrity and loyalty towards her husband. This is another example of how The Crucible is an allegorical text as the themes are continuously being explored through many different characters and scenes. Miller is able to create this reaction from the audience by using such effective s tage craft and short sentences. Towards the end of Act Four, the couples true love is shown through their last moment together. John is going to be hung. Both John and Elizabeth are very emotional at this point. The stage directions show how time has almost frozen, as though they stood in a spinning world. It is beyond sorrow, above it. The stage directions also help to create tension, and to help the audience empathise with the characters. He halts inside the doorway, his eye caught by the sight of Elizabeth The audience are able to empathise with John and Elizabeth, as they can feel the tension and emotions flowing between the couple; and this is emphasised when there is a pause. This is a very effective piece of stage craft as it creates anticipation within the audience as like John and Elizabeth they can see the tragic end is inevitable, and are powerless to do anything about it. The language used is also very affective. They couple are simply talking about the most important people in their life, the children. They are only concerned about family, which is very important to them. They both speak in short lines, for example The child with a reply from Elizabeth It grows, and from this we can see that the couple are anticipating each others words which show their closeness. The punctuation is also very effective in building tension. For example there are many hyphens and pauses which build tension as it slows the delivery of lines and engage the audience. The sentence length also adds to the apprehension. Both John and Elizabeth are talking in short sharp sentences as they only have a short amount of time to talk, and need only to talk about the children, and this prevents them from speaking about the death sentence and their feelings. John Proctor is suspected of which craft. He is given the chance to confess, if he confesses then he will not be hung. Despite the fact that John doesnt want a bad name, a name associated with which craft, he decides to confess. I want my lifeI will have my life. The language used; I want and I will is very demanding, as though john is insisting on having his life, and is not intimidated by the situation. This shows how John is desperate to live, he wants to bring up his children, and have a family. Also the repetition of I and my life emphasises Johns eagerness to live. When Danforth asks did you see the devil? and did you bid to do his work upon the earth? John replies I did. This language creates an impact on audience as they realise Johns strength of character and begin to see how he challenges the authority. This is when John Proctor confesses to having dealt with the devil. To confirm his confession John has to sign a parchment that is to be hung on the church door, to allow the entire village to know that he had been dealing with the devil. After John has confessed he begins to change his mind. He does not want to sign the parchment, you have witnessed it it is enough. However signs it as he wants his life. Then all of a sudden, something changed in Johns mind, Proctor has just finished signing when Danforth reaches for the paper. But proctor snatches it up. This shows how the stage craft helps to create an affect on the audience as they feel great empathy towards John as they realise he would rather die, than have his name tarnished for all to see. When Danforth asks John for the signed confession, if you please sir John replies no.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The American sheep Essay Example For Students
The American sheep Essay There are two common ways of thinking in any specific situation. The first being to fulfill one’s own personal needs and desires with no specific regard for others around you. The second, basing your decision on how it will be viewed by others. The vast majority of people falls on the side of the second, being greatly worried and influenced by what others are saying and thinking. The â€Å"looking glass self†is a term for the image that people have of themselves based on how they believe others perceive them. Both good and bad can come from living in this manner, for the most part however it has seemed to remain constant throughout history. We will write a custom essay on The American sheep specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now People have a natural desire to belong, and fit in with a certain group. Whichever group an individual may choose it is almost inevitable that the individual will be forced at some point, to sacrifice part of themselves in order to obtain the sense of belonging that they desire. People are compelled to seek companionship, often feeling to weak to stand-alone. As a result, they choose to stand together in whatever group they are best suited to. For some this overwhelming fear of being alone can be disastrous. These are people who will stand together with any group good or bad simply to keep themselves from feeling alone. C.S. Lewis hypothesized that the desire to belong and fit in is a natural human characteristic. He believed that people have an instinctive drive to belong, in the same sort of way that a species instinctively is driven to reproduce. Often in society people forming groups commit unspeakable acts, finding shelter in the sheer numbers of those involved. A series of experiments performed some years back demonstrated a term known as â€Å"blind obedience.†A subject was placed in a control booth that contained a microphone and panel with a series of numbered switches. The subject was then instructed that he or she would ask specific questions to a participant in another room. Should the second subject respond with an incorrect answer, the inquisitor was instructed to flip the first switch in the succession. Administering an electric shock to the second subject, which was increased in severity with each incorrect answer given. In reality an electrical shock was actually not being administered, although the person asking the questions believed that it was. The sound of mild discomfort, such as â€Å"ouch†or a â€Å"damn that smarts†would accompany the flip of the first switch. As the severity of the shock was believed to be increased so was the sound of the suffering. Working up to agonizing screams of pain and pleading such as â€Å"please I don’t want to do this anymore†and â€Å"I’m begging you please stop.†Whenever the subject administering the shock began to show signs of compassion and not wanting to continue, the researchers quickly reassured them that it was perfectly ok. After explaining to the subject that it was all part of the experiment some people would continue exhibiting little or no resistance. Despite all of their senses telling them that what was happening went against their moral principals. Over eighty percent of the subjects, continued past the point where they believed that the next switch could actually endanger the very life of the other participant. When asked individually why they would cause another human being such pain, for the most part they responded by saying â€Å"because they said it was okay.†This can be directly related to the issue of people doing things because a higher social group or their own peer group gave their approval. In the particular example those involved sacrifice any sense of morals or upbringing that they may have had because â€Å"they†said it was okay. .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 , .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .postImageUrl , .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 , .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:hover , .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:visited , .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:active { border:0!important; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:active , .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09 .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u18d221e78c87e0fd5610ad87f6e7ec09:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mickey says Christmas EssayPeople throughout history have been influenced by members of society to try drugs, alcohol, and countless other unwise activities. The reason behind this is clear; the human desire to fit in and obtain a feeling of belonging is too strong for most to resist, when the consequences of resisting could mean having to stand-alone. I am reminded of the story of King Midas and his golden touch, although he possessed all the gold that a king could desire he was miserable without being able to have simple human touch. People need people because as a whole we seem to believe that we will become weak and scared if faced with solitude. Will we? Someone once said that what we believe molds our reality. Using this statement I would say that one must ask one’s self, just what it is that one believes. The natural desire to bond is found every where and in every person with very few exceptions. Sometimes troubles can arise and unspeakable acts are carried out because of certain groups, but the advantages associated seem to outweigh the costs. The groups that people form between themselves often serve as shelters for the lonely, for this reason it seems people will go to extreme measures to belong. Release a lone sheep at the end of a pasture and he will run directly to the flock. Why? Because he feels vulnerable and weak when separated from the flock. Does the sheep care about the rest of the flock? Who can say? What the sheep does know is that being submerged in the flock, the wolf is less likely to focus on him specifically. So goes the life of the American sheep, by conforming to the flock we obtain a feeling of safety and reduce the chances of being the one that the wolves pull down.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Bismarcks Role in german unification essays
