Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Mexican President Felipe Calder - 989 Words

Name: Kevin Whitten Topic: Mexico s War on Drugs Purpose: Inform Organizational Plan: Topical Introduction Attention Getter: A bloody war has been raging on in North America for the last four years which has resulted in over 34,500 deaths as of December 2010, which was by far one of the most violent years so far with over 15,000 people killed. Speaker Purpose: Having been stationed in Fort Hood Texas for three years I often visited Mexico and being an addict in recovery, in some small way recovery I feel responsible for the violence that is now consuming Mexico. Audience Purpose: Some of you in the audience may also be recovering addicts or know someone who is struggling with drug addiction. America is a nation full of†¦show more content†¦The United States counter narcotics assistance has been intensified, but the United States is not ready to deploy troops to Mexico yet. vii. Quote: â€Å"Major components of International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement assistance include aviation support, operational support for Mexico s drug interdiction and eradication programs; and, professionalization and training of Mexican law enforcement personnel.† **I also read in the same article that investment were about 27.8 million for 2008.( Not part of the quote) viii. Source: CRS report for Congress, Mexico’s Drug Cartels, Colleen W. Cook, Analyst in Latin American Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, 2007 Transition Conclusion Summary: Now that you are aware of the war that has been raging on in Mexico and has claimed the lives of over 34,500 people since December of 2006 and has left the Mexican government frantically scrambling to maintain the peace and regain control in their country. I also briefly described some of the joint efforts our two countries are taking in response to one of the most violent and bloody years Mexico has witness since their countries war on drugs started over four years. Parting Thought: There is no doubt that war of any kind affects us

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