Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Java In Browsers Research Paper - 1061 Words
Raelene Gomes Assignment 6 CISS3315 Mr. Gray Use of Java in Browsers Sun developed plugins for Java back in the 1990’s as a way to bring app-like features to web browsers. At the time, this seemed like a nice feature to have and it changed the look of web browsers forever. However, there are vulnerabilities with the technology that have never been fixed, even once taken over by Oracle. These issues affect the security of the plugins and have contributed to its decline and lack of support. While Java is still favored by developers for use in stand-alone programs, and users need it for some things on their computer, its wide use for web browsers is a thing of the past. History of Java The Java language was the creation of a group of Sun†¦show more content†¦While many of the security holes have been fixed, even the fixes have issues. In 2013, a zero-day vulnerability was caused by a patch to fix an earlier vulnerability. So, at the same time that Java was growing and being used in more applications, it was also being used in a malicious manor against those who may not even realize they were using it. Security The biggest problem that web developers have with Java plugins is the lack of security. It is known to be the most highly exploited software. For the last seven years, the attacks mostly have occurred in the â€Å"sandbox†mechanism. This feature was created as part of the security architecture and was intended to protect the user from malware by restricting access to features like the local file system or the communication networks. However, security flaws have allowed malware to bypass the sandbox. This enables cyber criminals to write malicious code that downloads malware to the user’s computer when the visit a criminal’s site or one that has been hacked. When major security flaws were discovered in the 2012 release, Oracle went as far as to recommend that users removed Java from their web browsers. This drastic move did nothing to help Java’s reputation, or Oracles either. While patches that mitigate these vulnerabilities are available, Oracle has bee n criticized for being slow to release them. Additionally, critics contend that users are still atShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Language of Java1170 Words  | 5 PagesThe Language of Java What is Java? Java, in it’s simplest definition, is a dynamic computer application that can run a program to accomplish a task. Java runs in all sorts of things in the average person’s life; things such as car stereo systems, televisions, cell phone applications, websites, and more. But, where did it come from, and how does it work, and how has it impacted our lives today? Java was first created by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan, and James Gosling in 1994. 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