Bismarcks Role in german unification essays What were the main characteristic features of the first Bismarckian Alliance system 1879-1883 During the 1870's in the aftermath of the creation of the German Empire, the main issues to vex the Great Powers were Austro-Russian rivalry in the Balkans, and German fear that such a rivalry might develop into a general conflict which could provide an outlet for French revanchism against Germany. The Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78 demonstrated that Austria and Russia could restrain their rivalry in the interests of the general peace; the disputes following the Treaty of San Stefano leading up to the 1878 Congress of Berlin demonstrated that such restraint was limited. The issue of the Balkans was to remain an area of concern for the European States up to and beyond the First World War, even though there was to be no further significant conflict involving the Great Powers between 1879 and 1914. Having lost Italy and Germany the Balkan region was the only remaining external sphere of influence for the Dual Monarchy, and Slavic Russia was dependent on the Bosporus Straits for her grain exports. Bismarck still feared the consequences of a great power conflict in the Balkans and hence aimed to build an alliance structure that provided more security than the loose and vague agreements of the early 1870's. Bismarck's first such structure, just as his second in the later 1880's, was built around a number of characteristics and it set the foundation for international relations in this period. One of the most striking characteristics about the system and the way it was constructed is that many of the decisions were dependant on Bismarck's insecurity and fear of a number of threats to Germany, many of which had little basis in fact, or what basis they had was provoked by the Chancellor's own actions. In 1879, for instance, faced with the imminent resignation of Andrassy from the Austrian foreign office, Bismarck illogically expected the appointmen...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The History of Apple Computers
The History of Apple Computers Before it became one of the wealthiest companies in the world, Apple Inc. was a tiny start-up in Los Altos, California. Co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, both college dropouts, wanted to develop the worlds first user-friendly personal computer. Their work ended up revolutionizing the computer industry and changing the face of consumer technology. Along with tech giants like Microsoft and IBM, Apple helped make computers part of everyday life, ushering in the Digital Revolution and the Information Age. The Early Years Apple Inc.- originally known as Apple Computers- began in 1976. Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak worked out of Jobs garage at his home in Los Altos, California. On April 1, 1976, they debuted the Apple 1, a desktop computer that came as a single motherboard, pre-assembled, unlike other personal computers of that era. The Apple II was introduced about a year later. The upgraded machine included an integrated keyboard and case, along with expansion slots for attaching floppy disk drives and other components. The Apple III was released in 1980, one year before IBM released the IBM Personal Computer. Technical failures and other problems with the machine resulted in recalls and damage to Apples reputation. The first home computer with a GUI, or graphical user interface- an interface that allows users to interact with visual icons- was the Apple Lisa. The very first graphical interface was developed by the Xerox Corporation at its Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in the 1970s. Steve Jobs visited PARC in 1979 (after buying Xerox stock) and was impressed and highly influenced by the Xerox Alto, the first computer to feature a GUI. This machine, though, was quite large. Jobs adapted the technology for the Apple Lisa, a computer small enough to fit on a desktop. Spiderstock / Getty Images The Macintosh Computer In 1984, Apple introduced its most successful product yet- the Macintosh, a personal computer that came with a built-in screen and mouse. The machine featured a GUI, an operating system known as System 1 (the earliest version of Mac OS), and a number of software programs, including the word processor MacWrite and the graphics editor MacPaint. The New York Times said that the Macintosh was the beginning of a revolution in personal computing. In 1985, Jobs was forced out of the company over disagreements with Apples CEO, John Scully. He went on to found NeXT Inc., a computer and software company that was later purchased by Apple in 1997. Over the course of the 1980s, the Macintosh underwent many changes. In 1990, the company introduced three new models- the Macintosh Classic, Macintosh LC, and Macintosh IIsi- all of which were smaller and cheaper than the original computer. A year later Apple released the PowerBook, the earliest version of the companys laptop computer. Getty Images / Getty Images The iMac and the iPod In 1997, Jobs returned to Apple as the interim CEO, and a year later the company introduced a new personal computer, the iMac. The machine became iconic for its semi-transparent plastic case, which was eventually produced in a variety of colors. The iMac was a strong seller, and Apple quickly went to work developing a suite of digital tools for its users, including the music player iTunes, the video editor iMovie, and the photo editor iPhoto. These were made available as a software bundle known as iLife. In 2001, Apple released its first version of the iPod, a portable music player that allowed users to store 1000 songs in your pocket. Later versions included models such as the iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, and iPod Touch. By 2015, Apple had sold 390 million units. serts / Getty Images The iPhone In 2007, Apple extended its reach into the consumer electronics market with the release of the iPhone, a smartphone that sold over 6 million units. Later models of the iPhone have added a multitude of features, including GPS navigation, Touch ID, and facial recognition, along with the ability to shoot photos and video. In 2017, Apple sold 223 million iPhones, making the device the top-selling tech product of the year. Under CEO Tim Cook, who took over Apple after Jobs death in 2011, the company has expanded, releasing a new generation of iPhones, iPads, iMacs, and MacBooks, along with new products such as the Apple Watch and the HomePod. In 2018, the tech giant became the first U.S. company to be worth $1 trillion.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Philosophy and Religious Belief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Philosophy and Religious Belief - Essay Example tion of helping humans to be able to deal with aspects of life they are not able to understand, or are afraid of and therefore not entirely necessary for meaningful human existence. There have been all types of explanations for religion. Many professional have written about. For instance, Tolstoy (58), after going through an episode of meaningless of life, concluded that only faith (or religion), can be able to explain life and that only faith can help people to understand life and thus help them have a meaningful life. This argument by Tolstoy seems to prove Freud’s (10), argument about faith; that faith and religion are used by man as a way to deal with the aspects of life they do not understand. In his book, Theism as Illusion, he argues that people ascribe to religious beliefs because it helps them deal with aspects of life they are not able to comprehend or that give them anxiety. He argues that men ascribe to the belief of life after death because they are scared of death. Death is a scary phenomenon for most people because of two main factors. First, the finality of death scares people. Death is not undoable; once it happens, the diseased is gone and gone forever. The second issue about death that may make people want to believe in a second life after death is the fact that they are do not know what happens after it There is no way to know what happens to a person after they die. This finality and unknown nature of death comes as a scare for most humans and therefore the idea of an afterlife acts as a beacon of hope, as a way to overcome death. Almost every religion there is, from the early Egyptian religion to modern Christianity to Hinduism and Islam, believe in an afterlife, even if they do not believe in the same God. The Egyptians took it a little too far by building massive pyramids for their kings in order to immortalize them and thus also immortalize themselves. This may be an indication that religion serves the purpose of assisting people to deal
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Differences between a felony and a misdemeanor Assignment
Differences between a felony and a misdemeanor - Assignment Example The researcher states that there are significant differences between a felony offense and a misdemeanor offense. According to Currier and Eimermann, understanding these differences is important because it helps in understanding the procedural criminal law differences. The differences between felonies and misdemeanors will also determine the magnitude of punishment that a criminal offender receives. Breach of peace is considered a crime in common law countries. Ms. Singh’s case should be addressed by classifying her crime either as a felony or misdemeanor before deciding the punishment she should receive. The aim of this paper is to bring out the distinction between a felony and a misdemeanor so as to know the punishment that one is likely to receive for the crime of breaching peace. Both felonies and misdemeanors are classes if criminal offenses that are punishable by the law. Many scholars note that the differences between a felony and a misdemeanor lie in the possible penal ties that may be imposed for each type of crime. The consequences of the convictions of felonies and misdemeanors will help in determining the difference between the two classes of crime. Different jurisdictions have different punishments and criminal law procedures for felonies and misdemeanors. In order to understand the difference between a felony and misdemeanor, it is imperative to define the two terms as in the paper.... Definition of a felony The word felony has numerous definitions. The person who commits a felony is commonly referred to as a felon (Scaros, 2004). According to Currier and Eimermann (2009), a felony is defined as a significantly serious crime which is punishable either by death or a term longer than one year in a federal or state prison. Scaros (2004), on the other hand, defines a felony as a serious crime that carries a minimum term of one year or more only in a state prison because one year or less can be served in county jails. However, Emanuel (2007) notes that felons may sometimes receive sentences less than one year, depending on the limits set by the statute or the judge’s discretion. Another way in which a felony may be defined is a crime for which federal law may punish by imprisonment for more than one year or by death (Emanuel, 2007). Felonies are the crimes taken to be of high seriousness. Definition of a misdemeanor A misdemeanor is defined as a criminal offense that is less serious compared to a felony (Currier & Eimermann, 2009). Scaros (2004), defines a misdemeanor as a criminal offense that is not as serious as a felony and is usually punishable by a jail term of less than one year, a fine or both. Another scholar, Emanuel (2007), points out that a misdemeanor is defined by comparing it to a felony. The degree of seriousness of a misdemeanor is much less than that of a felony. He therefore defines a misdemeanor as an instance of misdeed or misbehavior and is considered a transgression or minor offense. Difference between a felony and misdemeanor It is important to note that both felonies and misdemeanors are criminal offenses under common law
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Skepticism about causal reasoning Essay Example for Free
Skepticism about causal reasoning Essay Arguing as a matter of fact any object presented before an individual and the reason for its existence, and likewise forming a sum of expectations of its effects rely mainly on either the process of experience or intuition. Hume makes a distinction between two kinds of objects for rationalization: 1) those that are concerned with the relation of ideas and 2) those that are born from the mind as a matter of fact (Hume, 2005). The first kind includes suppositions that are â€Å"discoverable by the mere operation of thought without dependence on what is anywhere existent in the universe†(Hume, 2005). The second is the province of human reason where the reality and existence of an object as a matter of fact hinges upon our ability to infer its nature purely on causality. Causality is the relation of cause and effect, where one is distinctly the effect of the other or that one is caused by another we are able to draw a distinct and familiar connection between the two. The inventory of causes and effects accumulated and stored in our memories form an amalgamation of ideas which thereby produces experience (Hume, 2005). Experience allows us to ascertain probabilities of truth and reality of some object as a cause of an event from a distant past or location. Experience, in relation to cause and effect, acquires persuasive weight when a substantial number of instances always produce the same effect and therefore, there is the irrefutable probability that the same effects will accrue from the same cause. It would take a madman to debunk an otherwise harmonically demonstrable reality. However, Hume opines that cause and effect are distinct from the other and that the â€Å"mind can never possibly find the effect in the supposed cause by the most accurate scrutiny and examination†. Why must the mind be forced to rely upon a single preference to a uniform effect of a particular cause from out of the myriad conceivable possibilities that can equally be inferred from the same event? Effect is veritably an event on its own quite removed from an analysis of the cause. There is one long, arbitrary road one must travel between two points. Conclusions that are drawn from various experiences of the operations of cause and effect are not founded on reasoning or of any process of understanding (Hume, 2005). It is human nature to find comfort and security in the authority of experience and the great guide of human life. The question of why there is a strong reliance for one instance is a curious matter. If reasoning favors one conclusion over a thousand instances then it would have hardly be able to conceive of any instance at all in the first place. This is to say that where the instances are equal in weight and to reason â€Å"seem fully as consistent and natural†then the instance so favored is no different from the instances ignored. On this point, Hume argues that the disparate treatment of ideas is not a result of reason but that of custom. Custom is the great guide of human life: â€Å"it is that principle alone which renders our experience [†¦] and makes us expect a similar train of events with those which have appeared in the pass†(Hume, 2005). It is the habitual and mechanical journey undertaken from cause to effect and the propensity to repeat the process not grounded on reasoning or process of understanding (Hume, 2005). The jump from one point to another informed by custom and not reason is perhaps the same underlying principle as in the case of religious belief and our firm, albeit capricious and whimsical, reliance on its traditional tenets. The realm of religious belief viz. custom is infinitive and limitless bounded only by ones imagination and thought. One may believe in most anything, however strange, bizarre and unreasonable, even heretical when weighed in the scales of extant orthodoxy or doctrinal standards. It is brought about by the customary conjunction between certain objects and perpetuated in history and individuals. Upon perusal of history and of ideas, the individual is inescapably led to adopt the same kind of inferential experience privy to the others. The moment that the idea crosses the individual’s mind that there is an existing mythical system to which events perceived through his senses are explained, the same individual begins to accrue other pieces of evidence from the operations of nature to buttress that belief. Any other explanation to a certain event is altogether ignored and totally rebutted. Notwithstanding the concomitant social pressure and other psychological factors by which man is inherently inclined to believe in the irrational, the individual begins to fashion arguments in such a way that nature becomes available to him and that events otherwise complexly intertwined makes sense merely on the belief of the a priori causeâ€â€god. Such invention or conception by man, as argued by Hume, is entirely arbitrary.Man sits on the certainty of matters of fact, irrefutable truths and reality not open.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Einleitung :: essays research papers
Einleitung Unser Zeitalter ist das eigentliche Zeitalter der Kritik, der sich alles unterwerfen muss. Religion, durch ihre Heiligkeit und Gesetzgebung durch ihre Majestà ¤t, wollen sich gemeiniglich derselben entziehen. Aber alsdann erregen sie gerechten Verdacht wider sich und kà ¶nnen auf unverstellte Achtung nicht Einspruch machen, die die Vernunft nur demjenigen bewillt, was ihre freie und à ¶ffentliche Prà ¼fung hat halten mà ¼ssen.â€Å" (Hermes, S. 12). Diese Worte Kants fallen in eine Zeit in der die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche und der absolutistische Staat durch das Landeskirchentum ein enges Bà ¼ndnis geschlossen hatten und so nur schwer angreifbar waren. Das musste auch Gotthold Ephraim Lessing feststellen. Er wurde am 22.1. 1729 im Kamenz geboren und wuchs in der christlichen Tradition des và ¤terlichen evangelisch- lutherischen Pfarrhauses und der Fà ¼rstenschule St. Afra in Meißen auf. Obwohl er das vom Vater gewà ¼nschte Theologiestudium schon nach einem Jahr abbr ach, durchziehen theologische Fragen doch große Teile seines Werkes, was besonders im letzen Jahrzehnt seines Lebens sichtbar wurde: Er fà ¼hrte nicht nur erbitterte theologische Diskussionen, er verà ¶ffentlichte auch „Nathan den Weisenâ€Å", „Die Freimaurerâ€Å" und die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechtsâ€Å". Auf eben erwà ¤hnte theologische Diskussion, auch Fragmentenstreit gennant, bei der Lessing die Macht der anfangs genannten theologisch-staatlichen Allianz zu spà ¼ren bekommt, und auf den darauffolgenden „Nathanâ€Å" mà ¶chte ich in dieser Arbeit eingehen. Da mein Augenmerk dabei speziell auf dem Thema „Entstehungsgeschichte des Nathanâ€Å" liegt, werde ich allgemein beleuchten, was Lessing zum Nathan inspiriert hat, und das war eben nicht nur der Fragmentenstreit, sondern auch andere literarische, historische und biographische Quellen. Nathan als 12 Anti-Goetze 1767- 69 arbeitet Lessing am hamburgischen Nationaltheater als Dramaturg. Zu dieser Zeit ist Johann Albert Hinrich nicht nur sein Arzt, er darf auch seine Bibliothek benà ¼tzen, außerdem ist er mit Hinrichs Schwester Elise Reimarus gut befreundet. Durch diese beiden Geschwister gelangt Lessing an die „Apologie oder Schutzschrift fà ¼r die vernà ¼nftigen Verehrer Gottesâ€Å", die deren Vater Herman Samuel Reimarus geschrieben hat. Reimarus ist ein angesehener hamburger Bà ¼rger, der eine Professur fà ¼r hebrà ¤isch und orientalisch am Akademischen Gymnasium bekleidet. In seiner Apologie à ¼bte der Deist Reimarus eine radikale Bibel-und Dogmenkritik, er ging dabei soweit die Offenbarungslehren zu bezweifeln. Seiner Meinung nach enthalte die reine Lehre Christi „eine vernà ¼nftige praktische Religionâ€Å". Nur durch die Apostel, die Wundergeschichten in ihre Berichte eingefà ¼hrt hà ¤tten, sei diese Lehre zu dem gemacht worden was sie heute ist, nà ¤mlich e ine Religion die sich mit der Vernunft nicht vereinbaren là ¤sst. Z.B. behauptet er anhand von Widersprà ¼chen in der Auferstehungsgeschichte schlussfolgern zu dà ¼rfen, dass die Jesu Jà ¼nger die Leiche des gekreuzigten Jesu selbst haben verschwinden lassen, um durch die Osterpredigt Anhà ¤nger zu gewinnen und sich somit selbst zu Aposteln aufwerten zu kà ¶nnen.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An Unforgettable Return to My High School Campus
An Unforgettable Summer Return to My Senior High School Campus After being obsessed throughout the whole school year, I was longing for some places provided for inner peace and tranquility, even though I had nothing to do but sit around all day looking at the bight and azure sky, not worrying I would get filthy when lying on the dungy ground. Finally I decided to get return to my senior high campus, in which it used to be the most familiar and enjoyable place I’ve experienced.It was one Sunday afternoon I chose to go back to my hometown school, after riding my second-hand motorcycle for 15 minutes I reached a gray aluminum building that looked like a huge monster standing in front of me. Inside the campus, the air was as fresh as I breathed from the remote mountains, and all I could hear was the beautiful filled with joy and happiness from the youngsters playing around the campus. The sun shined through dense green foliage of flame trees and filled the ground with little spotl ights, which cast light on my body and on every step I took when walking through the pavement inside the campus.I kept walking on, as what I usually did in those three years of high school life, until the intimate gate of the campus appeared in my sight. It is a scarlet red gate, which led to the vibrant campus, the palace full of memory for all graduated students. On the half way to my classroom, I stopped, looked up at the beige-tiled five-story building just behind the gate, and wondered if there was any difference between the one now in front of me and the one I used to see. Nothing changed; it stood solemnly and calmly as usual.For me, the beige-tiled building as well as the whole campus was once an important part of my life, like an intimate old friend, yet for the building I suggested , it seemed that I was just another passerby. Between the building and the wall of the campus stood a row of tall coconut trees, whose large pale green leaves excitedly swung with the wind and s aid hello to me. I replied them with a smile, and then walked through the hall on the ground floor of the building and stopped in front of the sports field. Several courts were in the middle of the field for many kinds of ball games.The hard grey grounds must be used to people’s footsteps, sweat and roars, I guess. Looking at the basketball court, I could smell the hot air of summer that mixed with countless times of energy and enthusiasm. The white straight sidelines around the court and the basketball stands towering on two sides of the field seemed to be a monument, a symbol of glory that reminded me immediately of the memorable basketball games I once played with my classmates after school during the three years of my high school life.The racing track that surrounded the courts was also a memorial, which retold the story about the championship of our relay race at the last year of high school life. The once boiling sports field now stayed silent and calm just as nothing w as happened before. All I could feel was the summer wind that gently kissed on my cheeks, which tasted as sweet as what I used to taste in this sports field. Around the sports field were blossoms of tall Flame trees, which created a lovely and aesthetic atmosphere.I strolled along the track to take a glance at those adorable flowers, and sometimes gazed upon the clear blue sky, wondering how long I hadn’t watch the sky from this place since the last time I visited. Subconsciously, I found myself standing in front of another tall building, which was ten-story high and whose skin was burgundy red. The dark green railings, where we used to bend over to either rest or chat with friends, still lay in every floor. These railings were met with so many students who strived for better grade and brighter future.I could still remember lying on them with my hands holding heavy textbooks or exam papers and asking them what my college life would be like. Until then I was like a retired man recalling memories to them. Usually, these railings remained silence; they showed their concern only by using their bodies to help me carry the weight of the textbooks and exam papers on my hands, the weight of an adolescent’s dream and future. Now, I could see that there was no weight on these railings’ shoulders anymore, only rusty spots and dusty marks are shown through the years.Smiling at them, I was glad to meet these considerate listeners again, though I doubted if they still recognized me, a passionate dream- catcher who once shared with them his dream and now shared with them his satisfaction of realizing the dream. Passing by the burgundy building, the sports field, the hallway of the beige-tiled building, and finally reaching back to the scarlet red gate, I felt the sweet summer wind again blowing over my face, yet this time with a little nostalgic taste.The coconut trees waved their green hands of leaves and said goodbye to me. It seemed that nothing was u nfamiliar to me, yet nothing was left there for me to seek. Looking around the campus, I wondered when I would meet these â€Å"old friends†again. Knowing there was no turning-back, I finally stepped out of the campus, and turned my head to take a last look. To my gratification, the beige-tiled building, the coconut trees and the pure blue sky formed an amazingly beautiful picture, a picture of my wonderful high school life.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Believe: Positive Psychology and Positive Attitude
One of his most influential essays Self-Reliance. In lamens terms it means, believe in yourself you can accomplish everything. Almost everyone desires to be successful, everyone hopes to live a happy life, but how can we do that. I feel â€Å"believe in yourself†is the most important. â€Å"Believe in yourself†means a positive attitude. When you wake up in the morning, open your eyes, draw the curtain, enjoy the The great writer Emerson once said, â€Å"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string†in first sunlight of the day. And tell yourself â€Å"Have a happy day'.Just as professor Galbraith ays, miou yourself decide whether you are happy today. Be sure you are happy today. â€Å"Then you go to work or study, do it with your full enthusiasm. You should overcome your shyness, your timidity and your tension. Be brave and get courage from your heart, face up to your challenges. Say to yourself, â€Å"I'll try it, and I will try my best. †Remember, no one can obstruct your progress. Believe in yourself, you can do it, you can manage it. Always share and show ideas with others, cooperate with others. I have a friend who is happy everyday. She loves talking and laughing.Her ace and heart are full of sunshine. Her happiness infects everyone around her. Every time I stay with her, I am very happy, Just when I see her bright smile. I admire her, for she loves life so much. Chat with a smile on your face, let people around you know that you are confident and enthusiastic. Yes, you should believe in yourself, you should be confident. I think that true confidence comes from your inner heart. It is stable and will not change with the circumstance. Do what you want to do. Never let your thoughts lay in your diary quietly. That's meaningless. You should put it into practice.Never hesitate, do it with all your passion. I read a story about a salesman, who practices laughing for five minutes in front of the mirror everyday before he goes out. He wants to meet everyone with a smile on his face. He becomes a successful salesman. I was inspired, everyone wants to make friends with those who are happy, optimistic and full of enthusiasm. Success needs your confidence, passion and positive attitude; living a happy life needs your confidence, passion and positive attitude. All this needs you to â€Å"believe in yourself†. So, believe in tomorrow, believe in dream, and believe in yourself!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Complete List of Shakespeare’s Plays
A Complete List of Shakespeare’s Plays Scholars of Elizabethan drama believe that William Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays between 1590 and 1612. These dramatic works encompass a wide range of subjects and styles, from the playful A Midsummer Nights Dream to the gloomy Macbeth. Shakespeares plays can be roughly divided into three genres- comedies, histories, and tragedies- though some works, such as The Tempest and The Winters Tale, straddle the boundaries between these categories. Shakespeares first play is generally believed to be Henry VI Part I, a history play about English politics in the years leading up to the Wars of the Roses. The play was possibly a collaboration between Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, another Elizabethan dramatist who is best known for his tragedy Doctor Faustus. Shakespeares last play is believed to be The Two Noble Kinsmen, a tragicomedy co-written with John Fletcher in 1613, three years before Shakespeares death. Shakespeare's Plays in Chronological Order The exact order of the composition and performances of Shakespeare’s plays is difficult to prove- and therefore often disputed. The dates listed below are approximate and are based on the general consensus of when the plays were first performed: Henry VI Part I (1589-1590)Henry VI Part II (1590-1591)Henry VI Part III (1590-1591)Richard III (1592-1593)The Comedy of Errors (1592-1593)Titus Andronicus (1593-1594)The Taming of the Shrew (1593-1594)The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594-1595)Love’s Labour’s Lost (1594-1595)Romeo and Juliet (1594-1595)Richard II (1595-1596)A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595-1596)King John (1596-1597)The Merchant of Venice (1596-1597)Henry IV Part I (1597-1598)Henry IV Part II (1597-1598)Much Ado About Nothing (1598-1599)Henry V (1598-1599)Julius Caesar (1599-1600)As You Like It (1599-1600)Twelfth Night (1599-1600)Hamlet (1600-1601)The Merry Wives of Windsor (1600-1601)Troilus and Cressida (1601-1602)All’s Well That Ends Well (1602-1603)Measure for Measure (1604-1605)Othello (1604-1605)King Lear (1605-1606)Macbeth (1605-1606)Antony and Cleopatra (1606-1607)Coriolanus (1607-1608)Timon of Athens (1607-1608)Pericles (1608-1609)Cymbeline (1609-1610) The Winter’s Tale (1610-1611)The Tempest (1611-1612)Henry VIII (1612-1613)The Two Noble Kinsmen (1612-1613) Dating the Plays The chronology of Shakespeares plays remains a matter of some scholarly debate. Current consensus is based on a constellation of different data points, including publication information (dates taken from titles pages, etc.), known performance dates, and information from contemporary diaries and other records. Though each play can be assigned a narrow date range, it is impossible to know exactly which year any one of Shakespeares plays was composed. Even when exact performance dates are known, nothing conclusive can be said about when each play was written. Further complicating the matter is the fact that many of Shakespeares plays exist in multiple editions, making it even more difficult to determine when the authoritative versions were completed. For example, there are several surviving versions of Hamlet, three of which were printed in the First Quarto, Second Quarto, and First Folio, respectively. The version printed in the Second Quarto is the longest version of Hamlet, though it does not include over 50 lines that appear in the First Folio version. Modern scholarly editions of the play contain material from multiple sources. Authorship Controversy Another controversial question regarding Shakespeares bibliography is whether the Bard actually authored all of the plays assigned to his name. In the 19th century, a number of literary historians popularized the so-called anti-Stratfordian theory, which held that Shakespeares plays were actually the work of Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, or possibly a group of playwrights. Subsequent scholars, however, have dismissed this theory, and the current consensus is that Shakespeare- the man born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564- did in fact write all of the plays that bear his name. Nevertheless, there is strong evidence that some of Shakespeares plays were collaborations. In 2016, a group of scholars performed an analysis of all three parts of Henry VI and came to the conclusion that the play includes the work of Christopher Marlowe. Future editions of the play published by Oxford University Press will credit Marlowe as co-author. Another play, The Two Noble Kinsmen, was co-written with John Fletcher, who also worked with Shakespeare on the lost play Cardenio. Some scholars believe that Shakespeare may have also collaborated with George Peele, an English dramatist and poet; George Wilkins, an English dramatist and inn-keeper; and Thomas Middleton, a successful author of numerous stage works, including comedies, tragedies, and pageants.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Get a Corrected Social Security Card
How to Get a Corrected Social Security Card By law, your Social Security card must show your current legal name. If you legally change your name because of marriage, divorce, court order or any other legal reason, you must inform Social Security as soon as possible so they can issue you a corrected Social Security card. Fast Facts Federal law requires that Social Security cards display the cardholder’s current and correct legal name.In the event of a name change resulting from marriage, divorce, court order or any other legal reason, the cardholder must notify the Social Security Administration as soon as possible and apply for a corrected Social Security card.Applications for a corrected Social Security card cannot be submitted online. Applications may only be submitted at a Social Security field office or by conventional mail.There is no charge connected with applying for a corrected Social Security card. Failure to inform Social Security of your name change could cost you money by delaying your tax refunds and preventing your wages from being added to your Social Security account record, which could reduce your future Social Security benefits. There is no charge for getting a corrected Social Security card, however, because of the documentation you must provide, you cannot apply for one online. Apply To get a corrected Social Security card, you need to: Download and print out a Form SS-5 – Application for Social Security Card.Fill out the application and assemble the required proof of identity documents (see below).Take or mail the application and all required documents to your local Social Security office. Documents Serving as Proof of a Legal Name Change You will need proof of your current legal name. In some cases, you may also need to show proof of your current U.S. citizenship or legal permanent resident (green card) status. Documents Social Security will accept as proof of a legal name change include original or certified copies of: Marriage licenses;Divorce decrees;Certificates of naturalization showing a new name; orCourt orders for a name change. Note: All documents submitted must be either originals or copies certified by the agency issuing them. Social Security will not accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. A â€Å"certified†copy of a document will typically have a raised, embossed, impressed, or multicolored seal placed on the document by the issuing agency. Some agencies will offer a choice of certified or non-certified copies and may charge an extra fee for certified copies. When needed for Social Security purposes, always request a certified copy. If Your Documents Are Too Old It is important that you notify Social Security of your name change as soon as possible. If you legally changed your name more than two years before applying for a corrected Social Security card, or if the documents you provide do not give enough information to fully identify you, you may also be required to provide two additional identifying documents including: At least one document showing your old name; andA second document with your new legal name. Proof of Citizenship If Social Security tells you that you need to prove your status as a U.S. citizen, they will accept only an original or certified copy of your U.S. birth certificate or U.S. passport. Foreign-born citizens, including naturalized citizens and immigrants with legal permanent resident status, may be allowed to use: Certificate of NaturalizationCertificate of CitizenshipCertificate of Report of BirthConsular Report of Birth Abroad Proving Your Identity If you do need to provide Social Security with further proof of your identity, they will accept only current documents showing your current legal name, date of birth or age, and a recent photograph. Examples of such documents include: U.S. drivers license;State-issued identification card; orU.S. passport. If you do not have any of those documents, Social Security might accept other documents, such as: Employee identification card;School identification card;Health insurance card (other than a Medicare card); orU.S. military identification card. Your Number Will Not Change Your corrected Social Security card – which will be mailed to you will have the same Social Security number as your old card but will show your new name. Protect Your Social Security Number Speaking of Social Security numbers, they are the main thing identity thieves need to rob you blind. As result, Social Security has long advised that it is rarely necessary to show anybody your Social Security card. â€Å"Do not carry your card with you. Keep it in a safe place with your other important papers,†advises the Social Security Administration.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
National Electronic Healthcare Record Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
National Electronic Healthcare Record - Essay Example To Blobel (2002), in order to maintain an efficient and high-quality care of patients, the status and processes related to patient’s health, either directly and indirectly, must be provided and managed. Such information, he says, would include medical observation, ward procedures, laboratory results, medical controlling, account management and billing, materials and pharmacy, and the like. As explained by Blobel (2002), inter-organizational virtual electronic healthcare records, in fact, can be built when health information systems within establishments converge to electronic patient record systems. EHRs require that much, he says, but they enable healthcare establishments to build a basis for any communication and cooperation within and between themselves (Ibid). Lander and Daniel (n.d.).defines a virtual electronic health record (EHR) as a collection of individual records that reside in a variety of information systems and locations and on multiple types of media. It contains information from many health-related encounters and will collectively reflect the current health status and lifetime medical history of an individual. There are many benefits that most healthcare professionals agree would ensue if the industry could finally implement a universal EHR. (Smith & Newell, n.d.). A lot of clinical and administrative benefits would be recognized then. As discussed by Smith & Newell (n.d.), there would be immediate and universal access to the patient record, easier and quicker navigation through records, no lost charts, and clinical data that is formatted to be easy to read and analyze. Further, there would be reduction of paperwork, documentation errors, and filing activities. Considered would be coding efficiency and efficacy, alerts for medication errors, drug interactions, and patient allergies, including the ability to electronically transmit information to other providers. As to progress, EHR models are said to be still struggling towards
Thursday, October 31, 2019
LDAP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
LDAP - Coursework Example As its name shows, it is a lightweight client-server protocol which is used for directory services, particularly the directory services which are based on X.500. Additionally, LDAP is implemented on TCP/IP or other connection oriented data transfer services. LDAP supported user programs are able to inquire LDAP servers to search for entries using a variety of techniques. In this scenario, LDAP servers’ directory holds all the data in its entries, as well as cleans can be employed to choose immediately the group or person we desired, and provide immediately the data and information we desired. On the other hand, LDAP is not restricted to contact details, or yet data regarding diverse public. LDAP can also be used to search for pointers to printers, encryption credentials as well as additional services on a framework, in addition to particular sign-on where one password for a client is distributed among a lot of services. Moreover, LDAP is very useful for some types of directory related details, where quick searches as well as fewer repeated database based updates are the standard (Gracion, 2010; Briggs & Spence, 2000; The Linux Documentation Project, 2010). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the security features which LDAP supports, then it will assess that how can access control list be implemented on the LDAP servers. Afterward it will also analyze the security auditing features that LDAP supports in addition to the detection of brute forcing attacks (such as NAT) against a LDAP server. LDAP AN OVERVIEW Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) offers a network directory service that is used as a central database containing the vital data and information regarding the groups, public and additional units that form a business. Seeing that each organization's framework and its accurate description of necessary information can be diverse, thus in this scenario a directory service has to be extremely tailored and supple. However, it is an in trinsically difficult task. In this scenario, the X.500 network protocol intended for directory services is a main aspect under consideration. In view of the fact that it was intended to offer extensive directory services for huge and intricate businesses, therefore, X.500 is itself a huge and complicated network protocol, consequently in order that a trivial adaptation of it was developed which is acknowledged as LDAP. LDAP, explained in RFC 1777, is considered as a division of the X.500 network protocol, as well as it has been applied more extensively as compared to X.500 itself has been deployed in any framework (Bauer, 2003; Donnelly, 2000; Briggs & Spence, 2000). In this scenario, it can be said that LDAP and X.500 are unconfined network protocols, similar to TCP/IP; neither is an individual suite. Seeing that a network protocol has to be applied in a number of ways of software, like that a server domain, or kernel component, or else a user program. Additionally, as compared to TCP/IP, all the performances of LDAP are not similar or yet totally able to communicate (with no alterations). Fortunately LDAP is implemented and designed to be widespread. Moreover,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Assignment 13 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
13 - Assignment Example are different in employment of labor where in some organizations, workers have the freedom to choose what they want to do while in others, duties are assigned to employees. However, many inequalities that arise from the nature of the employment, as identified by, Adam Smith need to be addressed to create harmony in the work place. These principal counter balances in some employment while in others, it is a gain. The first principal, the wages of labour vary with the hardship, the cleanliness, the honorableness of the employment. Those who carry out heavy duties earn more that those who undertake light duties. Additionally, dirtier work tends to fetch more wages than the clean ones and exposure to unsafe or dangerous environment (Smith and Dickey, 1993). The employees in dishonorable employment may take home more wages than those in the honorable employment because it takes patience and courage to carry out the duties; however, this is not always the case in all employment. This also applies in the profits of stock the bigger the stock the more the profit it earns. Secondly, the wages of labour vary with the easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and expense of learning the business. If an employment requires a skilled person who have taken enough time to learn about it and used expensive resources, the level of wages must be high. This is because time consumed in training is great and not just anyone who can perform the duties especially the specialized ones be it technical or technological. Skilled labour fetches more wages and as one upgrade the position is left vacant for another to join and learn as the latter continues with his/her training under the master just like it is in Europe (Smith and Dickey). Easiness and cheapness hardly affect the stock of profit because for any business to do well, a lot of effort must be employed. Thirdly, the wages of labour in different occupations vary with the constancy or inconstancy of employment. Employment varies
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Workers Participation Management Management Essay
What Is Workers Participation Management Management Essay The term participation is derived from Latin word Participare that mean taking part or sharing shaving is a bilateral process involving motivational functional manifestations, the term worker participation involves sharing in an appropriate manner. The decision- making power with the lower ranks of the organization. Workers participation in management is an essential ingredient of Industrial democracy and is based on Human Relations approach to Management which brought about a new set of values to labour and management. Traditionally the concept of Workers Participation in Management (WPM) refers to participation of non-managerial employees in the decision-making process of the organization. Workers participation is also known as labour participation or employee participation in management. Concept:- The technique of the workers participation in management has been regarded as a powerful behavioral tool for managing the industrial relation system. The concept of the WPM crystallizes the concept of industrial democracy and indicates an attempt on the employer to build his employee into a team, which works towards the realization of common objectives. It is a mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to constitute to goals and share responsibilities with them. Objectives of WPM: 1.       To establish Industrial Democracy. 2.       To build the most dynamic Human Resources. 3.       To satisfy the workers social and esteem needs. 4.       To strengthen labour-management co-operation and thus maintain Industrial peace and harmony. 5.       To promote increased productivity for the advantage of the organization, workers and the society at large. 6.       Its psychological objective is to secure full recognition of the workers. Strategies / Schemes of WPM: 1.       Suggestion Schemes: Participation of workers can take place through suggestion scheme. Under this method workers are invited and encouraged to offer suggestions for improving the working of the enterprise. A suggestion box is installed and any worker can write his suggestions and drop them in the box. Periodically all the suggestions are scrutinized by the suggestion committee or suggestion screening committee. The committee is constituted by equal representation from the management and the workers. The committee screens various suggestions received from the workers. Good suggestions are accepted for implementation and suitable awards are given to the concerned workers. Suggestion schemes encourage workers interest in the functioning of an enterprise. 2.       Works committee: Under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, every establishment employing 100 or more workers is required to constitute a works committee. Such a committee consists of equal number of representatives from the employer and the employees. The main purpose of this committee is to provide measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations between the employer and the employees. Functions: Works committee deals with matters of day-to-day functioning at the shop floor level. Works committees are concerned with: Æ’Â °Ã‚  Conditions of work such as ventilation, lighting and sanitation. Æ’Â °Ã‚  Amenities such as drinking water, canteens, dining rooms, medical and health services. Æ’Â °Ã‚  Educational and recreational activities. Æ’Â °Ã‚  Safety measures, accident prevention mechanisms etc. Works committees function actively in some organizations like Tata Steel, HLL, etc but the progress of Works Committees in many organizations has not been very satisfactory due to the following reasons: Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Lack of competence and interest on the part of workers representatives. Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Employees consider it below their dignity and status to sit alongside blue-collar workers. Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Lack of feedback on performance of Works Committee. Æ’Â ¼Ã‚  Undue delay and problems in implementation due to advisory nature of recommendations. 3.       Joint Management Councils: Under this system Joint Management Councils are constituted at the plant level. These councils were setup as early as 1958. These councils consist of equal number of representatives of the employers and employees, not exceeding 12 at the plant level. The plant should employ at least500 workers. The council discusses various matters relating to the working of the industry. This council is entrusted with the responsibility of administering welfare measures, supervision of safety and health schemes, scheduling of working hours, rewards for suggestions etc. Wages, bonus, personal problems of the workers are outside the scope of Joint management councils. The council is to take up issues related to accident prevention, management of canteens, water, meals, revision of work rules, absenteeism, indiscipline etc. the performance of Joint Management Councils have not been satisfactory due to the following reasons:  ·Ã‚         Workers representatives feel dissatisfied as the councils functions are concerned with only the welfare activities.  ·Ã‚         Trade unions fear that these councils will weaken their strength as workers come under the direct influence of these councils. 4.       Work Directors: Under this method, one or two representatives of workers are nominated or elected to the Board of Directors. This is the full-fledged and highest form of workers participation in management. The basic idea behind this method is that the representation of workers at the top-level would usher Industrial Democracy, congenial employee-employer relations and safeguard the workers interests. The Government of India introduced this scheme in several public sector enterprises such as Hindustan Antibiotics, Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd etc. However the scheme of appointment of such a director from among the employees failed miserably and the scheme was subsequently dropped. 5.       Co-partnership: Co-partnership involves employees participation in the share capital of a company in which they are employed. By virtue of their being shareholders, they have the right to participate in the management of the company. Shares of the company can be acquired by workers making cash payment or by way of stock options scheme. The basic objective of stock options is not to pass on control in the hands of employees but providing better financial incentives for industrial productivity. But in developed countries, WPM through co-partnership is limited. 6.       Joint Councils: The joint councils are constituted for the whole unit, in every Industrial Unit employing 500 or more workers, there should be a Joint Council for the whole unit. Only such persons who are actually engaged in the unit shall be the members of Joint Council. A joint council shall meet at least once in a quarter. The chief executive of the unit shall be the chairperson of the joint council. The vice-chairman of the joint council will be nominated by the worker members of the council. The decisions of the Joint Council shall be based on the consensus and not on the basis of voting.  In 1977 the above scheme was extended to the PSUs like commercial and service sector organizations employing 100 or more persons. The organizations include hotels, hospitals, railway and road transport, post and telegraph offices, state electricity boards. Levels of Management Participation There can be 5 levels of Management Participation or WPM: a.       Information participation: It ensures that employees are able to receive information and express their views pertaining to the matter of general economic importance. b.      Consultative importance: Here workers are consulted on the matters of employee welfare such as work, safety and health. However, final decision always rests with the top-level management, as employees views are only advisory in nature. c.       Associative participation: It is an extension of consultative participation as management here is under the moral obligation to accept and implement the unanimous decisions of the employees. Under this method the managers and workers jointly take decisions. d.      Administrative participation: It ensures greater share of workers participation in discharge of managerial functions. Here, decisions already taken by the management come to employees, preferably with alternatives for administration and employees have to select the best from those for implementation. e.      Decisive participation: Highest level of participation where decisions are jointly taken on the matters relating to production, welfare etc. Reasons for failure of Workers participation Movement in India: 1.       Employers resist the participation of workers in decision-making. This is because they feel that workers are not competent enough to take decisions. 2.       Workers representatives who participate in management have to perform the dual roles of workers spokesman and a co-manager. Very few representatives are competent enough to assume the two incompatible roles. 3.       Generally Trade Unions leaders who represent workers are also active members of various political parties. While participating in management they tend to give priority to political interests rather than the workers cause. 4.       Schemes of workers participation have been initiated and sponsored by the Government. However, there has been a lack of interest and initiative on the part of both the trade unions and employers. Measures for making Participation effective: 1.       Employer should adopt a progressive outlook. They should consider the industry as a joint endeavour in which workers have an equal say. Workers should be provided and enlightened about the benefits of their participation in the management. 2.       Employers and workers should agree on the objectives of the industry. They should recognize and respect the rights of each other. 3.       Workers and their representatives should be provided education and training in the philosophy and process of participative management. Workers should be made aware of the benefits of participative management. 4.       There should be effective communication between workers and management and effective consultation of workers by the management in decisions that have an impact on them. Viper Report
Friday, October 25, 2019
Blacks and Whites in Movies Essay -- essays research papers
The object of this paper is to portray the role of African Americans and Whites in modern contemporary films. It is evident that there has been a great deal of effort in the integration of black people into American society. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has strived to undo the ties of segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans. The NAACP has used several strategies to overturn segregation rules and obtain suffrage for black citizens. With the introduction of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s, the motto â€Å"We shall overcome’ served as inspiration for the fight against segregation. Although much effort has been made to integrate black people into society over the years, there still exists significant segregation with respect to roles in motion pictures and modern film. However, great advancements have been made in recent years to overcome this struggle to equally include African Americans in the wealth and success of the media culture. With the recent surge of technological advancement and media industry, the black role has simultaneously advanced. The African American history of struggle, misrepresentation, and segregation has been the theme of many modern movies, music, and television shows. African Americans are taking advantage of this opportunity to represent the African American culture, even though it serves to explain their historical oppression and misfortune and not of their success and well-being. They are turning a negative history into a positive career and future. Approximately eighty years ago, it was only a thought that African Americans should indeed make movies and appear in the big screen alongside white actors and actresses. Today this dream is now reality. The road to making motion pictures with the inclusion of African Americans has been evolutionary on all levels with lots of observable changes. The movie industry has become more willing to produce new themes an d films featuring African Americans as stars.      The advancement of African Americans in the movie industry has become evident with their recent accolades in film roles and production. The Oscars present a golden statuette to a person in recognition of their achievements in the filmmaking industry. History was made in 2001 when African Americans won in both the Best Actor and Best Actress categ... ...bsp;Train- white lady stares at them- sara and Derek purposely make a scene for a reaction †¢Ã‚     Sara ends it with Derek †¢Ã‚     Sara makes Julliard †¢Ã‚     Happy ending with Sara and Derek Guess Who- Kevin Rodney Sulliven- 2005 Ashton Kutcher- Simon Bernie Mac- Percy Zoe Saldana- Theresa Judith Scott- Marilyn †¢Ã‚     Simon –white, Theresa- black, engaged †¢Ã‚     Cranford- NJ- meet the parents †¢Ã‚     Don’t know that Simon is white †¢Ã‚     Confuse black taxi driver and simon †¢Ã‚     Shocked- Percy doesn’t like him †¢Ã‚     Theresa tries to talk to the mom about it †¢Ã‚     Percy shares bed with Simon †¢Ã‚     Racial statements †¢Ã‚     Percy and Simon drive women away †¢Ã‚     Help each other-begin a relationship †¢Ã‚     Happy ending.                     Blacks and Whites in Movies Essay -- essays research papers The object of this paper is to portray the role of African Americans and Whites in modern contemporary films. It is evident that there has been a great deal of effort in the integration of black people into American society. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has strived to undo the ties of segregation and disenfranchisement of African Americans. The NAACP has used several strategies to overturn segregation rules and obtain suffrage for black citizens. With the introduction of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s, the motto â€Å"We shall overcome’ served as inspiration for the fight against segregation. Although much effort has been made to integrate black people into society over the years, there still exists significant segregation with respect to roles in motion pictures and modern film. However, great advancements have been made in recent years to overcome this struggle to equally include African Americans in the wealth and success of the media culture. With the recent surge of technological advancement and media industry, the black role has simultaneously advanced. The African American history of struggle, misrepresentation, and segregation has been the theme of many modern movies, music, and television shows. African Americans are taking advantage of this opportunity to represent the African American culture, even though it serves to explain their historical oppression and misfortune and not of their success and well-being. They are turning a negative history into a positive career and future. Approximately eighty years ago, it was only a thought that African Americans should indeed make movies and appear in the big screen alongside white actors and actresses. Today this dream is now reality. The road to making motion pictures with the inclusion of African Americans has been evolutionary on all levels with lots of observable changes. The movie industry has become more willing to produce new themes an d films featuring African Americans as stars.      The advancement of African Americans in the movie industry has become evident with their recent accolades in film roles and production. The Oscars present a golden statuette to a person in recognition of their achievements in the filmmaking industry. History was made in 2001 when African Americans won in both the Best Actor and Best Actress categ... ...bsp;Train- white lady stares at them- sara and Derek purposely make a scene for a reaction †¢Ã‚     Sara ends it with Derek †¢Ã‚     Sara makes Julliard †¢Ã‚     Happy ending with Sara and Derek Guess Who- Kevin Rodney Sulliven- 2005 Ashton Kutcher- Simon Bernie Mac- Percy Zoe Saldana- Theresa Judith Scott- Marilyn †¢Ã‚     Simon –white, Theresa- black, engaged †¢Ã‚     Cranford- NJ- meet the parents †¢Ã‚     Don’t know that Simon is white †¢Ã‚     Confuse black taxi driver and simon †¢Ã‚     Shocked- Percy doesn’t like him †¢Ã‚     Theresa tries to talk to the mom about it †¢Ã‚     Percy shares bed with Simon †¢Ã‚     Racial statements †¢Ã‚     Percy and Simon drive women away †¢Ã‚     Help each other-begin a relationship †¢Ã‚     Happy ending.                    Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Darkness at Noon Revision Notes Essay
Why does Nikolai Rubashov confess to crimes against the revolution that he has not committed? What are the political options open to Rubashov following his arrest? Which option does he choose? Are the implications of the political argument in Arthur Koester’s Darkness at Noon anti-revolutionary or merely anti-Stalinist? Is Darkness at Noon an attempt to explain why the Russian Revolution in particular failed or is it an attempt to explain why all revolutions that rely on violent means to achieve their ends must fail? What is the central political argument of Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon? What are the political implications of his argument? Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? What political options are open to Rubashov after he is arrested? Following Rubashov’s arrest Ivanov gave the option of going through a public trial by confessing to certain acts, or having a private administrative trial. Public trial: * This could lead to the discrediting and weakening of the ideology * Rubashov held a high position within the party, and for him to be seen as a dissident would have stirred other revolutionaries * Would have made it more difficult for the party to discredit his views if Rubashov did not publically denounce himself * Doesn’t serve the revolution * Preserves his own honour in some ways but is of no use to the greater good Confess: * Rubashov capitulates in order to serve the revolution and the party * Although he was not guilty of anything, he cannot find any reason in his own mind not to capitulate. Rubashov has been a creature of the party for his whole life, and now the party demands that he should confess * Justice and objective truth have ceased to have any meaning for him * He feels superior to his Czarist officer who inhabits the next cell, showing the differences in thought processes from a person ingrained with the party ideology versus the ‘bourgeois’ angle who would uphold his honour * The officer believes that honour is about doing what you think is right, an individualist perspective, where as Rubashov contends that to uphold the honour of the regime/revolution is more honourable. Ideology dictates the actions of all players in the regime – citizen and state To serve the revolution, Rubashov finds it necessary to capitulate – serves the greater good – it is better to confess to crimes not committed than to risk the reputation of the revolution for his own honour – grammatical fiction: there is no I. This is a demonstration of the corruption of revolutions enacted through violent means. The means don’t justify the ends when the citizens are being overlooked – the revolution is supposed to act for the good of the people, but the ideology has become corrupted to serve the good of itself and its leader. Outline the most important differences in the political mentality of Rubashov’s interrogators- Ivanov and Gletkin? Ivanov * He lived before the revolution, and was an intellectual who helped bring about and serve the revolution * He is not a man of violence – would prefer to persuade Rubashov rather than beat him. Coercion is a last resort for him, but if it is necessary, he believes that the ends do justify the means. Gletkin * Gletkin is of the second generation of the revolution. He comes from a peasant background, is not an intellectual. Rubashov thinks of him as little more than a violent thug. * His political views are therefore those of the party, he accepts what is force fed to him without thinking critically about it. * He is a man of violence. He wants to beat and torture Rubashov to obtain his confession. Therefore he doesn’t believe in the idea of persuasion. However this does show that he believes the end justifies the means. * Gletkin is the culmination of what Koestler argues went wrong with the revolution – he represents totalitarian thought, and he is the kind of individual that it produces. * ‘born without an umbilical cord’
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reporting Practices and Ethics Essay
Financial practices and ethics can play an important part of any organization including the health care environment. In order for the health care organization to be successful one must adopt an efficient financial practice and possess ethical standards. The management of finances for a health care organization may be a challenge for managers. This is why the health care manager will follow four basic elements for financial management. The basic elements include planning, controlling, organizing and directing, and decision making (Baker & Baker, 2011). Health Care Organizations have accounting principles generally acceptable and will comply with the financial practice and the practice of ethics to avoid fraud or abuse of the reporting practices. Elements of Financial Management Financial management has four basic elements, which assist the manager in making effective decisions for the health care organization. The first element of financial management is planning. The financial manager needs to identify the steps that he or she needs to take to accomplish the goals of the organization. However, first the manager must determine what the goal is for the organization and at that time determine what steps to follow to achieve the goal. The next element is controlling; a plan is in place that each area of the organization must follow. The financial manager must ensure that the areas are following such plans. The staff can view the current reports and make a comparison with reports from the past. In comparing previous and current reports the financial manager can see if an area in the organization needs more attention because the area may not be meeting its goals. The third element is organizing and directing. In organizing the financial manager must decide on what resources are best to use to be more effective. The manager must also determine how to use those resources effectively to reach the goal of the organization. In directing, the manager must provide supervision daily to run the organizing element efficiently. The final element is decision making. The manager must make decisions with the alternatives available such as information in the reports. Decision making should be side-by-side with planning, controlling, and organizing. When making a decision the manager must analyze and evaluate the information to make effective decisions (Baker & Baker, 2011). Acceptable Accounting Principles Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) provides guidelines to the company’s financial manager. The guidelines will cover the principles of accounting and practices. The generally accepted accounting principles guideline, guides the financial manager in the reporting and recording the financial information. For example, the financial manager will use the guidelines when preparing the financial statements such as the balance sheet. One health care organizations practice for releasing financial information will perform a practice of reconciliation in accounting. One organization reviews the balance sheets and makes them compatible as one. The next step is to determine the classification of each balance sheet such as high risk or low risk. The final step is the organization must decide a reporting schedule such as monthly or yearly. In knowing and understanding the documents and how to analyze the information this prevents an auditor from finding misstatements (Cox, Draa, 2008). Standard Financial Ethics Making an ethical decision is a requirement of health care managers. One must ensure the meeting of needs of individuals within the organization. Principles of ethics include fairness, justice, and professionalism. The organization possesses a code of ethics when interpreting the organizations transactions such as losses or assets. The Health Care Portability and Accountability Act help reduce abuse and fraud concerning finances whether it is deliberate or unintentional. Fraud and abuse is increasing because of the increase in the delivery of health care. Organizations take better actions in working toward the reduction of fraud and abuse. One way to do this is to develop a compliance program, which a financial manager will play a key role. Compliance programs allow a proper practice on reporting the financials, and comply with the ethical conduct standard by avoiding fraud and abuse (Hern, n.d. ). Conclusion For an organization to be successful it needs to ensure the following of the financial reporting practices and maintain a standard of conduct ethically. The organization should follow the basic elements of financial management. When an organization follows the steps in the correct order there is less of a chance the organization will receive an audit. As long as the organization follows the generally accepted accounting principles there is less chance of an audit, and less of a chance of fraud or abuse when reporting the finances. References. Baker, J. & Baker, R. (2011). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (3rd ed. ). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Cox, B. , & Draa, M. (2008). Back to basics with account reconciliations. Business Finance, 14(6), 38-38. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/211076250? accountid=35812 Hern, W. (n. d. ). Corporate compliance is a necessity, not an option – healthcare financial managers’ role in helping their organizations prevent financial fraud. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3257/is_n1_v51/ai_19146070.
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